Do I have bladder cancer or some shit? What is this? Those spots weren't there before. I noticed them after I shaved...

Do I have bladder cancer or some shit? What is this? Those spots weren't there before. I noticed them after I shaved. They were there when I was shaving so I know it's not because of that.

Why is everything cancer to people.?


Also, why do you want to look like a 10 year old?

Maybe you just irritated your skin while shaving. Or its cancer

I shave every week dude
To keep myself clean
Also do girls even like hairy dicks

When was the last time you seen your balls.?

Doubt it. It's not itchy and touching it feels the same as other parts of the skin.

looks like the start of a psoriasis outbreak. do either of your parents have that? put some hydrocortizone creme on it.

I once dated a girl who said she'd find it weird if I shaved. And if it was bladder cancer your piss would burn. Maybe skin cancer

Ain't op
Just a anom

OP HERE. It doesn't burn nor itch. And touching it feels the same like res of the skin.

ask a girl if a dick looks weird to her, 9/10 will say yes regardless of anything you do to it, cuz dicks are weird to them in general.

that being said, that's ingrown hairs my man, don't overthink this shit.

OP HERE. That wasn't me you replied to but ty.

You tell that faggot
>Ain't op
>Just a anom

Well fuck me


pityriasis versicolor
most likely this.

hard to tell when autists will answer questions directed at OP with their own sperg answers.

Fungus. Go to the pharmacy.

i used to get really bad spots like that around there when i wore belts or put metal near it for some reason maybe its something like that

might be pityriasis versicolor
i have it myself, but it usually is on the upper body so might be something else.

So you are a blade ball shaver as myself.
noice OP

Yeah man looks like some kind of versicolor, I have it as well and it looks more or less like that. Hit up a doctor for some lamisil or something, it's mostly just a cosmetic condition so don't worry about dying or any shit like that

its more likely an ingrown hair that got a regular skin infection, which causes the bump and the discolouration. it is very common in the dick region of the pelvis.

forgot to cite my source: years of sucking various dicks.

oh, also, wash your dick more, especially after shaving.
it will cut down on the amount of infected ingrown hairs, and ass pimples and groin pimples.
if not, prepare for your dick to get blasted with blackheads that bump out like a knotty tree.
was about to give a dude head when he pulled out a dick that was covered in blackheads the size of moles.
when it gets that bad, there are scars left over from the blackheads once they are removed.
unless you want your dick looking like an 18 hole golf course, that is.

Seriously. Women don't think men are fags for going clean shaven? Trimmed is one thing.

women judge your dick regardless of what they do to it, get used to it and just pick a style YOU like and go with that, or prepare for never living up to a woman's shitty standards.

Yes, bladder cancer. That's probably it. It usually manifests itself with spots on your abdomen. Dumbass.

Probably just shaving irritation, only if it got significantly worse would I be worried.

My GF likes it better, I do too so.


Same here. Wife waxes. I use my blade. Smooth on smooth is the bees knees.

It's versicolor but I'll need to see your cock to be certain.

I'm a doctor.

Psoriasis. Clean your junk more often with a gentle, perfume free soap. Keep it dry as best you can. Will go away