Does Heavy Metal carry on the legacy of classical music? Is metal the hwite mans music?
Does Heavy Metal carry on the legacy of classical music? Is metal the hwite mans music?
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No you just have autism.
If you learned three lessons about music theory you would see that metal is further away from classical than pop is
I can't stand those autists that say "metal is the natural progression from classical music hurr" just because they don't understand either of them.
metal is like whites chimp out
they think they look awesome when they're doing it but they look like huge faggots
it's hilarious
yes, yes it is the hwite mans music
It's the only contemporary genre undergoing constant change.
Slayer is literally made up of Spics, Jews and Wops
heavy metal promotes degeneracy worse than rap music. enjoy rotting in hell
Death Grips are the real inheritors of classical musics lineage
At least it sounds better.
metal is like classical music is the dumbest meme in metal
This. Something like Pet sounds is much closer to classical music than any metal band
some bands and artists more than others. slayer isn't one of them. a few have varying degrees of classical/baroque influence, but most bands have zero. its mostly blues lineage.
neoclassical metal is a small subgenre
Death metal, black metal, etc. are glorified hardcore punk faggotry with wizard level autism.
It is a genre shared happily between whites and latinos. Certainly no niggers or gook presence in it (excluding some Japanese bands)
what? no, classical music didn't just fall of the face of the earth, it's still being made today
Depends... A lot, yes, but you there are definitely a heap of very good metal bands that make very good use of music theory...
Plus musicality of a lot metal musicians is not something to be dismissed either...
Pop used to be formulaic, but ever since nig rap 00's it's pure cancer...
>muh degeneracy
here's some classical music to cram down your ear holes
As in level? I am 120 with 150,914,775 experience
Heavy metal is a music of war.
There is a reason why it developed in pacified Europe & America, and is practiced solely by men.
Faced with their faggot countries becoming cucks, young men, on outside thinking they're peace-loving hippies, subconsciously really wanted that which makes them men - struggle, war, battle.
So they started abrasive, chaotic, noisy, fascist, patriarchal, masculine, militarist form of expression known as heavy metal.
Or you could just listen to classical music and enjoy the embodiment of our civilization unmolested.
you couldn't be more wrong. if you were right, then there would be thousands of african metal bands. obviously there are close to 0 african metal ands and thats because they actually live with war. metal is made by people who usually havn't lived a single hard day in their entire life. people in places like california or sweden or germany.
you missed a key word
Heavy metal is dildos
Melodic death metal however is the genre closest to classical truly it is the genre for peoples of true taste
I am a professional classical guitarist who used to play in a tech metal band.
Technical metal/deathmetal/deathcore does have some intelligence in it (instrumentally), and it is influenced by Bach-ish classical music. It really depends on the band though.
The metal culture as a whole is completely embarrassing. Metal fans are much worse than metal itself. The fans are not successful happy people. I have toured around the country, and metal fans are mostly liberal SJW sad-sack pieces of shit.
Classical music is still alive, it just has no internet presence. Most of the classical guitar pieces I perform were written within the last 50 years (some just 3 years old). Classical music culture and metal culture have absolutely nothing in common, except that Metal guitarists are musically influenced by Bach.
>and metal fans are mostly liberal SJW sad-sack pieces of shit.
This is true, being a red-pill metal guy is fucking annoying as you constantly have to hide your power level around white knights and worse.
Most metal "fans" are just edgy faggots.
The subculture was too welcoming of others, and thats what killed it.
I'm actually in the process of recording a conservative Christian anti-left wing Technical deathcore record right now. Should be pretty funny considering I live in an extremely liberal city.
I also want to clarify that Bach is baby's first classical. The fact that metal guitarists are influenced by Bach isn't all that impressive, Bach is pretty 2-dimensional.
I still fucking love metal though. Not the old shit. Newer metal. Technical ADHD retarded tech-riff-breakdown-tech riff-breakdown type stuff.
You're the problem.
i can't stand death metal vocals
>im so fucking tough im so fucking tough
>thats right
>im so fucking tough im so fucking tough
>thats right
I've known a few metalheads, your description is accurate.
Problem with what?
>tfw you actually like metal but hate the fanbase
Nearly every other metal fan I have met have either been edgy teenagers or low life NEET's. I really just like the instrumentals. Most of the vocals sound like either an old man choking or some adolescent child crying and screaming.
No, it's just rad as fuck.
this is an example of baroque guitar, for reference:
the last video i linked was traditionally a lute/guitar piece as well, 16th century
I was a metal head in my teens. Long hair and everything. Every show I went to was loaded with smelly sweaty cigarette smoking drunk manchildren.
And the "progressive metal" scene is loaded with liberal pasty nu-male pussies. I've talked to plenty of them too. Majority are boring people with cookie cutter nerdy personalities.
Sodom is 1000 times better than any murican band
In my experience everyone that STILL listens to metal is a degenerate and stinky trash of a human, its like being stuck at the angsty teenager phase when you are now at the point when you should secure a future fir the white race
Original Metal, the edge in the lyrics cuts so deep
"Christian deathcore" holy shit this is the gayest thing I have I ever heard in my life. Absolute shit.
metal heads need to get there shit together the only classical they have is the 20 year old slayer unwashed tshirt
>Melodic death metal however is the genre closest to classical truly it is the genre for peoples of true taste
mah nigga
I enjoy most metal sub-genres, but melodeath will always be my favorite.
