>I'm designed to exceed human capacity, both mentally and physically
I'm designed to exceed human capacity, both mentally and physically
I wonder if Dr. Soong knew about the power and majesty of black godcock when he was creating Data? It'd be disappointing if he was only equipped to outmatch limp whitebois.
>I'm designed to do nothing wrong
>I'm designed to receive information about Commanders' sexual organs
How can humans even compete?
If all Data knew about Dixon Hill was from what he read, how did he know to put on a wiseguy gumshoe accent?
>Well, I'm a little fagget
>I'm designed to make holographic simulations of Troi fucking Worf and transmit the feed directly to Riker's quarters
Based on the dialogue, or perhaps the accent was described in the narrative and possibly by the author in related materials in accessible databases. Data would also have probably impersonated Seanchan in Texan accents based on available material. It's completely believable, have you ever read a book bro? Have you?
I've never read pulp noir, but that's because books are for fags
if ive never seen star trek and wanted to watch it all where would i start?
Wait for Discovery, it's only a few months away.
sorry for reddit but yeah, that's a solid advice there
finished watching series 3 of ENT, they return to Earth during WW2., with alien Nazis.
for fucks sake.
>I'm designed to fire torpedoes at the drop of a hat
Oh yeah? Well can Data tell us why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
Disregard everybody else and start at the beginning, watch everything.
>this location is posibly dangerous
>from our crew of 1000 let's send just a handful of the very least disposable ones, with phasers on their belts not in hand
>wah they underscored the historical fact that Nazi ideology was pure evil and antithetical to Star Trek
Why are the neonazi alt-right such ridiculous crybabies? I can't wait for the reaction to the Nazi episode in Star Trek Discovery.
Nazi Trekkies FUCK OFF
calm down, here's my actual issue
They used Alien Nazis before on voyager, so I'm rolling my eyes at the repetition.
also the time travel shenanigans are weighing down ENT.
>I'm designed to drink coffee.
I'm not a trekkie but did Worf ever serve any practical purpose beyond racial diversity and "wow great writing" getting pissed off and then being told to sit down by Picard?
Star Trek reuses concepts all the time. Did you cry about TNG's The Naked Now? Probably not because it didn't offend your Nazi sensibilities. I'm not going to calm down until all of your ilk are eradicated. There was literally nothing wrong with the alien Nazi episode. Star Trek has always hated Nazis and that's never going to change.
He was pretty good punching bag. He gets beaten up pretty often to demonstrate that what ever monster of week they are dealing with is tough as fuck.
I cant believe it took this long for some one to insist I'm a Nazi on the Internet.
watch the show
You're whining in defense of Nazis being used as a stereotypical evil in a show where that's happened all the time.
Oh no, Star Trek Enterprise had alien Nazis just like TOS and VOY. Fuck you, Nazi. Leave Star Trek fandom.
He's whining about lazy writing. Other examples of the same thing does not negate the fact that it's lazy writing, it just means there are multiple examples of lazy writing. Did you love season 5 of Breaking Bad, too?
Yes, Worf was raised on earth by humans and only ever lived how Klingons are supposedly, so he acts like one to a fault. Normal Klingons talk about honour as much as him but are just as slimy and backstabbing as anyone else.
thanks but i think hes trolling anyway.
Worf was literally Belarused.
Maybe I was retarded as a kid but I had no idea Worf was black.
Star Trek is an ancient television series and gets the benefit of being able to grandfather in some things that newly-made series can't get away with, if you don't understand that you have no idea what Star Trek is, much less what it is about.
You're a fucking loser Nazi piece of shit who lost this debate and has nothing to offer to the conversation, so how about you fuck right off.
Why go to a Trek thread to reinforce an opinion spawned by memes and secondhand knowledge, especially if you don't plan on watching the show?
I miss O'Brienposting, that was the best /trek/ meme since sexual organs.
>Assblasted at criticism and deflecting with strawmen 11 fucking years later
The Temporal Cold War was a mistake, deal with it, Braga.
How is asking a question construed as reinforcing an opinion here? I saw some episodes when I was a kid.
The only thing that annoys me about him is his stupid fucking hair.
>captain, i'm sensing that you would like to suck my nipples while I call you a good little boy
They're not called potato niggers for no reason
Holy shit why are you still so mad about this?
What about his accent, or his stupid gruff voice, or how infuriatingly ugly he is?
Nazis in Trek are about reusing existing sets and props. Just like that gangster planet and most of time travel episodes.
>My function is to induce discharge of semen from humanoid phalli at maximum efficiency.
Those sound like you problems.
I wouldn't say i'm infuriatingly ugly, i'd say 'unfortunately ugly'
I legitimately don't like Nazis or Nazi sympathizers, same as Star Trek, you fucking moron Nazi alt-right piece of human garbage. Have fun voting Trump, trash person, but please stop posting to Star Trek threads on Sup Forums. I can identify you and I know exactly who you are.
>I'm designed to bang women, sit in chairs, and destroy the Enterprise.
Not what I meant.
>Have a great job in the botany lab of the Federation flagship. Married to a guy whose job isn't too dangerous, and expecting your newborn child will have a diverse group of friends from all over the ship once she gets old enough.
