Guess you might want to rethink that wall huh
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but there were less mexicans. win for georgia
Some people quit, therefore only a particular ethnicity is capable? Mexicans are naturally good packhorses?
Racist and nonsensical. Whites do almost all the manual labour and fruit picking here. It's popular among backpackers too.
Can I get a source for all those claims? I would really like to see what farmer offered "good pay" and 401ks
RIP Georgia, guess this is when we turn it into the world's largest open mine pit.
America is not some shithole European country everyone thinks is a US state, we've got plenty of other legal low class scum to take up the weight from losing illegals
>401k no trolling.
Shit, I'll go to Georgia right now.
So illegals are only good for manual slave labor?
Good to know slavery still exists in America.
But comrade!
Why need sources when you can listen and believe the glorious party lines.
Georgia fag here. This is absolute bullshit. Move along, Sup Forums.
oh forgive me comrade commisar, I knew I shouldn't have been thinking it is dangerous and counter revolutionary.
Nope, this is exactly what I expect.
There's plenty of people in line for handouts, plenty of thieves stealing from grocers, plenty of burgeoisie who can't be bothered to not waste food.
If they starve because food prices skyrocket and crops die in the fields, then I'll gladly share in their misery.
trolling. Georgia farmer here. all a lie. shit tier bait.
illegals are still here and still in the fields.
Good pay and a 401k to pick peaches? I would have been all over that as a teen. I'm sure there would be no shortage of applicants if that were remotely true.
>Whites do almost all the manual labour and fruit picking here. It's popular among backpackers too.
can attest to this.
I have at least five cousins who did farm labour in australia.
The government even sent me a letter when I turned 18 asking if I was still in the country.
Comparing a small shit nation to an economic super power is like comparing a donkey to a cargo jet. Guess which one can take a baseball bat to the face a still finish its job, of course the jet.
>b careful 4 wat u wish 4
Please, these illiterate commies have no idea what bomb they will set off if bernie gets into power.
So if we don't allow Mexicans the rest of the world will starve?
sounds like a made up story to me
So who's going to be harvesting your food when they're all gone?
>without slaves who will pick our cotton!
It's great because this isn't even comparing apples to oranges. Both are democrat positions are are so retardedly wrong that it's not even worth explaining.
America is so good at making food we literally pay farmers not to plant crops - don't believe me? Look up farm subsidies.
Besides, the constitution doesn't give you the right to be able to get watermelons and kiwis. If it becomes a big enough deal we'll use niggers in prison for chain gangs again.
>there'll be an employment vaccum
Are you literally even right now?
I might actually be able get a job for a living wage, if they all go home. I'll pick fruit, happily.
>we need de facto slave labor
Yes, I know. Hence why I haven't packed yet.
It's almost like Democrats want slaves again. It's not like Republicans outlaws slavery in the first place or anything...
If farmers go full retard and forget that they'll need people to pick crops that's their own fault.
All that says to me is that Americans will have the opportunity to get paid above minimum wage for unskilled work just like their forefathers did. Is this a bad thing?
Send some buses to wherever nigs pick up social security checks and get them to pick crops. Fuck, create a program where you have to accept work or get cut off from social security. Bonus points for triggered niggers because of muh cotton picking past.
if you ever been to california and have seen how infested with mexicans it is there you would question how a problem like illegals could ever get solved
Looks like next year farmers will have to grow less so they don't lose the money. Dumbass farmers do this shit and think they still deserve federal subsidies, maybe if they weren't so money hungry and gmo fueled they would pay people a decent wage to operate harvesting equipment.
Farmers will just have to mechanize their harvesting or pay more. It doesn't matter anyway, we make too much food already.
>the economy is more important than your culture, heritage, and family
Fuck off kike
>occupy democrats supporting slave labor
sorry pedro but you have to go back
>georgia relies on slave labor to harvest crops
everything is in order here
>le poor farmers what will we do
>lets keep legalized slavery going on
huh, really makes you think...
Nice try Hill Shill
>liberals will defend this
holy fuck.