It really depends on the band and subgengre. Some bands base their music on classical concepts while others just mesh thing together such as slayer. Scandinavian metal bands make great use of music theory. While North American bands usually do not. There's autistic faggots here who think they know music and argue both extremes and somehow think nig music is closer.
better than Black Funeral? Fuck off.
basing music on classical concepts does not make it classical music
If you don't play thrash metal while you lift, then you're a fucking pussy.
Heavy metal does not.
However, true underground metal does. I believe underground death/black metal deserve to be mentioned with Classical and Jazz as an elite class of music that few understand.
It has far reaching concepts that aren't immediately known, unlike popular music. It's like listening to a sophisticated movie.
If you have 20 minutes, enjoy this true gem.
every metalfags comes into this thread
>yea this metal sucks but no my special snowflake metal
sorry you never got over your angsty rebellion phase and have daddy issues
>inb4 some fag tells me Cro Mags aren't thrash
They're sort of "cross over" but this song is particularly Sup Forums related
Go listen to Miley Cyrus or something you uneducated pleb
Yes. It's the only other form or music that marries sheer musical complexity with melodic beauty and harmonic dissonance
Anyone who says otherwise is a pleb and probably too dumb to wrap their head around classical or metal
Good metal is classical music with distorted guitars and drums. Even sabbath admits they were heavily influenced by classical song structure and literally took a few riffs straight from classical music.
If you actually took the time to listen to both forms of music you'd hear it. And no, metal is not slipnot and Korn
I think it's associated with Classical music just because so much as been transcribed to guitar
I only remember one shooting related to the music at a metal concert
Meanwhile first page results for rap shooting
metalfag get his feelings hurt?
it's the truth get over it
hi browsers
Ahhh, 7th grade, the times were good. Being edgy and showing all my friends this. Still a great song though.
I never got to that shit, worst I listened to was Slipknot, Static-X, and early Mudvayne
The music is good, but the vocals are what kills it for me.
That Rocksmith game just got an Arch Enemy song, shit screaming ruins it.
What about M8l8th or Arghoslent, or Grand Belials Key, or Fanisk, they seem to mesh fairly well with this whole budding nationalism movement the western world is finally taking a liking to. Whether they carry the torch from classical music or not is pretty dubious at best, but some of it is downright fantastic.
/metal/ is more Sup Forums than Sup Forums.
So yes, I agree.
The chromosomes are missing in this thread.
Wow, that's a special kind of retarded...
I wish you lacked the chromosomes to get that...
>Slipknot, Static-X, and early Mudvayne
>The music is good
As in guitars and for Metal, yes
morbid angel - blessed are the sick
there you go. classical lives on thru that album alone.
Compositionally, yes. You can't really argue that it isn't on average a reasonably complex genre requiring more experience and skill compared to other mainstream genres. But it definitely doesn't carry on the legacy of classical music. A lot of classical music was inspired by composers striving for some manner of divine or transcendental vibe where the music was more than just music. Metal ain't got that. Metal is music of emotions, in fact it's the opposite of classical music in some ways and more akin to folk songs of old.
Either way, people who listens exclusively to genres because they are a certain kind of music are fags. Listen to what you want man. You'll find good music in pretty much every genre just like you'll find a majority of shit in every genre.
Thanks for the album suggestions m8s, I like 'em both.
>You'll find good music in pretty much every genre just like you'll find a majority of shit in every genre.
True, I found ICP listening to rap
>tfw I listen mostly to post- and sludge nowadays
I have no idea how it happened. It just feels so good, mang.
Best Dimmu song
I mostly see niggers.
That is my all time fucking favorite. That will be a top five favorite song even after I die.
>tfw you favorite band disbanded in 2009 and will now forever be known as being named after sandniggers
Wait a minute.
People listen to metal after high school? I thought everyone grew out of it at like 18 years old tops.
metal is shit for edgy fags
Not really sure how you can legitimately believe this. There's so much disparity in the genre, I mean there's this:
And then there's this:
There's this:
And then there's this:
There's this:
And there's this:
Dozens of subgenres, spanning over decades of development and cultivating thousands of bands, each with their own unique style. If you don't dig any of them, that's fine, but faulting people for liking one and not the other or saying they all sound the same is just blatantly stupid.
it's all the same shit crescendo to riff unintelligible vocals at fast tempo
It really isn't. Have a (You) anyway, on the house.
yes. it's called being true
>Does Heavy Metal carry on the legacy of classical music?
But only the instrumental ones or the ones with real singing, not screaming (or those vomiting sounds, y'know).
They grow out of japanese cartoons after the age of 12, but that doesn't bother you either
also the only "metal" I can listen to and not get nauseous (cynic and baroness) seems more like prog rock or something.
no and its white i guess,
My nigger
Prog is a great genre, I love Baroness. Some of the bands I linked, Earthside, Intronaut and Gojira (late Gojira, maybe not so much the Link days) are also great prog bands, you should give them a listen. Or don't, but don't be a smarmy cunt and say they all sound the same.