Not picking up this girl as Harley Quinn

>not picking up this girl as Harley Quinn
what the FUCK ?
she looks exactly like her, even down to the plastic weird smile

>implying hollywood cares about perfect casting

she really doesn't, plus she can't act, isn't attractive or sexy, and literally britta's everything she does

jeff pls leave

She obviously didn't suck the right dicks.

She's really fucking sexy as the new age clown girl in that episode of Community.

That's not Kstew or Jena Malone, hell even Brie would be better.

suck the right dicks or suck dicks right?

Boy she's got some saggers tell ya what

She's always pretty reserved though, I don't think she would be comfortable appearing in those outfits or showing that much skin

That's not Lexi Belle though

>hasn't seen Choke

That was before Community though and she looked so dead inside during all her scenes especially the one involving nuditywhich is what made the scene so hot tbqh. I doubt she'd ever do anything like it again now that she's working with Judd "The Bull Prepper" Apatow.

>best person for a role is dictated by looks
Pleb holocaust when?


She's not Jewish

She was nearly the only one in that show who could actually act.

i want to see ASR as Harley Quinn just to see her in those booty shorts.


>plus she can't act, isn't attractive or sexy,

You have exactly three seconds to take that back.

>trigger discipline


Underrated post

>fake gun

That is such a random bullshit assumption.

So this

>she will NEVER castrate you with her teeth
just die in my sleep already
( ._.) ( ;_;)
