fuck offerino edition
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fuck offerino edition
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So, have you ever seen a person being excited for Class?
It's less promoted than dead fish.
there are plenty of tumblr fans who seem to be hyped, which isnt surprising really. they're the target audience
I'm excited for it. Nervous though because it could be a pile of shit.
Proper promotion seems to start at New York Comic Con, in October... the same month it starts. Like, they don't even seem that arsed about it. They should be showing teasers by now.
Even Ada Morford isn't hyped for this.
Josh seems pretty excited. He also thinks he's friend with the cast.
They aren't giving any fuck. It's an online series. They don't care.
>They should be showing teasers by now.
BBC America probably will soon.
Not sure about BBC UK, I think there are restrictions on promotion of their shows.
>It's an online series
It's online first, then later on BBC1.
Is BBC iPlayer even HD yet?
Yes, most programmes are if they were broadcast in HD.
Josh is excited for it.
Aren't you, Josh?
He is a little.
>Adam's profile picture
Capaldi looks enraged to be in his presence, and Pearl's forced smile makes it look as though Capaldi's told her about him
Just rewatched Dark Water and fuck it was GOAT, I had completely forgotten
Capaldi is clearly doing his Doctor attack eyebrows face for the photograph.
>implying Capaldi isn't sick to the back teeth of Mr wibbly wobbly rapey wapey
And how do you justify Pearl's forced smile?
she's oogleh
No because she's got a genuine smile. This one is forced af.
I'm not Tumblr, and I'm hype.
Yep, that episode is great. Prime 12 and Clara.
cats12, stahhp.
>ywn have a qt arab boyfriend
Why live? And now I'm never gonna see him ever again ;_;
How many times do you think Capaldi sucked on dem nipps?
Why are you never gonna see him again?
Never! He's married.
Episode 2 title just been confirmed on Twitter:
Gareth is love, Gareth is life
>tfw this grimdark spoopy bullshit was the comfiest episode of series 9
Reminder that the monsters in Listen didnt exist and it was just a kid under the sheet
Piss off, Dimmy.
Murray Gold will die in our lifetime :(
I rewatched Flatline earlier, had forgotten how GOAT that one was too.
Bet he thought about it, he's human after all.
Because we parted ways after the last school year. We're in totally different universities.
Well, long-distance relationships are a thing.
Maybe not. He doesn't even like taking off his wedding ring.
I hope we can get another season of two-parters. It felt so much like the classic series. I loved it.
I want more of that too. First step to pure historical episodes yespls?
>He doesn't even like taking off his wedding ring.
That's kinda cool. Based Capaldi.
How would anyone make a sequel to Listen?
Yep. 12's Gallifreyan ring is an outfitted version of Capaldi's wedding ring.
Pure historicals would be awesome.
I would add a historical to the anthology, but I don't know where in history to write.
Idunno. Series 9 was pretty dark, but had lots of comfy moments.
Well, that episode was about fear, so the next step has to be coping with existential dread and the meaninglessness of existence.
Sounds like TV Scherzo
What's who with you, /who/? I'm rewatching Magician's Apprentice.
>Zygon ISIS
Maybe just me, but I don't want a sequel to Listen. I don't want to know what was under the blanket. Sometimes fear of the unknown or the unexplained is explanation enough.
I just had fake toilet water flung at me in the Trainspotting live show and now I'm thinking there needs to be immersive Doctor Who theatre.
Why are Doctor Who normies so shit?
Le quirky Doctor, le wibbly wobbly timey wimey
They're really really REALLY cringy.
Never understood the ISIS analogy.
Comfy moments, user.
>Listen spiritual sequel 2: Electric boogaloo
>Fear and paranoia of a monster in an old town, unclear whether it's real
>The Doctor is trying to convince people that they can use their fear for good
>It ends up making them irrational and hysterical
>He and his companion find the truth of the 'monster'
>It turns out there is no alien, but actually a horrifying conspiracy within the town like human trafficking or some shit, symbolising the corrupt system in which they are all trapped and the fundamental depravity of the world
>they stop the operation, but in the end they decide to let people's fear of the 'monster' persist in order to keep them away from the awful reality
It's not so much that it's a good analogy or the two-parter says anything coherent about ISIS at all, as it is that they appropriated terroristy imagery like the flag/hostage vids/execution vids and jammed in lines about splinter groups and all that jazzerino, in order to make it feel topical and cutting edge. A kids' show could do worse. It could do better though.
