Man or Woman?

Man or Woman?

I, myself, hate when I cant tell the difference. I found this one hard - what do you think?

Another one to help

Hard to say. 50/50

Not very attractive either way.

That's a man baby

Omg if you have to ask. It appears to look like a woman but for sure its a men with mental illness

>man baby
Doesn't look like Trump to me.

back to your containment board nigger


Woman but a dumpster fire of a woman

Clearly a man.

Please let this be a man.


I don't care. Either way, I'm fucking that. If a man, still 2 out of 3 holes that I can fuck.


*epic slam high-five*



Literally a man OP how bad are you at recognizing facial structures jesus

It's a dude unless she has some medical condition where you create too much testosterone.


Look up Louise Hammergren om fb. Its a "woman".

I'm just going to accept some people beat the genetic coding

100% man. Did you even have to ask? It's obvious.


A lot of men run around in makeup and dresses, they're still men.

keep telling yourself that.