Don't know why anyone would be surprised by this, in the future everyone will be Muslim
Muslim in new Star Trek cast
Gene Roddenberry is rolling over in his grave.
>Religion of """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Peace"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Bravo NuTrek.
ive never watched star trek, but isnt it supposed to be in the future with space travel and shit? where do they fit in religion?
Wasn't there no religion in Star Trek or something?
Kek at thinking Islam will ever die out. It will be the only human religion left in the future, it's the only one compatible with peace and multiculturalism and science.
it's never clearly stated but its meant to be secular. although the idea that there'll be no religion is strange.
>someone who wrote a series about civilised utopian society teaching space about progressivism
>rolling in his grave
The Holy Qu'ran does mention alien races. In particular, the propher Muhammad (PBUH), talks about meeting 'beings he'd never seen before.' Islam is perfect.
Religion may still exist in some form but it definitely doesn't play an important role in the futuristic human society Star Trek depicts.
Thats fine as long as they have an episode dedicated to how Muslim as a religon is inherently against everything Starfleet and humans of the future represent.
Yeah religion is a distinctly alien thing within it, the entire federation is basically atheist
>it's a Jem Hadar muslim
Craig David was a muslim in Pitch Black.
He was a communist.
You're fortunate the captain of the Enterprise didn't end up being a Muslim chechen
>living in a future where there is no religion
Literally who cares about Star Trek anymore? The new show is going to flop so hard.
They're really playing with fire with this one.
Also, with the addition of religons of other alien species. Would be nice to see how they will explain that one of the core principles of Muslim faith is death for apostasy.
Loosely hinted at some form of monotheism in the 23rd Century. Atheist by the 24th. There was that TNG episode where Picard becomes worshipped as a god by those primitive Vulcanoids and basically gave an antitheistic speech. Then in DS9, Kai Winn or some other annoying Bajoran called the Federation godless and no one really contested them on that.
>in space
>Religion founded by a literal kidfucker based on slaughtering whoever doesn't worship the same god in the same way as you.
>We cool tho le tolerance n all rite?
Better replay the dawn of war games which represent a futuristic christianity than watch this appalling propaganda attempt.
Islam isn't linked to any race you retard.
butthurt libtard b8
Is that a threat?
Peak Islam hasn't even started yet
Islam isn't based around that. That's called extremism.
No, that's mainstream.
>Muh religion of peace
Stale meme desu senpai
>its a muslim star fleet officer harrassing the ferengis for an hour episode.
feels ackbar man
You know what'd be neat? Aliens learn of Islam, read the Qu'ran, then start genocide people who didn't worship Allah and follow the Qu'ran. Then we have the whole DATS NOT WHAT MOOSLIMS DO m8 speech.
It reminds me of this picture.
Two simple questions about the Quran:
Was Mohammed married to a nine year old girl?
Did Mohammed ever personally behead anyone for religious transgressions?
Lmao kuffars BTFO
If aliens read the quran they would laugh and avoid earth.
He was, but most of this shit is left out when being taught about it. I studied it for 3 years. One of my classmates actually did a degree in it and a doctorate in it... she also fell for the Muslim meme. But she isn't attractive. She's a hambeast. Was a really good friend though.
>religion still exists in the future
Remember when King Abdullah II one of the last descendents of the Prophet Muhammad was a cameo in Star Trek
Knowing how tolerant Islam is then it's only logical for Muslims to go into space and provide first contact for alien races. What better ambassadors for humanity?
No and no.
Aisha was 12 when betrothed, and 15 when they consummated the marriage, after puberty.
Secondly, the Hadith you're probably going to cite about some massacre of Jewish Medinans has been discredited by most scholars.
>science division
what did they mean by this ?
The example of those who insult Islam is the example of he who wants to extinguish the light of the sun or the moon by blowing at them. Keep arguing on Sup Forums, no one gives a shit.
Star Trek featured an episode where gangster aliens started an entire gangster civilization because they watched 1920s crime movies and thought they were really cool
i'm actually surprised christianity stays the same
Christianity doesn't nor does Buddhism but islam is ok because they are so progressive.
>His efforts were opposed by the network because of concerns over marketability, e.g., they opposed Roddenberry's insistence that the Enterprise have a racially diverse crew.
>Roddenberry's insistence that the Enterprise have a racially diverse crew
Not entirely "the same", just relatively equalized between European and North American decline with African and South American growth.
Because Islam is a race, right?
kill whitey
>she's a female so I guess I HAVE to comment on her looks
You on the other hand sound like a shit friend.
