Chester Bennington is dead, lead singer of linkin park, i wish this was a shitpost

Chester Bennington is dead, lead singer of linkin park, i wish this was a shitpost.


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Fuck off already! There's already 10+ fucking thread about this faggot.

I don't like Linkin Park, but you got to admit they have become iconic. This is sad.

It's most likely linked to his friend Chris Cornell's suicide, considering it's Chris Cornell's birthday today.


one thing...



Don't worry, that is a shitpost

>i wish this was a shitpost.

sorry, just a pussy post


Shame though, was it really an hero?
I grew up with their work :c



It's almost as if sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll are hollow pursuits that don't convey meaning to a sadsack's life. Y'all motherfuckers need Jesus.

Was such a huge LP fan growing up, but fuck this guy. I'm sorry being a famous, millionaire musician with a loving wife and family was too difficult for you.

Can't imagine thinking so little of my family that I would leave them like that.

>be me
>be at my chili hot stand
>sell chili hot to pretty young slav
>get text from my pet lizard garfunk
>cheeto guy is gone
> no


I don't know why...

Fienster kenblonton?



Jesus is a guy that cloned fish and died almost 2 millenias ago.
You need Odin, or Zeus, or Doctor Who.

I've become so numb I can't feel my feet



Fuck this asshole. Good riddance to shitty music.

Edgy mc edgersons

it doesn't really matter how hard you try...



Rip in peace marilyn manson x( you will b missed,,,


That guy who does nothing but listen to in the end is next.

I love you, Chester

Well, that fucking sucks

He struggled with drugs and was abused as a kid. That guy was broken from the beginning

I know. I was so happy when I heard this. Glad it wasn't a good musician.

Don't cut yourself with that edge you have there, edgelord

So he broke the habit?

Or it could be the fact that he was buttfucked as a kid and has used drugs throughout his life because THESE WOUNDS THEY WILL NOT HEAL


He must've finally listened to his singing.



This user gets it

I do not pity cowards, fucking pussy for hanging himself

Whatever, that mother fucker used to hang with teenagers 13-15 when he was starting to get big so he could fuck the little girls they brought around. He was 23-24 at the time. Fuck this guy.

Lead Singer of DEAD BY SUNRISE



After what he did to linkin park he deserves it. Turned from fucking alt/rap metal to shitty pop.

To me they stopped being linkin park after meteora and i hope to christ that and hybrid theory are the albums history remembers not the garbage they've made lately.

>citation needed

Such a shame. Really liked their early work. RIP.

Um, I was there. He lived a few streets over from me in Phoenix and a couple of my buddies knew who he was so it was easy to get invited. If we didn't have girls he wouldn't let us in.


I guess in the end, it didn't really matter

> "I was there"
Very credible. We have all the reason in the world to believe an anonymous telling of an anonymous source relating events with unnamed people at unknown locations during unspecified times.


sometimes wikipedia delivers

I don't give a shit what you think nigger.


keep that in mind...


Honestly I'd an hero after that last album too

His songs will forever be remembered.

He made 6 children while alive, performed and made music. He took off knowing he unlocked all achievements.

>Chester Bennington


He has done what society would expect of a good member.
Having achieved that, he decided to face his past and end it.

Nothing wrong

It was murder!!!! Mike Schinoda did it!!!!


what is this stupid F thing???

Thanks Chester. The world is better off without you!

>is that windows fuckin XP


He is gonna kill himself next.


>huge LP fan

Sure, probably listen to In The End and say shit like Meteora is the best album all the rest are shit etc.

A huge fan knows this guy had problems, have you even listened to any of their lyrics? You think he's just trying to be edgy? This dude was legit fucked up

Wankstain kills himself without getting help he can easily afford.

Press F to not give a fuck.

>linkin park was not edgy

He did it to save LP from their last album

Rolled dubs twice nice

when you suck massive nigger cock!!!! faggot nigger!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA rip faggot

as cringy fag-metal lol

He faked his death to be with his family, and chill with Chris Cornell.


> not using separate PC/laptop with Windows XP (most secured Windows platform of all) on it just to browse cacner sites like Sup Forums

You're on a list already so in the end it doesn't even matter.