Why are there so many white people in Europe and the Americas that become obsessed with anime and japanese culture...

Why are there so many white people in Europe and the Americas that become obsessed with anime and japanese culture? are there japanese people who are obsessed with american/European culture?

Vocal minority
Its not as popular as it is easily available
Vigins jerk it to anime tiddies
Bitches be crazy and virtual ones cant ruin your life.
Do i need to go on?

have you heard of a company called Disney?

yeah everyone has why

there are many japanese people who are similarly obsessed with it.

Japanese are more obsessed with american culture than weebos are of Japs


It's not real, it doesn't remind you of the real world.

>are there japanese people who are obsessed with american/European culture?
Are you serious? Would you think pic related is an example of native Japanese dress and culture?
Not mentioning that their characters are already white looking, they constantly use European settings, myths, and tropes in their media. At least for me part of the reason I got into chinese cartoons was because they latch on to the interesting bits of our culture and repackage them in creative ways. In many ways it seems like they do a better job at telling those stories than white people. Western storytelling in general has gotten pretty bad, we've gotten away from things that are cerebraly interesting or just fun and have replaced them with terrible character development, stories that take themselves too seriously, "deep" plot, and gritty two bit dramas. I can't really think of any modern literature for instance that I've enjoyed that hasn't been targeted at kids, it feels like western writers are trying too hard to be intellectual and forgot stories are supposed to be enjoyed.

You should see the popularity of Baseball in Japan if you think we're obsessive with anime.

Japan is the second largest cosumer of disney products

Its the only country outside usa where baseball is popular

>Gurren Lagann
>pleb tier
pick both

nice meme

>western writers
Is it allowed, to be this new?

>like anime
>understand cosplay is shit
>understand owning anime-related clothing is retarded
>understand Japan is a pretty shit country in general
>no desire to emulate Japanese culture in my Western life
>no desire to move there
>very little desire to visit
>still want to learn Japanese almost entirely for 'weeb' reasons
>very selective of the weeb music I listen to
Am I cancer? y/n

I'm not even sure what you're trying to imply.

Originally its because you like cartoons but none of them deal with adult issues because there is a perception in the west that animated features targeted at adults cannot survive (see Titan:AE targeted a teenage audience despite being a good movie)

If you get into it for that reason you watch the few good ones but, its really a limited supply since most of it is tv-garbage, I imagine a weaboo is the kind of person who learns to lower their standards to watch everything from there rather than the good stuff.

As for japaneese people obsessed with american culture. You know how the Xbox sold far less than the playerstation in Japan?

I imagine the ones there who bought Xbox are viewed a bit as the ones here who watch anime. Instead of playing those japanese-only games they play Call of Duty and American Games and are probably seen as wierdos due to the countries inherent xenophobia.

Everybody likes anime m8

I'm pretty sure one of the biggest demographics of animu fans are filthy Mexicans

It's simply another part of decadence of the western world. Rome 2.0.

From what I understand baseball semi-popular in Cuba aswell

They lost their own unique culture to multiculturalism, so they look for the next best culture after white cultures and that's japanese culture.
Notice how so many weeds make japanese stuff a large part of their identity. It's a substitute for their lost cultural identity.

Japan is the 51st State

everyone is obsessed with american culture. flip on some jpop kpop russian pop etc. all you will see is poorly pronounced english and faggots trying to be hip hop

>are there japanese people who are obsessed with american/European culture?

Ur knot stoopid, r u?

many people? nobody cares about japan, never even had conversation about them. TV news wont even mention them whole year. We care about china.

I will never understand why so many faggots like gurren lagann, its obviously a rip off of Needless.

For me it's the robots and space nazis.

Japanese are obsessed with Western culture and weaboos are only obsessed over the byproduct of the aforementioned obsession so technically they are obsessed over a Japanese obsession of Western culture not an obsession over Japanese culture which basically means they are obsessed over Western culture