Sup Forums posters you can recognize
>felicia day spammer
>bridget/antje spammer
Sup Forums posters you can recognize
>felicia day spammer
>bridget/antje spammer
Other urls found in this thread:
>two guys who post about star trek every day
>scientology imposter
>that one guy who makes "just got back from this, what did Sup Forums think" threads everyday for middle budget comedies
>the netflix shill
The dumb finnish ipad poster
>muh kahlan
>muh biel
>muh kate
I think there's a guy who sometimes posts interracial porn
the guy who reposts the "guys you can recognize" threads
>bridget/antje spammer
his harem is larger
>a guy
There's like 10 people who post 85% of the threads. This place is shit.
Cunny posters
Let's be honest, we're all itt right now
>That 2-3 really dedicated Sershafag
>Ledecky spammer
>Emily blunt will never stomp on my balls/Brie will never castrate me with her teeth
>Emma Stone's addictive footsweat
Also I know there is a specific eastern yuropoor poster who makes these "I want pictures about her forearm hair" posts
You, aka 'he's a tits guy'
And this fucking autist who ends every post with 'Also [x] general I guess':
I recognize you from posting that pic all the time
You're a faggot btw
Whichever faggot is always making twitter screen cap threads.
I like to think that me and Bridget/Finnposter are friends
That "emily blunt will never step on your balls" guy
Wrong. People come to Sup Forums just to spam memes that's why the majority of threads in the catalogy have like 10 replies at most
sup fammalamalams
let me tell you about myself
I'm a LEAF
I'm the OP of MCU threads on /hr/ and various other boards, Annie Clark hate threads on Sup Forums, and Antje threads on Sup Forums, as well as MEW threads from time to time
also, I'm also a frequent contributor to those Saoirse threads- particularly the ">saoirse ronan will never be your childhood friend" copypasta
this tbhq
Night janitors have been doing a much better job now, though.
it is a bot actually, made by some autist from the 4+4 chan
Yeah, it's the one guy with the bot but They all post on /waifuist/
I can't wait for that place to die
that JIDF cunt that always screams "Sup Forums"
do germans wear denim?
>Also I know there is a specific eastern yuropoor poster who makes these "I want pictures about her forearm hair" posts
>that guy who posts simpsons and family guy quotes that one fuck off to Sup Forums
>that one loser who never posts
>that one guy who keeps shitposting but should lurk more instead
Daily reminder that 98% of this board is either a spic or a slav.
>Sup Forumsbabby gets butthurt when people call him on his shit.
what make you say that friendo?
just google Blaumann
scientologybro redpilling us on the wonders of dianetics
>that one guy that keeps posting shit like Sup Forumsumblr and stormumblr and responds to any posts with real low grade ad hominems and non-sensical arguments
>that one guy that always enters any remotely political thread to shit on both sides since he's so intellectually superior
They both go /tg/ too. At least try to change your writing style.
>that one guy who keeps asking posters to explain eric andres joke
Who do you think makes all the capekino threads. It's all spics.
>that one guy who always shows up in blood meridian adaptation threads to try and act like the judge should be thin and was described as such
that one dedicated JUSTposter.
it's me.
Oh dude don't forget their atrocious grammar and spelling.
>that one guy who keeps making 3x3 threads and replies to his own posts to keep his thread alive
sup dannyboi
Fuck, that guy is the worst..
you should take your shit meme back to plebbit
I saw you posting the exact same shit on Sup Forums
>mfw you're that one guy who posts 'shitty forced redditor meme' in each thread
You make those threads worth posting.
The Jessica jones phone poster
>that one guy
Good one, dannyboytbh
no one is more annoying than this homo
hehe like clockwork.
>0.05 shekels have been deposited into your account
RLM/AVGN/Doug Walker/Spoony/Latza/Chris Stuckmann/yms guy
>bleeding for kinema guy in malick threads
>that one guy who posts about Daddario being a succubus
Big fan of his body of work
it is just one guy posting all those? how'd you know?
yes it's me all alone
full body pic please
>the one guy lurking this thread waiting for his stupid gimmick to be noticed
>JIDF cuck who gets butthurt when people call him on his shit.
>reply about your topic
The Sup Forums brain.
hey that's me! I can finally close this tab.