> Things that never happened
>occupy Democrats advocates for $15/hr min wage
>implies our country needs underpaid Mexicans to survive
It's like they're trying to sound like idiots
Put the niggers and white trash welfare recipients to work.
"Panicked farmers offered American good pay and 401(k)s"
>Good pay
"Look here, Pedro did this job for 50cents and hour and you'll do it for a dollar. That's TWICE the pay my old workers got. That's a fair deal. "
Also, Monsanto doesn't qualify as a "farmer" so much as they qualify as a company that employs slave labor to produce overprices shit that the government is forced to subsidize at disgusting high prices thanks to all the lobbyists.
I really haven't heard about the good pay and benefits, only that people didn't work
But how lazy are the farmers and family didn't get their harvest.
300 million dollars is a small price to pay for the return of the rule of law.
>too much food
I'm proud of you america! You have such great prosperity that you can utter such blessed words as "too much food". Thank the lord for this wonderful life, it is truly a good thing to be alive. Life is happiness!
>How the U.S. manages to waste $165 billion in food each year
I guess it only matters that food goes to waste when it's not picked by illegals.
thanks kikebro, go butcher some ragheads for us will ya?
Food is incredibly cheap and easy to produce these days. The only reasons shitskins starve is because they don't know how to build roads (pr anything for that matter).
I don't have the link, but I remember reading about some farmers who though paying someone 80 dollars to pick 2 tons of pumpkin was fair.
>(((farm owner))) kicks off all the local white farmers
>employs illegal mexicans because they're cheaper
>government rightly removes illegals
>"Oh no why wont any one farm my farms?"
these are american whites we're talking about here though
the fuck? I'm from georgia and still if you see someone working in the fields, they're mexican.
also, there's no way in hell these farmers would pay us gringos properly. they're way too used to paying pennies per hour
I call bullshit all over this
I actually took a look at the 2011 agricultural output of Georgia and Alabama on the USDA website and they actually produced more that year then in 2010.
In fact, farms in those states have been making more money every year since 2009.
this is a good opportunity for the tech industry to take over farm work. As a comp sci grad, fuck manual labor, I'll always have a job.
This meme is horseshit.
Some asshole who owns a good chunk of the county I live in refused to pay his employees and when they quit he bused in spics.
They had to file a class action lawsuit to get their pay.
And now downtown White Sulpher Springs looks like mexico with trash and shit everywhere.
The homeless. And certain welfare recipients will work the farms.
>national unemployment rate Jan-Dec was 9.8 to 9.3
>Georgia unemployment rate 10.2
I find that hard to believe people would pass up a good paying job with that high unemployment
>rethink the wall
wait for it
wait for it
wait for it
*deep breath*
*deep breath*
I believe OP is implying the "Murican's are lazy" meme. Because apparently there were never any white farmers in existence before the invention of the wetback.
This argumentation is so much bullshit. America is on the threshold of completely mechanizing their agricultural industry. Deporting illegals now would give a technological boost to the industry and rid the USA of dangerous land-grabbing warlike criminal Mexicans. They are literally as useless as Muslims are in Germany. You don't even need the labor they supposedly provide, which they don't, because welfare and stealing allows them to maintain their subhuman third world lifestyles in developed countries with no effort on their part. That's why they move there.
It's not our fault that Africans are too fucking dumb/corrupt to feed their own population.
I found this, they're just estimates, before the year is even over. Other reports say the same
>The Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association retained the University of Georgia’s Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development to conduct its study of the impact of labor shortages on the state’s agriculture industry.
>That report estimated the agricultural industry lost 3,260 jobs at an economic cost of $391 million.
>The Center for American Progress estimated the economic impact of HB 87 was in the range of $300 million to $1 billion.
CAP is a progressive group.
Of course they don't factor in or care about this
only caring about food rotting in the field that has yet to be bought. They don't care if it rots when someone buys it.
Don't blame the law, blame people who won't work.
pol really is the reddit board
They know they need to boil water right? Why can't we just send them seeds to feed themselves?
Those sources are very compelling, thank you for opening my eyes to the truth.
