Daily reminder that Belarus is the last bastion of wholsome traditional European living in Europe.

>99.4% whites
>99.2% Christian
>based president idolizes Hitler
>SJW types in prison and tortured by police
>no relations with EU, extremely close with Putin's Russia
>extremely traditional, patriotic population
>Belarus is fairly isolationist
>Masculine, militarized society
>traditional male/female roles

When will YOU move to Belarus, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


most searching country for mlp porn too!

>third world, irradiated, communist shithole is best nation in Europe

Top kek

Jewish lies. I am surprised you feel for that. It's quite depressing that people on this website will decry the Jew but use Jewish propaganda when it benefits them. The Nazis got their inspiration from Belarusian farmers and their pogroms against local Jewish populations.

Fuck off shill.
Take your +15 rubles and gtfo.

Irradiated? 30 years ago maybe. To say Belarus is irradiated is a bankers and EU lie to discourage investment in Belarusian industry because of our lack of complacency in their agenda. I grew up and was born in one of the supposed "irradiated" areas and I turned out fine. No cancer in my family either. Actually cancer is rare in where I'm from in Southern Belarus, the "irradiated" region.

Despite the entomology of the name of the country, Belarusians aren't white.

ahmed is mad


Whatever you say.


Kek, not only MLP but also Overwatch.
Bulbashi are fucking degenerates.

I'm ethnic russian.

>trusting a pornography website

Interesting on the "graph" most countries are fairly nationalistic and homogenous... Hmmm...

>he needs to explain away the fact that his mother nation is irradiated

I'll stay comfy behind my 5,000 nukes, TYVM.

Rahman go back to Groznyy.

Belarus and Russia aren't afraid of your "nukes"

Red pill me on the constitution of Belarus. Is it liberty tier?

Belarus 1994 (rev. 2004)

This is depending on your definition of "liberty".

>is it liberty tier
probably not, that's the point

Also your economy is Zimbabwe-tier.
That's probably why you left Bulbash shithole for SJW shithole Canada

Хyй cocи, выблядoк. Cбeжaвшaя чyшкa из блядopyccии в кaнaдy - тoпит зa этy caмyю пapaшy.
>soviet shithole

I ask you to stop referring to our country as "блядopyccия", this is a Russophobic slur. You now have convinced me with your autistic rant that you aren't a Slav. Probsbly a butthurt Crimean Tatars or something.

Belarus' Constitution through eyes of 8-year-old boy
>On March 15, the Belarusian Constitution celebrates its 21st birthday. CTV correspondent Ekaterina Zhilyanina decided to look at the country’s main document through the eyes of an 8-year-old citizen, check youth's knowledge of the Constitution and become familiar with how the work of the Constitutional Court.

Contents of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus

The Belarus Constitution


Face it, your country is now a beautiful bastion of diversity.
It's OK Peter, you can always invade Latvia or Lithuania!

nice google translate btw