hero or traitor?
Hero or traitor?
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Hero senpai.
anyone that says he's a traitor for revealing that the government was violating our constitutional rights is the traitor, and a fucking dumbass to boot.
Hes a big guy
A bit of both but mostly a hero. Not everything is black and white.
he may have exposed government spying, but it was nothing groundbreaking, and insted of being a true hero and dieing for your country he fled like a little bitch to China and Russia, and sold US secrets to stay without extradition.
>bootlicking a country that wants you dead
>bootlicking a government that stabbed you and all its citizens in the back
Two can play at that game. I'm supposed to feel sorry for the federal government?
Hero, until he became (was?) a massive open-borders cuck. I'm going to assume this guy is just controlled opposition, to make people more comfortable with the idea that "welp, there's nothing I can do about mass government surveillance, guess I'll just accept it and tons of muslim immigrants!"
Hes a hero to the common man and a traitor to the people that want to take your guns away
He was flying to Europe, US intelligence services fucked up by voiding his passport while he was in a Russian airport, and covered up their mistake by calling him a spy.
>controlled opposition
He's literally just a normie they put into the cia
Even if it wasn't groundbreaking, it could have had potential into something even bigger.
He's just a fucking plant to stir up more turmoil on US soil, to perpetuate the distrust citizens have of the government. Not that anyone should trust this government, but did any of his "revelations" make a damn bit of difference? Or did the info just serve to keep our minds off of the real problems we should be focusing on here at home?
Can one betray a body failing to uphold the purpose of its existence? Or is one simply attempting a return to that body's true purpose?
The federal government gets away with so much shit it'd make your head spin. The age of spying and subterfuge has created a theater of war where all combatants pretend an air of peace and cooperation whilst gathering data and waiting for the right time to strike. If you participate in this game, you must be aware everyone shaking your hand in mock-civility is holding a knife behind their back waiting to jam it into you as soon as you misstep.
With a governmental system like this, civilian populations become a mere resource, not actual people. Thus, systems and protocols are set up to keep their resource happy whilst productive.
None of them have any idea how to really give happiness, so they simply churn out temporary pleasure giving distractions and hope we are all too busy chasing the next high to notice them invading privacy and conquering people in secret.
If you think any type of resistance to a system thats grown to abuse you instead of support you, is betrayal, you're just as brainwashed as the powers that be want you to be.
Dance to their song, puppet. Dance.
Neither. He is not a hero because he is a puppet for forces working against American interest, but his leak seems inspired by a legitimate concern about illegal government activities that needed to be known. The discussion about him as a person is irrelevant, looking at what was leaked it the important part
Both mostly hero. I just don't like him because he is an enemy of Trump.
He would have been a hero if he had stopped at revealing domestic government surveillance of the American people. When he started publicizing information on foreign spying, he stepped into treason. On balance he did more good than harm, but that was at best very poor judgment.
Still employed, limited hangout
Neither. I'm tired of talking about this faggot.
Trump shouldn't be able to spy on US citizens (foreigners are OK 2 spy on tho), just about the only thing i disagree with though.
Revealed a lot of information that had nothing to do with American citizens, and completely fucked up our HUMINT strategy against Al Qaeda. Willing to bet American men died because of him. He's a massive traitor and deserves the worst death imaginable. Had he only released information about spying on American citizens he would be a hero in my eyes. But as it stands, put me and my AR within 500m of him and I'll make a lot of rednecks very happy.
This will be a dilemma studied in school one day.
I'd say he was hero for blowing the whistle but he did it badly, handing all the documents over to the media just so he can become a celebrity. That shit needed to leak 100% complete on the internet Wikileaks style.
I don't buy that "security sensitive" horseshit either because since the first dump we had one mini one which was inconsequential. No documents were withheld because they were told to
He deserves a traitor's death
You can literally put the photo of any U.S. career politician onto this meme. Don't believe any of them, they are all the enemy of the citizen. Don't fall for their partisanship, for it is only a method to keep us divided and conquered.
Both, he became a hero by betraying his superiors.
Fag deserves to be hung.
Hello government bootlicker shill
What's up fed-kun?
Don't you guys have a fucking jew cock to suck?