'Comfy' is a vague property, I think Inversion has some pretty comfy scenes with 12 and Osgood jaunting around. It also has a fairly chilled out structure, with 12 and Clara slowly manipulating Bonnie into the exact place they want her so 12 can pull the coup de grace. I wouldn't call it a comfy episode but I can see how someone might get comfy to enjoy it.
Exactly. There's no way to do a sequel while still leaving the answer of "were they real" unknown
Sorry for the delay, was working on other things.
Got a favorite period in history? Just throw the Doctor into that, and separate him from the TARDIS, First Doctor style.
Honestly, I'm surprised we haven't seen more than just... fucking... Victorian Era and World War II. There's so much shit even in British history. Though admittedly not a lot of it is good, so maybe that's why they avoid it.
Admittedly, I've used "wibbly wobbly timey wimey" before. But in context. To explain the mess of a timeline that is Doctor Who. People who just quote the show to be random scare me.
>go to wiki to see any new information on Series 10
>one title, first episode
>only writing and directing credits for the first four
>direction goes in clusters of two, get excited for serials
>writing credits different each time
Damn it!
I once tried to write a story set in Yoruba, which used to be Nigeria. It was about an actual city that was destroyed, and the Doctor debating with the king that the king needs to allow the city to be destroyed, as it will lead to greater things (i.e., modern day African countries).
It's based on a real event: en.wikipedia.org
>Doctor goes looking for a monster
>turns out it's the X-Files episode "Blood."
Kinda wish there were more government conspiracies in Doctor Who, but maybe I'm just mixing genres.
Might be cool. I say, if the interest is there, try again.
I have an idea about the Tunguska Event. I think "In the Forest of the Night" offended me not so much because tree magic as because they honestly just handwaved the Tunguska Event away as being about trees saving the world, instead of a mysterious fuckoff event that could have easily involved the Doctor.
I heard it happened in a story or comic someplace that I haven't seen, but it involved the TARDIS which was very "Big Bang" but without the universal collapse. Honestly I'd just prefer it if he had to haul some crazy-ass shit Tesla was building before it exploded.
That's probably not quite purely historical though. I'm sure something will come to me. Something about the War of the Roses maybe.
I always thought it'd be cool to do something with Sumer or the Akkadian empire in general. My idea was something about Sumer's fall to barbarians and the companion wanting to prevent it so humans can be better off, but that's way too similar to The Aztecs
Both Seasons 8 and 9 had GOAT penultimate episodes. It's the finales that were underwhelming.
Hey? You writing for the anthology?
And the Sumer idea seems cool.
I might, I didn't start today because I suddenly got inspiration for a personal project. I'll see what happens over the next week
What's the project?
I would watch that.
>personal project
I've piled up so much of those, it's downright impossible for me to get anything fun done. I want to write, but I set up this obligation for other things, and it's all just a fucking distraction.
What do I have to type to make /who/ work in my filters without also including every thread including the word "who"?
I recall it being something like /\/who/\/ but just tried that and it didn't work.
It's for auto threadwatching btw
nvm, /\/who/ works, but I had it set to tripcode instead of subject.
Not Who related. Well, it's sci-fi.
I just write whenever its fun for me, I try not to set any goals or time limits or whatever. I'm aware it isn't that easy for some people though, unfortunately I wouldn't know what to recommend.
Hell Bent is the best finale.
>'Comfy' is a vague property,
I think it has some meaning but what I don't get is why some people think if it something isn't "comfy" than its "bad"
>not Parting of the Ways
even Moff admits he keeps trying unsuccessfully to top it
> It felt so much like the classic series. I loved it.
Agreed. All the cliffhangers were fun as fuck. It's a shame BBC spoiled Gallifrey in the Heaven Sent synopsis though wtf. Moffat was hyping up the cliffhanger and then BBC just poo pooed it.
Anyone got any good BF torrents urls?
I never read the synopsis, so I don't think I knew it was coming when I saw it.
The synopsis literally said if The Doctor got through the castle it would lead to Gallifrey.
So dumb.
vk com/page-5742320_44001294 isn't a torrent but it has everything. You have to make an account though
Did you make an account? Did anything bad happen as a result? Spam to your phone?
Yes, and nope. Pretty damn sure it's safe
Post chin
I've run out of Elevens.
Have a rare one
i got some capalers
I've got some of those.
post creepy capals