This is so wonderful. I am so proud that everyone has an equal opportunity to be successful regardless of intelligence. Unless, of course, you happen to be a white male.
Nignog Gets An 'A'
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That was a serious presentation? The fuck...I'd shut it down the second I saw the title, not mention sending the dude to the dean for shameless racism.
i'm okay with it as long as a presentation titled "nignogs are disgusting subhuman vermin" would be equally acceptable
Dats racist.
The biggest problem with niggers is that Ignorance is self-reinforcing, they're literally too stupid to understand how stupid they are.
They learn a couple of words that aren't commonly used in spoken conversation and they think they're fucking professors.
Is it even possible to overcome ignorance of this magnitude? How?
What if it was the other way around? Bet alot of people can't read upside down very well.
Nope, just Maryland.
Well said.
Impossible to overcome when everyone coddles them. Ta Nehisi Coates (sp?) is treated like a modern-day Voltaire because he can write essays and has learned a few SAT words. Sad!
my teacher gets annoyed by white people and she's white.
we watched a video in my engineering class about bill gates and steve jobs and each time the video would end she would say "i'm sorry they're all rich white men you guys"
Yea, but the second a white guy does something like this that "offends" people he'd get labeled a racist and probably expelled.
South Africa and Rhodesia both tried to meet them halfway and improve their lives.
The only result was that, once blacks reach a certain level of development, they become insatiably angry at the people helping them.
I'd stare down that pencil necked nigger through the whole presentation. Nigger wants to hate whites, I'll give you something to hate.
>woman teacher
there's your problem
I really don't understand, I remember being racist when I was little, it was exhausting. Is this the only way they see to succeed? I mean literally just pass your classes and there ya go.
How come no one stood up and objected to this shit the second they saw the title? How cucked are you cunts, seriously?
I wonder what his points and sources were
>we dunk on u (lmao 100)
>y'all smell like cat litter
>Obama is black
>stop being racist ok??
>where's my goddamn acres and a donkey
In conclusion whites can't rap good.
look up @whitepeopiecray on twitter
I can see why people think this way
Chances are, this presentation was graded on very specific skills like speech and delivery, NOT content or intellectual merit.
Y'all fags are overreacting.
>Go to party with my friends place in Williamsburg, which is in Brooklyn for you midwest faggots, see this shit.
What do?
Even if it's judged on delivery and speech, you can't use racist shit, with that effort I'll read from Mein Kampf in front of a jewsih class.
>White men can't be successful
If you live in the united states and believe this is true, you're a fucking retard
Yell Allahu Akbar
Wow, no room, too many people, alcohol looks uninspired. So glad I do not go to parties.
Well you've got his name so you can make a big deal out of this and try to fuck him up for racism if you want.
Prepare to rage though. This is the worst kind of nigger. he's been manufactured by leftist academia.
derp didn't paste link
Wait, Chinabro, that guy in the link you posted is the guy in OP?
>Shahem has received various Honor Roll awards and was elected Class President. Well prepared for the Health Professionals Recruitment & Exposure Program, he asked thought provoking questions and actively participated in hands-on sessions involving clinical skills and reasoning.
>Shahem has applied to Johns Hopkins University and University of Maryland College Park and plans to major in Biology. He plans on attending medical school to become a doctor.
An aspiring doctor who preaches white genocide I see no problem with this.
it's him. unless he's showing somebody elses presentation.
>be me
>take this class to heart
>get a call back after my CC graduation
>someone finally wants to hire a black man with a criminal record and an ethnic studies degree
>go to interview
>see white man
>remember trayvon Martin
>remember that we waz kangs
>remember the kkk
>forget the Alamo
>I jump on that bitch
>punching him several times in his face, body and neck
>white security guards tackle me
>white cops arrest me
>white judge sentences me to 10 years for aggrivated battery, mayhem. (Bitch says harsh time because it's my 4th felony)
He's very smart, here he is in a video.
Jesus, the schnoz on this woman
>Posting a staged propaganda video to justify his worth
its not just any normal ignorance, a large majority of blacks are literally incapable of self reflection. Reflecting on your state of being, reflecting on your actions, reflecting on your emotions. Instead they turn it all to blame against others, whether it be their own (hood violence), on businesses, white people, politicians, etc. They see every problem they have as one that's someone else's fault.