>Sell state secrets
>Hurr durr I'm Ben Franklin
At least he's not selling his comments on Sup Forums, shill faggot
He sold data to hostile states and compromised national security.
He's a bigger SJW cuck than any open borders faggot.
Hero for talking about the Five Eyes program, one could see him as a traitor for running from the government.
Glad you feel so much sympathy for our criminal government
>muh national security
Go fuck yourself NSA shill. Stop violating constitutional rights and this would have never been an issue. Piece of shit.
>muh constitution
Your feelings don't trump national security.
only people who enjoy being cucked by their own government would think otherwise
Both. He did the right thing when he told us what we already knew about the NSA but the faggot also leaked sensitive information about innocent people and then sold many of our "not ilegal" secrets to the Ruskies.
>5 cents has been deposited into your account
If you don't like the Constitution then maybe you should leave the country, go somewhere with a strong federal government that will violate your rights. Try China, cocksucker.
>I'm okay with Social Justice heros compromising my homeland.
except massive government surveillance doesn't actually stop terrorist attacks
"national security" is the government's favorite meme, it can be used to take away almost all civil liberties
>please be hentai!!
He's just a limited hang out operation
traitor for what he did after blowing the whistle
Meant for
Deep Double agent.
>implying killing americans isn't good
It's a clean-up of a mess that US is
>state secrets that prove the state not worthy of having secrets
Hero and Cutie even though he's not my type.
hero, thanks snolden, i know you shill here. i hacked your wifes cellphone.
we live in a meme world, memes are commercial now, we are all paying for the memes
A traitor by definition of the law, but in my opinion? Complete hero. Uncovered the biggest shitfest of our time (which we've apparently all forgotten about already?) and opened up the door for our 2nd amendment rights.
he's an SJW so he's probably a plant
>"limited hangout"
if he's real he ruined his life for nothing, normie's dont care
Morally right, legally wrong.
Whistleblowing is legal, obama is just a cunt
a real martyr would face a legal battle in the states
but then again, no one gave a shit about the panama papers, so probably no one would give a shit about snowden
Don't you have an InfoWars blog to write?
Feelings don't trump national security, but the Constitution does.
The few writers I trust who were in CIA (Schemer, Giraldi) say that based on Snowden 1. Going to Hong Kong means he was meeting with chinks 2. Going to Russia means he sold out info to russia 3. Nothing bad about Israel coming out means Putin also let Mossad get to him.
The idea to portray him as a "hero and whistle-blower" was a matter of subversion (see Yuri video).
They'll never teach the controversy, they'll just say, "Snowden told us that the Bush administration spied on Americans. Of course Obama stopped the spying thanks to the leaks." And move on to teach the Holocaust for the 500000th time.
Him getting involved in recent American politics and the fact that Hollywood is even making a movie, pushing him as a hero, makes me a little skeptical about him.
Hey asshole, I want to watch you DIE.
>meeting with chinks
doing what?
>sold info to russia
what info? according to whom?
>let mossad get to him
what do you mean by get to him? influence him?
Personally I think he has some genuine concerns but really is a mole and or limited hangout
I have mixed feelings about him but at the end of the day, I think he should be shot for treason.
Yes, he exposed important secrets about domestic spying, which is good, we need more such whistleblowers. But he also exposed U.S. spying activities on other nations, which is literally treason and the scummiest thing you can do to your nation, and then didn't have the balls to face the consequences of his actions and ran away to an enemy (or at least rival) nation like a coward. The fact that some of us want better relations with Russia does not mean we shouldn't acknowledge the reality that Russia is currently an opponent to the United States regardless of the reason. So by doing what he did to our country and damaging our foreign intelligence capabilities and relations, he committed the ultimate sin against his own people. Maybe he loves America--as most whistleblowers do--but maybe he hates America, because otherwise why would he expose our foreign activity? Either way he's a traitor for doing the latter and in the good old days, traitors were shot.
die slow
did people even give a shit about what snowden revealed a few years ago?
Traitor and attention whore
jewggle his name and michael scheuer and philip giraldi.
Only former CIA guys you can trust. The Jews hate both of them bc they very openly say Israel is an enemy of the US, not an ally.
false flag
His NSA whistleblowing was good.