>son of a literal king
>masters in political science
wow he must've worked so hard!
Let me know when ISIS gets to space only thing will I be impressed
Race =/= Religion
you fucking retards.
No but when people think "Muslim" they think Abdullah al-Wajib bin Faisal al-Quraishi, not Steven McDonnell.
>mfw murican Muslims are great and never start shit
>Pakis are on average more educated and richer than whites
>they dont even put minarets on their churches
Looks like Yuros don't know how to assimilate immigrants by culturally dominating them
I picture Islamic people not liking space travel because it's not in the holy text.
All religions mention alien races.
You can take one look at this guy and be instantly aware he's a huge cunt regardless of his race.
The federation is an atheist utopia, fuck you SJW libcucks.
women have no value outside of their appearance and pussy game
>Captain, we are sensing and explosion from cargo bay 2
>Are we under fire? Status report
>No, it came from inside our ship. Don't worry captain I hear the religion is one of peace
Have a (you)
They think that the earth is flat, no point in trying to go to space.
token religious person teaches dumb american tv audience that spirituality is about feeling loved and actual islamic theology is completely overlooked
Shut the fuck up roastie.
>in the future Mudslimes blow up planets instead
Really makes you think....
Way to completely avoid my argument
In the west, a picture of a Muslim typically means a hairy brown dude. It's the same reason people attack Sikh temples. And when a 'Muslim' is portrayed in the media like we're speaking about, they're just some Arab, not an English convert that's running to Syria to join ISIS.
Like jinns existing and tempting humans. Some pretty serious and scientific stuff.
No point in trying to go to space and waste billions of dollars when on Earth everything is going wrong
There actually was a Saudi cleric who recently said space travel is haram
I think you're lost, bud.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are where the retarded subhuman shitposters play.
/his/ is the board where actual discussion using facts takes place.
>Way to completely avoid my argument
No it isn't. Islam isn't a skin color, it's a retarded costume. All of the worst assholes wear it. The pic you're going to post of some sheikh in a three piece suit won't disprove that.
>religion that instructs you to be a literal neckbeard
How can this be taken seriously?
That would be horrendously out of place
>Posting zionist who only got job because she loves seeing kids get blown up by bomb
try harder with you b8 next time.
Do you know who is you real dad ?
All of deep space nine? seriously?
So the new character is going to be like Chakotay, but muslim? That's the best possible scenario I see here.
No mate, says you. It's pretty clear from the hadith that she was 6 when married and 9 when consummated. Everything since then has been historical revisionism trying to avoid labelling him as a child-fucker
Narrated 'Aisha: that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death).
—Sahih al-Bukhari, 7:62:64
Gene roddenberry was a fedora tipping hippie liberal piece of shit and would have had no whites at all in star trek, if he could get away with it.
After all, in the future we'll all be brown atheists! At least thats what liberals believe.
He must have watched Star Trek 5.
lol that's the fake muslim guy who tried to enforce a Sharia zone by himself and got arrested.
He didn't know shit about Islam and just used extremism as an outlet for hate. Now he helps extremists transition out of their ideology through councelling.
He was on the news not too long ago.
the series is specifically about inclusion. what the fuck are you even talking about.
Takei even said Rodenberry considered having a gay character but thought it was too progressive for the network.
christ you conservatards get dumber every day.
I'm also calling for at least one of the crew to be mexican
We haven't had any muslims or mexicans so far
>Don't know why anyone would be surprised by this, in the future everyone will be Muslim
suicide bombing the deck
You're saying he didn't know shit about Islam when what you mean is he interpreted the same text and came to a different conclusion than you. The Quran and hadith are medieval documents with medieval values. If you want to, you can interpret them in a medieval way
see tho, it can just be treated like new age mumbo jumbo just like it has in the past. They can't use genies for fear of cultural appropriation
How is this any different than featuring Chakotay and his wacky Indian animal spirit beliefs?
By Picard's time, religion has died out on Earth for the majority of the population didn't it?
I remember him saying how the Federation has moved past the trappings of the ignorance in one of the episodes.
Resources are not infinite.
>islam is what i want it to be
No, Hadith writers exaggerated her youth to portray her as the 'pure' wife, on account of certain personalities calling her purity into question.
I encourage you to read this article (
I thought Klingons already existed in the Star Trek universe?
Will the character just be like sub-species of Klingon that fancies explosions?
I literally just angrily tweeted that at Alex Perry. It is very obvious they do not give a single shit about established canon so they wont have my views.