why do women do this? seriously, why do they try to sic their social media followers on guys?
Why do women do this? seriously, why do they try to sic their social media followers on guys?
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>only women do this
Try any male under the age of 30
That's feminism for you. You can thank the Jews for that one
This is for r9k faggot
>Women being sociopaths
Nothing new. Also, see the banner.
What does sqaw mean?
guys, she tried to dox me and i doxxed her. she got me on her social media presence (twitter, instagram) but I found her on linkedin
indian (feather) for bitch
My Brazilian friend was using my laptop. he misspelt squaw, this is a sqaw
U were retarded enuff to get urself stuck in this situation
don't tell anyone, but it's a troll account. i sort of knew she was gonna do this.
I'm more bothered people can't take a joke these days. I can't ask why the chicken crossed the road without being reported to the dean for transphobia.
why hit on her... she is ugly as fuck
she looks demented
they are literally using twitter for personal army requests.
Yet u fell for bait
Suppose you got a big dick, you wanna brag about it but just saying out loud makes you seem like an arrogant douche. What's the easiest way to circumvent this? You complain about it how it flops around, or touches the toilet water a lot, or whatever. It's not your fault, and whining about it communicates the dimensions of your penis but only as an unintentionally exposed element of the story.
Suppose you're a female and you get a lot of attention, proving you're attractive and therefore valuable (For females, relative consensus directly dictates what is, the rest is superfluous). You wanna brag about this, but you can't, because otherwise other females would call you a bitch and gossip behind your back.
What do you do? You whine about how creeps keep hitting on you, and you make your own desirability an unintentionally exposed element of the story.
The 'creep' in question is just a thing she can use as an excuse for subtle bragging. It's nothing personal, it's socially acceptable for her to take advantage of this to amass more social capital, so she will.
let me put an end to your hypothesis. on her twitter account, she cries and keeps count how many times she gets harassed while walking around her hood. 10 times so far this year.
this is the woman.
sounds like a natural reaction when some random nobody starts talking shit over social media
you talk shit about them over social media
the end
because the only thing they've good at and have ever been good at and will ever be good at is getting man (or men) to do things for them
Who does this chubby ho think she is? No tits and a gaping hole of a personality
This SJW gets hit on 10 times this year and she feels disgusted by it. She is on a dating site looking for casual sex. This is something beyond just attention whoring because she is attractive. She also suffers from depression.
this is who she thinks she is. also notice the chad.
That only strengthen my 'hypothesis', bro.
And if she is an SJW, you should remember in this area victimhood is one of the most profitable enterprises for social capital to get involved in.
Literally replace signaling attractiveness with signaling oppression. The desired effect is the same, though.
lol indians were wiped out here, there are barely any descendants and they are usually mixed
there are more of them on the amazon region but fuck that no one cares
the guy is full of shit
She's a 6 if I'm being generous. Someone needs to tell that bitch what time it is, because she's gonna age like yogurt.
Today you are white, argentiabro.
This is my hypothesis too: it's for gain and profit. It's signalling oppression and the accumulation of social capital.
What a great examination.
ok, but you need to understand, nobody wants to see that bitch naked. she is also apparently depressed. She is not comfortable in her body.
bro, can you elucidate more about social capital. I read bourdieu but my prof was a hack. I know social capital as signalling play a huge huge role but I don't know how the accumulation of this capital translate to actual dollars.
I'm afraid i'm not well read nor educated enough to properly answer that.
I meant social capital as a perceived gain of influence and trust to the extent her social circle allows, much like having swag or being cool.
It has nothing to do with money, except how similarly currency and reputation translate into influence.
series plz
>location of dumb cunt: Toronto, Ontario
yep, story checks out
Toronto is home to probably some of the worst women on Earth, picture English women, but dumber and radical feminists
and brown
White women are nasty cunts and those addicted to social media are the worst.
That's like the unholy trinity of traits
>says brazillin friend was using his laptop
>proceeds to keep feeding her lines
smooth as fuck
This is better as a webm so that you can hear the sound that the fire makes.
you need to redo that macro, cant read the text at max zoom, its just pixels
>but I don't know how the accumulation of this capital translate to actual dollars.
if you have some money, social capital allows you to make a whole lot more money than you would have through working with or investing that money
while 20 bucks are 20 bucks, being able to control the value or being in possesion of social capital allows you to exagerate the value of those 20 bucks such by such things as to WHO you give it to or HOW
the problem with making actual money off of social capital is that often you will have to part with the actual tangible capital in exchange for social capital (like charity), before you can "reconvert" it back for more money than when you began the whole charade
another interesting feature of this transaction is that you can often sacrifice your own social capital to gain instantaneous reward of money - a person pretending to be raped often throws his or her own sexual desirability or image in order to gain sympathy that can be converted into support which as you know becomes money in the shape of donations or gifts
She is fucking aboriginal and from Saskatewan.
All walks of life go to Toronto because its the only place in canada, besides vancouver, that matters.
yeah, I understand social capital as transactionary and something you have to signal shit, it translate to influence and authority and social 'virtue' (relative to the community the capital has value in).
bingo. this is her future career path. she is an aboriginal in canada, aboriginals are our niggers (or gypsies). They are the worst. They need this weird relationship with the rest of the canadian population (whom are settlers and immigrants) where they can pension off the wealth that population generates. This is done through governments. She is clearly trying to position herself in a way of being a victim, but an educated one, that can then like serve to help other victims for money. It connects.
nice blog leaf bro
Dude, she's not Metis in the slightest.
Real metis look more like Greeks or Mexicans, not whiter than Irish.
>he asks, on a board that does this kind of shit all the time
a 6?? you must be fucking drunk af. she's like a 3
100% metis
Eureka moment: Bourdieu studied society in the 70s. Social capital back then was a means to get access into the monied circles of the time, which was in private hands and tend to revolve around cultural assets. Basically, people would accumulate this capital to move around higher class circles. The money source has changed. People aren't hiring friends now to get the manager's job as much as they are hiring MBAs. BUT there is one area in society that has money and the accumulation of social capital still works: government and government spending money on these ameliorative programs.
does this theory make sense?