This just came out of my ass. My digestion has been fucked for a couple days and my stomach feels weird...

This just came out of my ass. My digestion has been fucked for a couple days and my stomach feels weird. Am i ok (serious)?

Other urls found in this thread:

Here's one from yesterday


EWW! GROSS FAGGOT!! Get that shit checked and show your doctor this pic!

Im really poor and i owe $2000+ in medical bills already. I would like to not go to the hospital if possible. Anything i can do?

taste a little bit, if it tastes like pennies you're a fag

Eat some yogurt. Will calm your stomach and help solidify your stool.

If you are too poor to pay for medical treatment ask or search for yourself christian charities. My ex had 2 grand mal seizures(one sleeping next to me holy shit) and they paid off what would have been 200k for the 2 weeks in total in the hospital

Fucking hell, OP
Show this to your doctor for God's sake

Go vegan(fresh, local, raw) for a week and you will clear up nearly any issues you are having. You need to eat something other than meat, dairy, fried, salted, fast foods or you will get cancer.

Probably an Intestinal Worm, like you its gonna cause a whole lot of shit for people.

Looks like blood that has dried. Black blood means it came from deep inside your intestinal tract. I'd go to the hospital.

Took a 1 a day vitamin a second ago. Going to the store to buy some Gatorade and yogurt. Thx for the good idea user

Vegan diets generally lead to less nutritional input.
Raw foods are more difficult for the human digestive system to process. This is why we cook food--to soften, denature or otherwise break down tough cell walls so we can access the contents--where the vitamins and good bits are.

Vegans are fucking morons anyway. But more vegetables wouldn't hurt.

Definitely internal bleeding user. That's stale drying blood. Deal with paying the hospital bills because that could be super serious.

I feel ya dude. I had to get mental health care when i was 17. My parents insurance covered 30 percent of our bills. Was stuck with the rest. Got a 2000 debt for my 18 birthday with more to come. Idk what to do...

America. Capitalism is pretty cool, eh?

Medic fag... was just asked to come here and look.

Here are you options

1. It's just normal shit

2. It's a lower GI bleed and you need to see a hospital yesterday.

Being the patient advocate I am... go to a fucking hospital faggot

I would rather die than be a burden. Idk what to do. Srry for double post

I feel like i need to shit again. Im on my way to the gas station to buy yogurt and Gatorade. Is it safe for me to eat yogurt. Thinking about fiber one bar also

I've looked at it in more detail now... I don't think it's a lower GI.

Any other symptoms???

Trouble breathing, nausea/vomiting, shortness of breath. I need a shit load more details before I can give you anything. What happened before? Huge party? Drank a lot? What's your medical history??

>medic fag

I dont drink but i do smoke. Havent smoke in a while though. I take pretty good care of my body. My shit was weird for a while. I thought it was bc i ate nothing but ramen for 3 days at an anime convention. But the bad shit started yesterday.

What do you mean a burden? The charity is there for people like you that need help.

Medical history is nothing, other than mental health help when i was 17. Im 18 now


When i went to the hospital for my mental health care last year, my family went bankrupt from the medical bills. They had to pay cuz i was 17. More bills came and we're still in debt. I dont want to make my family go through that again

Im taking a shit rn. Will keep you guys updated with new pic


EMT fag here. Go to the fucking hospital.

Smoking won't have a big impact on your GI. What's the difference between when you were at the convention and the shit you have now? Do you have pain anywhere?

I need a fucking timeline from when you were normal to when you started becoming anxious about your shit. The entire... fucking... timeline... if you looked the wrong way crossing a light I need to know.

I say this to everyone. I literally give zero fucks if you can pay or not. I care about people and that's why I am a paramedic. Can't pay it??? I'll work a couple extra shifts a month to pay into uncle sam so the government can do it.

I was normal until last week then i started having watery shit on and off. Thought i was having diarrhea. Ate more vegies. Then yesterday, i woke up really need to shit. End of with what i got now

Its a light one. I hope im ok

So let me recap.

No medical problems other than mental.

No medications (other than mental) I'm assuming.

You spent a few days at a convention and now started having the shits.

It's black... yes... but it's not looking GI.

What did you eat while at convention... other than ramen.. any fish?

You running a fever?

This thread is turning into an episode of House

Off to the gas station. For real now. Wish me luck anons

I was at the convention from july 7-9. Started having problem last week on and off. The pics is from yesterday and today

Here's a pic of my toilet paper. This is from the light one. The heavy shit from earlier was this but 10x worse

Shit user here. I used to live in thailand. Our commie run shit hole has better health care than usa

You have normal shits.

