>Syfy channel
>David Goyer
>General Zod's black daughter is the female lead
Are they even trying?
>Syfy channel
>David Goyer
>General Zod's black daughter is the female lead
Are they even trying?
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Is this real? I thought it was a joke. Why would anybody watch that?
>black Kryptonians
This is just sad.
That woman is barely even black. Besides, why wouldn't Krypton have black people?
They don't have a yellow star
They introduced the society being the result of mass cloned eugenics to make the perfect individual for their role
I think blacks would make a pretty good template for a warrior race.
I'm kind of hype for this since it's going to expand canon. Krypton's history is interesting to me.
Blacks are terrible warriors. If they werent they wouldn't have been conquered by everyone.
Black Kryptonians have been a thing since the '70s. In one of DC's more questionable creative choices, they were depicted as all living on the island of Vathlo.
David Goyer has been working with SyFy to develop it since Man of Steel came out three years ago.
>General Zod's black daughter
you mean, his grandmother
No because that doesn't make sense. MoS 7ntroduced every generation being clones grown in vats, Brave new world style.
They are great warriors, just not as smart as the other races, so they got BTFO for having inferior weapons and technology.
Black Kryptonians would be more efficient at gathering the yellow sun solar radiation that gives them their powers.
So messing with their genes to add more melanin would be logical.
This has nothing to do with "Man of Steel" and the DCEU.
It does tho
>aliens from a distant planet/civilization
>looks just like humans and even have the same races
What did DC mean by this?
No, it doesn't.
It's not in the same continuity, as evidenced by the fact it's on the SyFy and using characters nobody cares about and therefore are not in danger of being claimed by the movie department.
Incorrect. This is the promised show detailing more of MoS Krypton's past.
>Literally can come up with any character you want because invented scenario and story
>Zod's black daughter
The actual fuck?
Actually the opposite, more melanin means less sun radiation absorved by the body
It's his ancestor, two generations earlier. Would technically be his grandmother if they still had natural births, but considering we don't yet know how Kryptonians calculate their generations nor their lifespans, it could be set anywhere from a couple of decades to centuries earlier.
Melanin has nothing to do with sun radiation, retard.
It is not.
It went into development at the same time Man of Steel was being made, by the same writer. If it's not a prequel series, I will be utterly amazed.
You mean the people who got humiliated and enslaved by anybody they came in contact with?
>They are great warriors, just not as smart as the other races
That doesn't make any sense. If you want a warrior race of dark people with some intelligence you want Kryptonian Maoris
No, it didn't. It went into development last year, shortly after Goyer was fired from the movie division.
>black people in charge
>planet eventually explodes
I love plausible scifi
OK, I keked. I admit it.
>General Zod's black daughter
Is it possible to go one day without Sup Forums being right?
It's not his daughter, so at best, they'd be right in reverse in this case.
There's at least two conflicting articles out there - one calling her his daughter, the other calling her his grandmother.