His later leaks including diplomatic exchanges and security threats were of no benefit to the citizen, and purely damaged the US government. Makes it suspicious when he is in Russia at the time.
Speaking of which, Russia is more authoritarian than the US, yet he is hypocritically situated there.
>Only former CIA guys you can trust.
haha k sure thing bud
why is russia our enemy. I don't have a beef with them. Muslim nations however, (germany and sweeden included) I DO HAVE A PROBLEM WITH
bootlicker GTFO
sage for information gathering
stop answering these threads jerk dicks
I don't think Russia should be an enemy, but it is the case currently. Take it up with the White House, not me. Hopefully when the God Emperor is elected he can make an alliance with Putin, and in the process give us Snowden so we can drop him off Air Force One.
More hero than traitor but he did release more info than he should have, he even admitted that he didn't have time to look through everything. I think the US should offer a lenient sentence. Maybe a 2-3 years w/ possibility of parole, that way he'd probably only spend 1-2 years total.
Controlled opposition.
>it was nothing groundbreaking
However his efforts are also overrated. Most of what he exposed was basically common knowledge (at least if you've got a functioning brain), and the truly hidden stuff will remain hidden indefinitely.
This. He didn't expose anything the public didn't know to begin with
now go vote for that fat blonde bitch
guy reveal to his nation that mass spying is happening
murrica fuck yea
Hero and anyone who says otherwise rook the blue pill
Traitor. Useful for us, maybe. But still a traitor to USA.
Please don't blow up the pyramids.
Obvious traitor, only retarded teenagers and anti-USA fags think otherwise.
He was so concerned about government surveillance that he took his stolen information to Russia and China, true bastion's of virtue when it comes to spying on their citizens.
We cant hand him over after so many years. It's just impossible, we will lose our face.
The best option USA can hope for - we will pay some sort of contribution and close the subject.
This. Have to agree with the NSA. The status of the USA and its freedom is dependant on its foreign policies and intelligence.
guy who confirmed and said out loud, what every intelligent person already knew
I understand my Russian friend. And since I've got you, how is Donald Trump perceived in Russia? I've heard most people like him but he was seen as a bit of a joke as well. I find it weird that the Kremlin-controlled media (RT, Sputnik, etc) always bad mouths him--shouldn't they be supporting him??
Hero. The government is being a little bitch about having their secret spy club revealed. We pay for their shit, so we should at least have a rough idea of what they're doing. Their actions were the treasonous ones. The thing that bothers them the most is that they have to be accountable to the public and obey the rule of law to some degree. Fedcucks are addicted to feeling like they're above the people and the law. Snowden got in the way of that and now they have egg on their face.
He fled to Russia because unconstitutional laws prevent him from having a fair trial in the US. I don't blame him and am not interested in seeing him sentenced to life in prison via kangaroo court for doing a service to the people. All US citizens have a right to a fair trial by a jury of their peers. The federal government has no right to use laws they passed behind closed doors to hold an unfair trial behind closed doors. This makes it far too easy for them to make things that they don't like disappear, and it serves as another layer to protect the government from accountability to the public. The feds want to decide this case without the people getting a single word of input. I'd see them all stripped of funding and fired before I'd allow them to make such a mockery of the US justice system.
>dying for a country that kills for oil
>dying for a country that helped create israel
>dying for a country that wouldnt stretch a muscle to save you
>dying for a country that literaly wants you dead
So how do boots taste anyway?
He try to stop the goverment from keep volationg the Constitution of America, but hey, people who sit on the computer all day will callimg a traitor, people who I bet they don't do anything for America.
It's complicated. As you may know, a lot of people in Russia are leftish. Trump is obviously right wing. I am not sure our people would support him on his domestic policy.
But he is their president candidate, not ours, so russians are mostly care about his foreigh policy. And they like what he have to say on this matter. He is less anti-russian than any other candidate.
> I find it weird that the Kremlin-controlled media (RT, Sputnik, etc) always bad mouths him--shouldn't they be supporting him??
Not sure what you talking about. In our inner russian-speaking media he is spoked well. Hillary, on the other hand, isn't very popular. In general, russian media are slightly support trump over hillary.