Red Pill me on the Bolice, I feel like I should support them because blacks and libtards/democrats hate them for delivering justice to blacks and other crime riddled minorities, but at the same time I think they are becoming militarized and trampling peoples rights.

wat do.

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I want to be a cop, I don't know why others do it but I just want to do something for my community that's all.

The beat cops in my county are really based. The sheriff is a fucking cuck, though, completely anti-fun.

Your police should be more tolerant like our police.

>police receive information a bunch of sandniggers are setting off fireworks, causing grass fires
>the police responds by sending two female officers to talk to them
>one female officer is kicked to the ground and stabbed with a knife by another
>police didn't use their guns


I miss when niggers were just the city version of the village idiot

Now they're the village rapist

Fuck cops and fuck niggers, they can both eat wet bucketfulls of shit for all I care.


Peoples rights to what? Chimping out and breaking shit?

cops actually deserve the benefits those in the military get

Most police departments are a money making scam for the jew government.

Some are good and some are bad. They're just people.

Only if they're also required to perform their duty and risk their lives in the line of service.
Don't need anymore fat kike garbage cops sucking up white people gibsmedats.

>Only if they're also required to perform their duty and risk their lives in the line of service.

If they're not required to die in the line of duty they shouldn't receive the same benefits of those who are.

what do you mean required to die in the line of duty? my point is that police and military are two of the three primary functions of government, however police officers actually do useful tasks, whereas most people in the military don't (not counting those who fight overseas obviously). tons of people join the military just to retire after a few years and reap the benefits for the rest of their lives, meanwhile police officers work longer and get much less, especially recently now that pensions are being cut.

Police aren't required to die in the line of duty and may avoid calls if they feel to the need to.
In the military if did something similar you would be AWOL and likely end up in a military prison where general population would kill you because you abandoned your duty when others needed you.
Unless police are required to respond to those calls and place their life in the line of duty they should not receive the same tax-funded benefits of those who do.

The truth is, there's corrupt cops, and there's cops that genuinely want to do good.
Like the saying goes, one rotten apple spoils the bunch. But there seems to be more rotten apples than anything, since they get the most recognition. Just don't move to LA or NYC.

Don't associate with criminals, drive like a fucking asshole, or cause trouble with your neighbors and they will never fucking bother you. I haven't been pulled over in 11 years.

And yes--this applies to nogs and Mexicans, too.

>when u want to bash liberals head in as riot cop but have to be real cop to do it
I want to hurt people not give em tickets gosh

Just become a nigger its basically what you described

If you die in the line of duty you will won't get jackshit.

I wish that this wasn't real. But since we are talking about sweden here, it wouldn't surprise me if that really happened. I mean the female officers in germany constantly get harrassed by the mudslimes.

Đó you want to know why the police wear badges? Because they are pigs, and pigs get slaughtered.

I read that story when a court said muslims groping female cops is not a crime but a minor offense that can be settled by a few euros. Top kek.
Germoney is just not salvagable.

well, they are constantly looking for excuses because they fear that people will get xenophobic (too late for that).
Even in the police they keep talking about ""workshops"" for mudslimes that teach them how to treat women. What a brilliant idea.

Cops get killed all the time during the course of their duty.

All of them are traitors and cowards in Germany. When the civil war hits, they will be on the side of the Muslims.

I thought it's cause they want to be the very best
Like no one ever was
To catch peeps their real test
To taze them is their cause.

It's real. I can't find anything in the news about it outside of Sweden, though.

Being a police officer in europe right now must be absolutely frustrating.

Sup Forumsicefag here
We are normal guys who run retard interception all day. The only time i ever deal with normal people at work is if they get into a traffic accident or wild dindus wondered into the wrong neighborhood.

Only ever encountered one asshole cop, the other 3 have been cool as shit.

Kinda like with regular people, you get assholes in every bunch. That being said, with all the shitty stuff thats coming out against them, I'm pretty fuckin fanny flustered that the good cops dont do shit against it.

Nice meme, but wrong.