>The existance of illegal workers created shit-tier job conditions because mexican workers can't complain
>Without bean slave labor, farmers were forced to improve working condition
>Es no bueno, ese
I didn't imply such a thing friend. I was merely rejoicing at the fact that I was alive and had to share it. Here I was browsing Sup Forums bored and depressed like I always do, when suddenly without warning I encountered that post. For some inexplicable reason, reading the combination of those three words "too much food" struck me and I was filled with great joy. That's right, I have food! I can eat and survive! I'm alive! Why was I depressed all this time?
This change in perspective was temporary, and now I'm back to normal.
Because they'll just eat the seeds and ask for more.
occupy democrats is the most bullshit source i can possibly think of. they have defended terrorism on more than one occasion.
I'm starting to think "Occupy Democrats" is one of us shitposting.
Its infinitely better than what will end up happening if we dont stop them
isn't there like, farming equipment and machines that make the labor not physically demanding?
it's 2016!
It's true. A lot of the workers are living in cramped low quality housing with little to no privacy. Some people are sleeping in bathtubs, share beds with other people and generally live in subpar conditions.
>Georgia farms rely on illegals for their labour instead of actual americans
>Cracking down on an industry that's basically reliant on serfs has a negative effect on that industry, somehow a surprise
>Used an an argument for the continued exploitation of an underclass of people used to serve land owners (kek)
For a group that advocates for the equal treatment of all people and social programs that are typically a detriment to the economy the Left sure are butthurt about removing modern serf's contributions from the economy.
I remember some aid worker posted here that Africans just care about presentation and spending money if they have it.
Something that he taught them how to grow food and he made money that year. By the time the next harvest came around he spent all the money on useless trinkets or gave it away and had no money for seeds or water.
>need moar food to feed moar migs
>migs leave
>don't need food
>win win
What did he meaned by this?
Cabbage farmer here.
My father hires students, Czechs, Latvians, Ukrainians, or Poles. But most of the time, it is local students.
We tried the refugees, niggers, and shitskins because my mom was
>we need to help them, our moral responsibility =^)
But they would literally shit in the fields, not speak any language or write, and have random breaks. One of the reasons I started coming here.
The job is not nearly as bad as one thinks, I myself pick cabbage, it is relaxing work.
I'm sure everyone here would pick cabbage for 12$-15$ an hour (unless you already have a better job obviously)
The market will fix itself. Either farmers will demand better Technology (more jobs) or pay more to whites.
Whites are not retarded and primitive enough to put wear and tear on their bodies for 5$ an hour.
Shiieeeeet if the pay was good enough, I would legally immigrate there just to pick produce. Our exchange rate is so fucked, fruit pickers probably get what lawyers get here.
>no source
Pick both,,,, always
>My father hires students, Czechs, Latvians, Ukrainians, or Poles. But most of the time, it is local students.
No minimum wage and free movement within the EU really worked out for you.
To be honest, if there was a way to get legal residence in the US by having a job (ideally, not a specific one) I'd jump right on that. Despite all measures of quality of life being better here.
The eastern Europeans are not bad. they mostly leave once the season is over.
Also, my parents knows how to speak Russian since my father worked in Eastern Germany military. And my mother was stasi.
are you a jew, by any chance?
georgia's law actually worked really well at first but then the federal government fucked it up and ruined everything
Kek no
My family is almost 100% Saxon. My grandmother was Czech I think.
>Slaves working a cotton field is wrong
>Illegals making below minimum wage in a field is just fine
Sounds legit.
K. My state makes cars.
Now get the fuck out and build wall.
This. In my area picking food for farms is literally work the community does yearly.
The usual price is $25 a bucket but it's extremely easy and laid back work and the areas are all enjoyable to relax in. Even little kids do it.
I call horseshit.
Boy I sure do love taking advantage of illegal immigrant labor! It's almost as good as having slaves!
Might as well just grow your own food. It really isn't that hard.
Hell, I have most of my fruits and veges growing in 2-3 year old soil
the entire site is going that way