>ITT predict the 2016 happennings
ITT predict the 2016 happennings
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someone tries and fails to assassinate trump and it does wonders for his polls and mentalists claim he staged it himself
London bombing in november incoming, around 50 dead. Mark my words.
Thousands dead from islamic attack at 2016 olympics
al'qaeda and israel publicly ally
Tonight It happens
It will be when the NWO prepares everything for harvesting which will happen in 2030
Hillary Clinton is elected, white people chimp out, National Guard does nothing for a solid three weeks because it's not "terrorism."
BLM protest ends in bloodshed.
Trump wins in a landslide. Bernie hangs himself and Saudi Arabia cuts production in response.
three minutes
Some of you are alright. Don't go to Bongistan tomorrow.
The police wont' be able to secure against it while they are busy as hell with all the pickpockets and street robbers.
Bush v Gore recount scenario with a 4-4 court would be pretty tight.
>major terrorist attack, like 9/11 times 50
>obama consolidates power (even more) and declares a third term
>gunfags rally behind trump and form a militia-cum-political party
>american civil war; no battle lines drawn, just all out guerrilla warfare throughout the majority of the country
>not sure what happens next, i'd probably already be dead
Closer to 4. I see you too know, best of luck brother
>Venezuela collapses, Brazil falls into anarchy, South America becomes unstable
>Chemical attack in London subway, kills 500
>Shooting or knife attacks in Stockholm
>ISIS loses it's ground, Syria is recaptured
>Turks become part of EU, mass migration forces all borders to close, mass deportations begin
>US economy slows, China's fairs worse
>Trump becomes president of the United States and conflicts erupt
>Tip submitted!
Any predictions for this so far?
Was going to say tonight. Lots of people are reporting Chase Cards and ATMs aren't working. Bank of America is experiencing similar problems due to an update.
7am est
>just checked my BofA account
uhh can any chase confirm?
Turkey purposefully lets some terrorists into Europe and people die making the EU/Germany cave in more to their demands. More Hillary emails are released after she gets nominated, an entire year of the dems imploding ensues. At least one German politician has family attacked by migrants. One or several EU politicians are linked to pedophilia. An explosion of sexual assault in US bathrooms reluctantly covered by the US media, some will be trannies others shitskins
Acct is unaccessable, no maintenance just unaccessable
Yellowstone. You people have no idea what's soon to come.
Read the comments, seems Nationwide and is definitely effecting livelihoods.
>five terrorists gain entry to the ESC final and open fire with AK-47s
>200-250 killed and several more hundred injured
>20-30 minutes later, as the police is busy responding to the terrorist attack against the ESC final, several bombs goes off at the Swedish metro station, killing 100-150 people who fled in panic from the ESC final
>statsminsiter Stefan Löfven holds a national emergency speech telling us to be stronk and not give in to racism - this was merely a few muslims, we can't blame all of them!
>several protests are held against racism and islamophobia
>sweden triples its import of muslims to show tolerance
>at the end of 2016 world war 3 is of habbenings and the muslims seize the moment to take over sweden and declares jihad against russia
>russia nukes sweden
>Friday the 13th
>banks are brokem
pls halp
oh nevermind its fixed now lol
That's what they want you to believe.
Let it happen
Habbenin tonite :-------DDDD
>major terrorist attack, like 9/11 times 50
how would this even happen?, even if it was fake it would be the most unbelievable false flag ever.
im expecting at least something close to 0.5 9/11s this year, probably in europe.
>butterfly next to the sun in may
>looks like a satellite
could be this: space.com
or possibly an issue with the ISS before the end of may.
Wall gets built
WW3 happens
All world powers and developed countries get nuked
Latin americans and irrelevant countries enjoy the fireworks
a wall cant protect you from nuclear winter and fallout.
I score.
Bill Clinton is going to get ill and/or die sometime in autumn, in an attempt to gain support of Hillary Clinton before election day. You can already see how fucking out of it he is in any recent campaign videos.
The satan in a business suit suggests she (or her wallstreet/super pac companions rather) succeeds and the world slips further into chaos
Break the Cycle Trump, we're all counting on you man.
>white people
>chimp out
Never happened over fucking politics you dumb nigger
>bill clintons autopsy
>traces of polonium found
Digits confirm
>predict the 2016 happennings
Vision of What's Coming Upon America w/ Sarah Menet
>Syrian war continues
>Ukraine is the first big dick play by President Trump
>Israel starts blowing up Gaza, Again
>Mongolia rises and takes over it's rightly given empire of god
Thats some of the most nonsensical shit I have ever read
by sheer good luck, lambright win's election and nukes Israel. World peace achieve.
>South America "becomes" unstable
Trump won't be shot until summer 2017, so that's out.