Then you have the few that can, they're the ones that are successful.
>gee my life sucks living in the hood, perhaps I shouldn't hang out with these people and should study, a little goes a long way
before long he might have an education, get a job and more importantly, get away from all those other blacks that can't. Even those ones know their own are their worst enemies.
It's the same reason they're so obsessed with random shit like blasting music, wasting all their money on drugs, overpriced shoes, etc, they just follow this pack hive mind and are literally incapable of self reflection. Likewise when they go to jail and get out again, what do they do? Commit another crime, meanwhile they'll sit in jail blaming whitey and the system.
Fuck me, that's scary as fuck.
Why didn't you tell her to shut her fat fucking whore mouth? Why didn't you drag her the fuck out of the classroom and lynch her in front of the rest as a warning? Weak little bitch.
>Angry Orchard
Shit tier hard cider.
Lovely american education. Really worth every bit of tax money. Really worth hundreds of dollars per credit hour.
>can insert ram into a motherboard
>potato 101
I would document the presentation and prepare my own presentation on why European imperialism was the best thing ever to happen to the world.
What's Brooklyn?
Underrated as fuck.
MLK would spit on these people.
Isn't that racist?
Why the teacher didn't stop the presentation as it attacks a specific race, calling it a "plague"? I wonder what would have happened if there was "black" instead of "white".. Probably headlines on every channel news
Most people I know wouldn'the have a problem with a presentation about mein kampf, so long as it doesn't say that Hitler was right and that Jews should be gassed and all that.
Black authors win awards for work that whites wouldn't even acknowledge. Same in most other areas. See "Hamilton" right now for an example.
Rather than encourage them to do great work, it simply lowers the bar and as a result they don't have to work or achieve at a higher level.
Handicaps continue to handicap people. Competition helps raise the bar.
I think that was what he was implying, considering the nigger's presentation literally says "white people are a plague"
He's only there because he's been assisted by dem programz. It's like they seek out the dumbest, most hateful niggers, inflate the fuck out of their egos and then eat up whatever the nigger shits out.
These people belong in the ground not in university.
Just for the fuck of it, that would be my closing speech, while having a smug grin.
Do you really think blacks like that guy are any different?
Do you agree that Jews (or libtards generally speaking) were ruining Germany and ol' Adolf just wanted to make Germany great again?
I'm black and this is true.
My mom blacks everything else on other people. She cheated on my dad and I'm the child of an affair. She never took me to a doctor desire seeing my obvious health problems. Yet she insists she's a good person because she does things for random people she's known for less than a year. She even once one time said that she wanted to go to a black lives matter protest and I asked her why. "Cuz black lives matter." confronted her on how she could think that despite never taking me to a doctor or anything. She din say nuffin and doesnt say nothing everytime I call her on it. She used to lie and say we didnt have insurance and it changed each time until its current iteration where sheshe says nothing.
>mfw my generation was the last to be taught the First Fleet "discovered" Australia, and not "invaded".
>Nignog wants to be a doctor
Well lucky for that asshole the standards for black people to get into med school are lowered.
Show her this.
how is it racism if he is black?
>forget the alamo
>his sides and pessimism: gone
Aussie shitpost I see.
She's an ignorant idiot it wouldn't matter. She's voting for Hilary.
Your mom is a fucking nigger
Reminder that modern liberals actually believe only whites can be racist.
dont forget
>got student loan thanks to obama
>go straight to jail before landing job
>money never gets paid back, he's just gonna live as a criminal who 'din do nuffin' for the rest of his life anyways
Blue state faggot, you will never live in the land of the based with qt southern girls and clean warm air and a closet full of guns and american flags
I try not to think about that.
Southern girls are qts until about the ripe old age of 24 and then they start turning into redneck blimps.
>tfw live in NC
>tfw laws stopping people with a mental illness from going into the wrong bathroom
feels good
>tfw robert e lee elementary in my town is nice school that borders several churchs uptown
>tfw fredrick douglas high is the reform school for drug addled degenerate dropouts and teenage moms that borders the black park watched 24/7 by police cameras, and the abortion clinic