Things people say that let you know it's time to stop listening


What if they are talking about Folk music?


unless referring to a specific dimension between two objects. or outer space.


it's only four times the genocide you fucking retard

>As a ____, I am blah blah blah

>My name is Goldstein


>As a mother

That thing where you state a parody of your opponent's position in an intentionally stupid voice. Both Bill Maher and Rush Limbaugh bug the ever loving shit out of me when they do that. Got a coworker that does it. I want to beat him with my stapler.

When people wish violent acts upon those they disagree with

Fuck your degenerate privilege, hope your illegal cuck ass gets deported


>I read on Reddit _____

This is every Reddit post.

I always, ALWAYS call them out for being reddit pieces of shit. How can you verify they are what they claim to be? Then all the empty-headed redditors sit there nodding sagely as if people don't go on the internet and tell lies.

0x4 is still 0

>I might be 20 but I am still a minor
>My parents are paying for my Education.

>as a proud single mother

Fun game, it's sorta like scrabble

>Korea and Japan needs more diversity.
>Someday Korean with be a dialect of English.


>top 1%

>undocumented worker

Why are you still assmad about my Rattata?

"the customer is always right"