itt the worst states and why
liberal breeding ground
>new york
melting pot
itt the worst states and why
liberal breeding ground
>new york
melting pot
he looks like mega mind
Is that Charlie Sheen?
Kill yourself if your answer isnt mississipi,new jersey and alabama
>and why
Here's the real worst states
>Vermont, NH and Maine
Too many racist white folk
>Texas, Oklahoma, the Carolina's and the rest of the south
Racist gun owning hicks
Apparently having a small population makes Wyoming "bad".
Now onto the best states
>New Jersey
Self explanatory
>New York
State with proud and fair liberals who fight evil conservatives
Populated with brave Hispanics taking their rightful land back from the barbaric white colonialists
Basically any state that enables niggers will be a bad state
wyoming fag detected
Back to Stormfront you racist sack of shit. Learn to respect other cultures that you Whiteys have oppressed and stolen from
>worst state
The United States
Because it's full of Americans
Wyoming is based. Beautiful as fuck and innawoods.
I vote for Ohio because I'm a fucking Michigan faggot
Better yet I vote Michigan because I'm originally a California faggot
and fuck california too
>liberal breeding ground
The cities are full of liberals, but Orange County, and the east side of the state is full of conservatives.
We've also had many Republican governors.
San francisco is like only liberal place in ca
CA is shit for many reasons, but this meme isn't one. Places like Bakersfield are just as redneck as the south. Anywhere outside of big cities has just as many cuckservatives as anywhere else.
>fake af people
>overrated weather
>overrated girls
>boring af landscape 90% of the state
>no history
>cringy slang like "hella"
>San Andreas
These are examples of legitimate faults
t. Self-loathing commiefornian
>t. Self-loathing commiefornian
I know the feel senpai.
I've lived in Illinois and Wisconsin for most of my life.
Everybody hates each other and treats each other like shit 95% of the time. Cashiers will tell you to kill yourself for nothing. People try to run each other off the interstate due to insane road rage. People try to get each other fired from their jobs. Plus the economy is shit here
Nice scenery and /out/ activities in the north and south west part of the state. But everybody drinks every single day and there is 5 bars on every street across the state. People also live in a fucking bubble and have no clue what is happening outside of Wisconsin.
New Jersey; it's liberal and too ethnic
Florida; southern New Jersey
California; communist western New Jersey
We are Eskimo brothers of these feels...
>terrible weather
>terrible sports teams
>Cleveland and Cincinnati are nigger-tier cities
>not a coastal state
>swing state that goes blue sometimes
>gay ass name
After California, Ohio should be next in line to be nuked. Fuck Ohio
>Cashiers will tell you to kill yourself for nothing
Illinois sounds more fun than I expected desu
>tfw I see building after building built in that disgusting Spanish adobe design that looks so cheap
This might be a nitpick for my specific area but I fucking hate it
>ctrl-f washington
>0 results
Makes me feel a bit better about my state
My fellow Californians.
What's with Antifa lately? Why am I seeing so many anarchists around as of late? I thought Antifa was just a small group in the US, but big in Europe. Now I'm seeing these crusties all over.
Also, why are there so many flips at H&M?
now THAT is a dictator
Trump should dump the hair and get around to taking over the world already
Just beat them up. They're weak and cowardly, one decent beating and they'll be out of the game forever.