>Its a Hal episode
Its a Hal episode
Other urls found in this thread:
>Hal will never be your dad
>it's a lois talks to the boys about sex/girls episode
>it's a boys argue over girls episode
>it's an old dewey episode
Shallow Hal? I love that movie
Hal episodes are good in the first two seasons. He's nothing but a flanderized meme character after that.
The entire show becomes creatively impoverished after the second season actually.
>its a Lois refuses to use birth control despite already having too many kids that she cant raise or afford episode
>watching olympics
>Speedwalking is a thing now
>Hal was right
What's the particle mask for?
So stray dust particles don't damage your lungs duhhh
Of course. Makes perfect sense.
> cleanliness is next to godliness
> if you want to get into heaven, you have to have clean lungs when you die
Hal episodes are best episodes
Does anyone remember the man cave episode
so good
Its been forever since I watched it. I don't remember it. I do remember the Married with Children man cave episode though.
This episode was GOAT
The bunker?
he was talking to Dewey
WEBM time
Oh is Bryan Cranston playing Flash in the upcoming movie?
>fus ro dah, bitch
What did he mean by this?
>ywn have a man cave
Have a webm.
not sure if trapdoor spider or Graboid
>that time Lois got BTFO by Dewey
Now there's a word I haven't heard in a long time
>that episode where the boys were girls and slutty
Hal episode power rankings
1. Race walking
2. Roller bladding
3. DDR
4. Steam roller
5. Dominoes
6. Hal builds a game of life for dewey
7. Hals strongmen
8. Hal applies to the cia
9. Makes dewey sell chocolates
10. Saves craig from the helper monkey
>Dewey was Sam
Wew lad
I fucking loved the helper monkey episode
Hal wasn't his best in that episode sure, but it was a good fucking episode
>dewey did this
>reese fell in love with dairy louise
>francis only antagonizes louise
Besides being smart is Malcom the only normal kid?
What the fuck is Dewey wearing?
just the most bitchin' ass pizza sweatshirt I ever seen
>hal strongmen that low
not mentioning the episode where they sell christmas tree, or when he plays poker for the first time, or when he get crazy about that sportscar and end up stealing it whit lois
i fucking love that show lad
>that episode where reese's lesbian army friend tries feeling up lois
My dad is pretty much Hal
Honest, hard working, dedicated to his wife and children, rarely angry
It's great
yeah I saw that
could not stop laughing
>baby challenges
Pure kino
>RPG quests.webm
Too accurate
>it's a "nerdy Jewish girl comes back as a /ygwbt/" episode
Friendly reminder that Lois was topless in the pilot.
All I can remember about this show is that like 70% of the time it left me slightly uncomfortable and depressed.
And Hal was fully naked. The pilot was really something else.
They also had several scenes about having to shave his entire body because of his fucking neanderthal hair growth.
>We can't have sex for a week.
Would you survive a week without sex Sup Forums?
Bitch don't tell me what I can't do.
/r/ing roller blading webm
>applies to CIA
Fuck that episode was pure kino
>it's a ratboy episode
You leeat out
>health insurance
>Hal builds a battlebot
>Hal helps Dewey watch Craig's cats
Das it mane
>Did you do all the skating in Malcolm or did you have a stunt double?
>I did most of it. There were just two parts that I didn’t do, which is when I left my feet. There was a cartwheel and a handstand, which I did not do, but everything else I did. It was fun we had a week and a half to learn the routine and start skating. It’s fantastic what you can do with practice.
Its been an Olympic sport for decades
how old are you?
everytime I see the image in the op Im reminded of the biker ghost from the car accident scene in the Sixth Sense
I guess I've just never seen/it was overshadowed by all the other events, but you're right, it has been around for awhile, whaddaya know.
>>its a Lois refuses to use birth control despite already having too many kids that she cant raise or afford episode
so that she can blame society on all her first world problems
How can one man be so based?
I need webms of the episode where Hal is fattening Lois up secretly
>the episode where they sell christmas tree
GOAT episode, Malcolm having to do all the maths was great
this is so great without sound. Havn't seen this one, i wonder wtf is happening.
Death March is one of the best events to watch live. It probably has more drinking games than any other Olympic sport.
The Burning Man episode was GOAT.
Was Dewey autistic?
underage detected
Hal was, kept it in check with his encyclopedia collections
what if Hal had been played by john wayne?