July 4th we'll see Obongo put on another Marathon style stage show to remind the nation how srs bsns the situation is.
September 11th we'll see the largest coordinated series of attacks since 9/11, reaching anywhere between 70-115% the casualties.
>Mass Rapes during the Summer in Europe
>Possible Terror attacks during the EU Soccer Cup in France
>Possible Terror attack during the German Oktoberfest
>Possible assassination attempt of Donald Trump days before the election
>Possible Terror attack during Christmas Festivals/Fairs in Europe
Those are my top five guesses. Would have included the Olympics as well if people actually cared about Brazil
whats up with some people being coloured and some BW
Black on black violence in Chicago
>Dilma actually got sacked this month
>Canada is on fire
Holy shit, is this magic?
So it's India and the Vatican now?
Hillary becomes president
UK stays in EU
another terrorist attack in Europe
big earthquake
>Europe is gonna get a hot summer and many will be raped and stabbed. We will be too distracted by music festivals and sluts to care
>Trump is gonna start bashing Hillary and reveal her ties to the ancient kike overlords. Trump will eat a bullet for it
>Russia will do another Crimea to some poor eastern yurop nation to expand into the middle east
>The EU will play it's endgame card and will bribe us all with le basic income
>Turks become part of EU
noooo :(
>tfw I had serious insomnia for 4 months
>tfw I could only slept a few hours a week
>mfw when I saw this pic
I am willing to let Canada get hit by a few more terrorist attacks so long as we get the weed. Honestly conservative/ liberal doesn't matter. I just want the weed and Trudeau will deliver.
> Brexit happens
> Trump wins
> Stockholm has summer "Crisis" involving neo-nazi vigilantes attacking migrants (Whereas the truth is that rapefugees are attacking young women on beaches/at festivals and young swedish guys decide to fight back)
> Another couple of explosive peace demonstrations from the religion of eternal peace
> Syria essentially won back over by Assad
> Russia and Syria relations cemented by Syrian war
>Netherlands gets bombed, 20 deaths, summer ruined
>Germany gets bombed, 50 deaths
>Immigrant crisis goes in acceleration and Merkel succesfully threatens mass immigration in countries originally unwilling
>England doesnt leave EU despite the will of the people
>Trump loses to Hillary, Syrian war, creates more rapefugees spreading over Europe and America
>Trump offers to build the wall but gets denied, unrest and racial tensions rise
>Turkey joins the EU
>Venezuela collapses and civil war ensues
another gaza war
>Queen dies
>Major terrorist attack in Britain
>Smaller terrorist attack in Australia, Russia and USA.
>Trump loses to Hilary but by an extremely small margin, inside job expected. Many Americans are considering leaving the union, civil war imminent.
2017 will be WW3
>Rapefugees kill and eat the last raven living in the Kyffhäuser mountains
>Barbarossa returns
>Germany is saved
Miliband and head of the world bank all but confirmed the refugees are staying in their host countries.
Cap this post.
After a controversial election, Donald Trump wins the presidency. He pick a female vice president as his running mate.
Hillary Clinton suffers a massive stroke, or other major health event, right after the election. This makes people think they dodged a bullet by not electing her to the presidency. This also conveniently keeps her from being prosecuted by the FBI
this is probably the worst outlook on the near future i have read in a long time. i hope none of this happens.
>Trump loses to Hillary
Nice try Hill Shill.
I legitematily believe 2016 will be this shit, it's gonna get a lot worse before people are going to wake up.
A slow growing number of people are questioning the EU and immigration but it's not emough and things need to get a lot worse before it gets good again.
Western society and especially europe is known to lash out only at the last minute, we're far from the end yet.
>Hillary shill
Trump is running too early, people are not willing to openly support Trump as they do Hillary, still too scary to vote for Trump if people turn against you.
god speed, Russia, my slav bro! nuke them.
>Trump won race to White House
>protests in Murrica, most niggers and nacho libres
>after a few police actions, and Trump politic, niggers and latino came back to house, they wont protest.. but sjw and all this shit left.
>Trump reopen camps for scouts, when all this shit was drilled by Drill Sergeants
>Britain exits EU
>EU will collapse due retard politic from Berlin
>Merkel falls from bike, someone shot that bitch
>before that, EU will try to push some more draconic laws to Europe, specially to Eastern Europe
>V4 fill that shit like a table "we out boyz!"
>Countries of "New EU" will exit from this shithole
>Putin just pass out from drinkin', he is in fuckin heaven because Europe is divided
>Russia ride Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
>Russia take a Eastern Ukraine
>Shit starts to hit a fan in Polish-Ukraine border, maybe Poland will deploy Army to protect border?
>Balkans! Kebab removing movement rise again, Muslims are running to Turkey
>there will be a big attack during Euro 2016 in France, and probably in Poland during this Christian event in Cracow.