I want you to drink a lot of fluids. Tons of water.

If your shit becomes red or looks like coffee grounds go to the fucking hospital immediately.

Other than that quit being a little shit


The new king's also funnier than Trump

Then your family messed up because they will pay your bill in total if you dont have the money too pay it. You are now over 18 so only your income is counted. Go to the hospital and ask about it because that looks serious

Instead of asking us, get your dumbass to the doctor

We tried but they said my family made too much money combined. My mom is a bus boy and my stepdad worked in sales. We didnt qualify for obamacare or free school lunch. It's bullshit

Easier to lie and make up shit over the internet

I want to but the last hospial trip i had was such a nightmare that i would rather die than do it again. I want to know what i could do at home to help

Go to Canada where healthcare is free

you probably have noro virus

I take your liquid shit and raise you an apoostrophe I did today.

Looking into that rn

Id rather have that tbh

It felt like my ass was ripping apart when I squeezed this folded nigger out.

Shit user here. My real dad was a veteran with Parkinson (i live with my mom and step dad). He goes to china and other asian country for his treatment because its cheaper in the long run. Im definitely getting good healthcare afrer this. Fuck my parents pos healthcare. They dont mind taking money but when its time we need it, its impossible to use

My Mum had diarhohea for weeks, It was black like this. We called an ambulance for her one morning. She went into surgery and had most of her bowel removed as the bad bacteria in it had become too great in number and had started eating her from the inside alive. This is called Sepsis. I think you have Sepsis. She had a second surgury as she wasnt recovering and two weeks later she died on the hospital bed.

I didn't get to say goodbye.

Do nothing if you don't care to live. You'll just go to sleep and not wake up like my Mum.


Still would trade with ya. My mid section is on fire

Im sorry for your loss. I looked up the symptoms for sepsis. I dont have the symptoms and i hope to god it aint sepsis

That's classic melena. Black stool is black because it's been digested in the stomach, meaning you've got an upper GI bleed. Lower GI bleeds present with bright red stool. Probably something that should be evaluated in emergently but you can probably put it off until you start to become light headed or short of breath.

It's not sepsis, black stool is not a symptom of a blood infection..

I think its upper gi bleed bc the symptoms lined up. Im not feeling out of breath or light headed though.

Probably a bleeding ulcer man. Any abdominal pain or pain with swallowing?

Top cuck

I'm not a doctor but it looks like you're bleeding inside.

Destroy your state with an orbital laser and hold the east coast hostage till your demands of 100 billion dollars and a fighter jets are met

I had that too. Was blood.

River water parasite

bro, you're digesting blood.

you have a bleeding ulcer, at best.

go to the fucking doctor.

Do you drink much wine?
It looks like you drink much wine.

So kill them. Go make some molotovs and buy a gun. Go to your insurances hq and kill a bunch of high ranking people


I had a stomach ulcer at 12 from going to a middle school full of nothing but niggers. I threw up the blood as well so maybe go get some Tagamet or Pepcid ac to help coat your stomach.

Pro-Tip: Healthcare debts acquire no interest. They'll just be sold off to debt collectors who will send you annoying calls. Prioritize your survival, and worry about paying off the debt on your own time.

I will kill collectors. Make them eat their own arms

My medical debt was sold to debt collector and after a year we had $100 interest


You're going to die. Make your peace now.


Also got some gold fish and Gatorade

I dont drink alcohol. I dont like how it makes me feel


one day you will pass a beast lik this, that day you will become a man.

Femfag here, anything wrong with me?

Watch this for lulz... gagging... lol

scatpornxxx com/videos/cutie-shitting-in-hot-dog.html

OP you probably have a bleeding ulcer go to a fucking doctor

dafuq, there is no affordable healtcare in US? why?

Best part @ 6mins


>OP just opened a fucking gate to Oblivion

If it smells horrible it's probably a bleeding ulcer. I was admitted to the hospital for 3 days because I had bad bleeding ulcer. My crap was black as tar and smelt like a rotting corpse

No worries. Even his wife hates him

Nope, looks normal.

Any chance you're in Tampa Bay? This shit is going around

At walgreen looking for tagamet/tepcid rn

My ass generates these daily... it is hard to extract and my blood pressure increases while the extraction process. Do I need to drink more?

Why in the fuck is it in your hand?

If you don't respond to the calls, they can't do anything unless they take you to court.

My mom was telling me my shit smelled bad

Because I'm proud of it.

Also got 'em

This. You definitely have some bleeding going on.

She smelled it in the kitchen. It was a pretty decent distance. Door was closed too

post gf's tits

hang yourself, it's the cool thing to do nowadays