>It's a wrecked alien space station with no amenities, a creepy ferengi runs the only restaurant left standing, and is a high value target after the discovery of a wormhole.
>No botany lab
>No hydroponics or airponics bay
>Nowhere for you to follow your career.
>No children Molly's age, so she probably won't have a great childhood.
>Fight with your husband. You know this posting is important to him and his career, but you are bored.
>Finally decide to stay with your husband for both his sake and your daughter's sake
>Finally figure out a way to use at least some of your knowledge, become a school teacher for the ten or so children on the station.
>Still not living up to your potential, but it's something, and you are helping.
>Backwards religious fuck heads demand you teach their religion in your classroom as fact.
>They eventually bomb your goddamn school so that some crusty bitch can gain more power in her fucking religion.
>You try to pick up the pieces, but only a handful of kids come back.
>Eventually give up the one thing you were doing.
Daily reminder that she looked better in regular starfleet spandex.
Look out guys, we dun goofed, this assblasted leftist has backtraced us
Are you preparing gulag commie?
oops... forgot that damn picture.
>I'm designed to be fucking based and an utter legend.
>i'm designed to say 'wait a minute', reverse the polarity, and be extremely creepy with women
Allamaraine, count to four,
Allamaraine, then three more,
Allamaraine, if you can see,
Allamaraine, you'll come with me...
>I am also designed to be fucking based despite being a walking anachronism
Klingon women are real women, and B'Etor is mine.
>I'm designed to JUST
Troi > Meme of Meme
>I'm designed to be redpilled about the nigger-infested shithole that is Coolsville.
Can some Trek nerd tell me how it's explained that Data is like the most unique thing in the whole universe that can never be replicated? How can they have all this technology like replicators and the holodeck and shit, but somehow Data is one of a kind. It's like the whole universe has heard of him and how magical he is.
No one else in the universe can make an android with a positronic brain and a functioning crank?
I think his positronic brain is extremely hard to recreate or something. Even Data failed to reproduce one perfectly.
>I'm designed to friendzone my designer.
>I'm designed to be the sisko. It's not linear after all.
Imagine being Miles O'Brien on that station and having to be all like "damn, Deep Space 9, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your dull grey corridors and horrific architecture. I would totally perform maintenance on you, both my mirror universe counterpart and the real me." when all he really wants to do is serve on Starfleet's flagship in the transporter room. Like seriously imagine having to be O'Brien and not only work overtime while Deep Space 9 flaunts its disgusting consoles in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing the poor cable management and rusty flux capacitors, and just sit there, day after day, hour after hour, while it breaks down even further. Not only having to tolerate the monstrous fucking promenade but its good reputation as everyone on station says its STILL GOT IT and DAMN, DEEP SPACE 9 LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch its self-sealing stem bolts contort into types of trash you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been maintaining nothing but a healthy diet of transporters and flagships and later alleged cloaking devices for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies on Earth. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the rust that's breaking out on its dented hull as it is sucked in by the vacuum of space, your colleagues smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in its "statuesque (for that is what they call it)" beauty, the beauty the Cardassians worked so hard for with Bajoran slave workers in the previous years. And then the commander calls for another maintenance check, and you know you could kill every single person on this station before Odo could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking O'Brien. You're not going to lose your future Starfleet Academy career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
>How can they have all this technology like replicators and the holodeck and shit, but somehow Data is one of a kind
Ships computers are huge compared to Data, it's not surprising that they're on the same level.
>No one else in the universe can make an android with a positronic brain and a functioning crank?
Yeah. Even Data failed to do it (The Offspring).
Transporters can clone people, but they probably think it's immoral to do that (it's never explicitly stated though that I recall), and Data was granted legal rights so "he's a machine" doesn't get around that.
O'Brien was just another CIS racist hating on alien races like the upstanding cardassians.
you mean he's Irish
>I'm designed to BTFO Vulniggers and Tellarniggers for the glory of the Andorian Empire and the Imperial Guard!
What's with all the Cardassians?
Isn't she just delightful?
>waaaa cardassians
>waaaa my stupid religion
>waaaa freedom
All she ever did was complain.
>I'm designed to seek black coffee, murder my crewmen, ruin the Delta Quadrant, and be inconsisent on whether to follow the Prime Directive to the death or throw it in the fucking garbage.
Is Voyager worth watching for Janeway's madness?
W-where is this one from?
>I'm designed to never be promoted, to be killed and replaced in one episode then never acknowledged as the original again for the rest of the series.
sounds like kira tbqh
Voyager is only worth watching if you crave Trek but have watched everything else.
Most of the characters are quite unlikeable.
So I want to watch Deep Space 9 but I have to say I really disliked a lot of the initial episodes. I skipped seasons 1 and 2 of TNG but thought 3-5 were God tier.
Where do I start?
>...I was also designed to be Chinese, apparently.
I was stupid and didn't click the thumbnail, I thought the picture was Kira.
I've watched a couple of episodes with my dad. The doc and 7 were pretty good.
It's fun.
You can clearly see that everyone's taking the piss and having fun.
Just plow through them, DS9 is too serialised to skip around without getting confused. If you don't like Duet then you can stop.
> I skipped seasons 1 and 2 of TNG
How embarrassing for you
I fucking hate bajorans so much.
Season 1 m8. That's what i'm doing.