Hello Sup Forums, I wanted to share my story with you, and seek some advice. This will be a bit of a long post but I hope it is worth it, thank you for reading my brothers.
A few years ago I was in a dark place in my life and after a lot of studying and examining various religions I went to my local mosque and took Shahada. I knew then it was the perfect religion for me. At first, I put down the Quran and stopped reading as I did not want to become Muslim. I resisted it. Somehow, it kept calling me back, and I kept reading Quran and studying Islam. I just wanted to find out more about Islam, this religion was beckoning me, it really felt right.
Eventually I gave up and returned to Christianity. But I cannot accept the Trinity, I understand how the Trinity forms one God, but I cannot accept it. Priests and Pastors must jump through hoops to make sense of their version of monotheism. I began looking at Judaism; my grandmother was a Jew. While Jews are supposed to love the convert Judaism made it clear I could never be a "complete" Jew. So then I looked at Unitarian Christianity. Jehovah's Witnesses were very smart and able to back up monotheism in the New Testament with scripture, but they in essence operate as a cult: if you do not do a certain amount of evangelization you're considered "inactive", they also have peculiar cultish things like this in their church doctrines.
One day I actually told my mother and step-father I was Muslim, but they thought I was joking, and began laughing, so I joined them and I hid my faith and pretended I was joking. It hurt to do this, let me explain why. I'm a white man from Texas, with a very Baptist family. My family hates Muslims, my friends hate them... Everyone I know does, and it pains me, because what was revealed to me was the TRUE Islam, and they will never be able to know what I am talking about.
(cont. in next post)