>Mfw I support Trump in the most Liberal place in earth
>"user YOU FUC..."
>"I'm Mexican
Why can't lib fags see that Mexicans support Trump as well, it completely destroys the narrative of "Muh Donald is da bad racis"
Any spic-bros or POC know this feel?
Mfw I support Trump in the most Liberal place in earth
why don't people realize that these illegal scumbags end up in the Mexican communities and fuck shit up there?
It literally will take someone with no opinion or knowledge and force there opinion upon them, also social media is a big part as well.
What I want most is for Trump to get the latino vote over Shillary in the general. It will be the eternal stumping.
I take it to the next level
>I support Donald Trump
>I'm Salvadoran not Mexican you racist shitlord
I love watching them implode, I fucking hate illegals and mexican nationalist and their white lib enablers
Yeah this is what happens with me too.
Once you get into the nuanced stuff and specific regions/ethnic groups liberals lose their shit because (surprise) they lump all browns and blacks together as one collective thought group,
I kek'd so fucking hard
it's amazing because they stereotype the fuck out of all minorities, assuming that they will believe in and vote exactly how the left wants them to. hearing a white liberal tell a minority what they should believe in as a minority is so fucking racist yet they can't grasp that concept.
I always argue that liberals are the biggest racists there are, life is weird and I somehow found myself sitting down and talking to a Klansmen in a bar.
My surprise when he wasn't some flaming evil racist that the media portrays, he just seemed like a man whose concerned about the well being of his community and people just like anyone else and with good reason in SoCal
Libs on the other hand go all out and expose themselves while pretending to give a shit
>Pochos ITT
Conservative PoC are victims of the white supremacy that permeates Western culture and have been brainwashed to do the white man's bidding. You're a victim. I'm so sorry for the damage white people have caused. I hope you become informed because you're clearly too stupid to have your own opinions.
0.02 Shekels :)
What a semen demon
It must feel so good to trap those fags in their own hypocrisy
It is, I'm going to college next year after a stint in the military and I can't wait to shit on these liberals world.
I've gotten a couple before and they end up just shutting the fuck up as I play the poor little "offended" victim act as they check the fuck out their privilege.
I was fucking diamonds
>be leaf in vancouver
>be very out lesbian
>support trump
>wear maga hat
the triggers
Trump doesn't want dykes on his side. Gay men are fine, but lesbians are the worst.
I support the Don and I am Puerto Rican.
No, I'm not an Uncle Tom. Well, I have nothing to worry about, I'm not Mexican :^)
I'm muslim and I openly support Trump. Islam has to modernize and it never will as long as the mullah motherfuckers are running things.
So many SJW tears.
the fuck what flag is that
Trinity and Toboggan
nigger please, no one cares what the fuck you are or do as long as you don't preach it to others, i.e. sexualizing children and making them sexually identify before they are even legally allowed to have sex.
like, if some dude does heroin, and he tells me he's voting for trump, i'm like good great glad to have you on board. he knows heroin is bad and would never tell others to do it, is the difference.
You vastly overestimate junkies. And lesbians. Lesbians pushed for gay marriage. They're the backbone of the social justice movement. Gay guys just suck each other off behind 7-11.
>mexican living in canada
What'd you say to me Ese?
In all seriousness I'm half white.
>well we need Trump to win this election so our country doesn't become New South Africa
>I know! let's alienate entire demographics from the get-go!
of course most gays/junkies/degenerates in general are liberals, but ostracizing those who align politically with you is fucking retarded and you're a moron for doing this. it's like seeing a gay dude order the same meal as you at a restaurant then going over and demanding that only you are able to eat it.
t. dyke
Because it doesn't fit their narrative. Their narrative is that blacks are always democrat and gays cannot support Trump.
I don't know what society expects of Asians though
Actually I hate the idea of gay marriage because marriage as a state-recognized union is worthless. If you want to give tax incentives based and family benefits, do it based around children not on the couple.
Marriage is a religious and cultural reference point and government is meaningless within it.
t. disgusting heterosexual cis white male actually
you're saying that you would rather see Trump lose with lesbians or junkies voting for him, than see him win with their support?
that is the dumbest notion i've encountered in a while
>with lesbians or junkies
t. dyke
>tfw dad is a Mexican Nationalist type who hates Trump
>only lived in Mexico for three years before his family immigrated here.
It's a miracle I didn't turn out to become a fucking idiot with a dad like that.
>those white liberals are all the same i tell ya
kek. I love you america.
>i lost the argument so it's time to post reaction images and spam my ad hominem that was already BTFO
have it your way, burger king
t. dyke
>liberalism isn't a cult
just lol
Is it really? Israeli politics doesn't quite revolve around the same liberalism vs conservative narrative but a lefty is a lefty and I've met some decent ones. Especially young girls that don't really have much confidence in their opinions and are afraid to be wrong so they don't make bold statements they can't back up once they realize you might criticize them if they fuck up.
>supporting liberalism
>that flag
Kek, what a coincidence
>t. Mr. Shekelberg Goldstein
You're not a Mexican.
You were born outside of Mexico and was raised in another country. You're a filthy pocho. You're as Mexican as a taco from taco Bell.
>>supporting liberalism
Oy vey I would never commit such shoah.
Look at me in the eyes user. Does this look like the face of a dishonest man? Can't Jews be friends, too?
let's put it this way, if you polled self-identifying liberals, they all have the same exact progressive views, out of fear that they will be ostracized for believing anything outside of what's accepted for being "educated." on the right, there's all kinds of opinions, you have people that want to go to war against ISIS, you have people that want to just stay the fuck away and don't let anyone immigrate, you have people who think abortion is fine, you have pro-lifers, etc.
liberal has come to mean the exact opposite of the word. there is zero diversity in their thought.
hot lesbians are fine. bull dykes not so much
Jews from the mid-west and small towns are generally just normal nice people, but the rich jews from cities are absolutely brutal people. think of ari from entourage.
>Not white
>Look white
Liberals claim I dont count.
There's no such thing as a hot lesbian. The sorotity girls who fool around with each other in college and in porn? They're not real lesbians.
yeah dude any "bi" chicks are just straight up hos, not necessarily gay. i imagine using a dildo vs a real dick is like condom vs no condom, why the fuck would you want some other chick to shove a cucumber in you when you could get pounded by a real dick
I find it hard to believe. When I talk to "liberals" and it's just me and them I don't get the sense that they're holding back out of fear of being ostracized, it's just a conversation. I think the majority of liberals are well intended but misguided, most of the shit they say I can see how it makes sense to them, but it doesn't work because they lack a broader understanding of human nature and economy. It's just the crazy ones get disproportional exposure and attention due to the internet, but for many of them if you explain to them why raising minimum wage too much hurts the economy or why having arabs in your country isn't such a wise idea, they can accept it.
>but for many of them if you explain to them why raising minimum wage too much hurts the economy or why having arabs in your country isn't such a wise idea, they can accept it.
you have no idea how bad it is here... extreme leftism is mainstream now. they won't even entertain arguments about immigration or the minimum wage, to them it's immutable fact that immigration = good and taxing rich people and giving free shit to the poor = good, no matter the circumstances.
Same reason I tell libs I'm gay. Blows their mind.
No, some Mexican-Americans do know that they get fucked if they 'Murka lets in illegal scum, even if those illegals are Mexicans. Maybe especially if they're Mexican.
They also don't appreciate that these illegal newcomers didn't have to go through what they went through to get in, or what their ancestors went through when Mexico gave up half of their clay and the people in it. And they know they don't want to go back to being part of Mexico or their communities turned into Mexico 2.0. Some don't even identify as Mexican anymore, and some couldn't even speak or understand Spanish. They've successfully integrated and want nothing to do with their illegal kin. They only see themselves as American.
That's why some of the Mexicans of Nevada wanted Trump. They don't want Bernie or Hillary, that will pave the way to the destruction of their prosperous (or at least decent) way of life. They want someone that will guarantee it, by forcing the newcomers to either do as they did and integrate, or GTFO and stay out.