>What are your hopes and expectations?
>What don't you want to see?
>Should Wil Wheaton be in it?
ITT: We discuss Stranger Things Season 2
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I hope for Mike and El snow ball scene
They give the damned plotline away in the last act of S1.8, user.
What would that be?
Did you miss all he Alien references? The slug Will coughed up will infect someone and create the new monster.
I'm more interested if Wyatt joins the cast. He could play Mike's sweetheart.
>The monster was inside us all along.
This. That's the primary reason I'm looking forward to the 'It' remake. Finn is such a brilliant actor already, and we've only ever seen him play against filthy ingrate bonglets that don't appreciate him. It will be fun to see him act against someone who wuvs him.
I would love to see Wyatt in season 2. A hell of a lot more than Wil fucking Wheaton.
it'll revolve around the alternate dimension taking form in the main dimension and forming some sort of freaky walkway between dimensions
also will turns into an ayy lmao
So basically a convoluted adaptation of The Tommyknockers
I still feel sorry for him about said bonglet though. And if you go on will (noah's) insta, you can see videos he made of her and him together. I bet finn is crying somewhere knowing his friend(s?) are all with her and not him.
That's a Stephen King book, right? Then you bet you're ass it will be exactly that.
Can you imagine how interviews with It's cast will look like with all this young love floating around? Can't wait to see that kino.
Nah, Finn already got a new group of boyos to wuv. He's constantly working while Millie is forced to do con signings for extra cash.
Finn is back with Wyatt, I bet he doesn't care bout Millie and his ST 'friends' that much anymore
It's going to be most comfy, desu.
Tommyknockers is about aliens turning people into toothless idiot savants. Nothing about dimensions.
>Just friends having fun
>no Fraggot
>toothless idiot savants.
it's happening
This show really isn't that good, not sure why Sup Forums sucks its dick so hard, it's just one giant cliche, extremely predictable garbage. This is Reddit the show
>Just friends in a choreographed publicity shot
>No lead from the show because he's busy having a career
It's been something like a decade since I read it, but as I remembered it the crashed ship slowly leaks some kind of aura that turns the townspeople into ayys, and the main woman who first discovered it is very far into the transformation. There was also a side-plot about some kind of portals that could suck people right out of existence and dump them millions of miles away
damn nigga chill out stop taking it so seriously it's fiction bro lol walk away from the screen nigger
post some rare finn&wyatts
That's the plot, but no dimensions.
I think S2 will be more Alien and fantasy inspired than S1, which was more King and sci-fi. .
Cave of flowers will be the eggs from the upside down. Elle will come back. Will will probably get superpowers or some shit.
how the fuck is that a male?
>This was taken the same day as Fallon
>Noah was in NYC, and they STILL didn't invite him on the show.
>What are your hopes and expectations?
I hope El comes back
>What don't you want to see?
El not come back
>Should Wil Wheaton be in it?
No but El should
beguz benis
>seeing Barb's big juicy butt one more time should be enough for me - I honestly don't care about anything else
It's Froggo. That should answer your stupid question.
What if Wil Wheaton plays El, whose age has been accelerated dramatically from living in the upside down for so long?
He won't be for long once Wyatt convinces him to get on HRT
Why would Wyatt do that? Wyatt is clearly a huge gay.
Fuck will Wheaton, if Millie/eleven isn't coming back for major time I'm dropping this show real fast
Wyatt wouldn't want his boy to look like a girl, silly user.
I would like to see more scenes with Finn, and less scenes with everyone else. Also, I think Finn's bestie Wyatt Oleff should be given a part and also their friend Jaeden. And also Actor Froggobro so he can post rare Froggos every day.
Wouldn't be surprised if he was on standby for Finn just in case his flight was delayed, which truthfully is even sadder.
I agree with this post. Finn should get more scenes, especially with Wyatt who should get a part, and we should get more rare Froggos.
You sir... are not a faggot
This never occurred to me, but it's definitely possible. Noah confirmed for the sorriest actor from ST.
Thank u kind user
>no one will ever look at you this way
I know that feel
Why was he not invited?
Nobody likes him
Discuss this
1. Finn needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine.
2. Whenever Finn's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Finn"?
first post best post, this is literally all I want from season 2.
If Wheaton weasels his way onto it I will commit jihad
>s2 guest stars include Wil Wheaton, Aaron Paul, Patton Oswalt, and Stephen King
just kill me now
I really wish people would stop implying Finn is gay.
Why does Sup Forums love this kid so much now?
Yeah I agreeeeeee
He is not gay, that much we know. He is probably bi though
>see all the pics and gifs on tumblr of the whole cast having fun and being happy, feels nice
>see this thread and realizes that the kid is probably disliked by his peers and they dont want anything to do with him
i only have myself to blame
He is a lovable person; talented, intelligent, funny. Finn is like a puppy, he gives off positive vibes.
It's some kind of fucking pedo logic if Lolita is to be believed. Pedophiles see something in certain kids that makes them attractive, no matter how they actually look.
Has he done media appearances that y'all love? What puts him above the other cast members?
I don't know senpai, I started really liking him after reading some interviews with him, because he seems like a very sensible and responsible person when it comes to his career. Then there are vines, periscopes, and such. To be quite honest with you, I don't follow other cast members that closely on social media, because Finn is enough at that point. Like I've said, he is a positive person, intelligent for his age but still goofy, pretty charismatic too. I have never had a younger sibling so I guess that's why I like him so much; he embodies traits I would love to see in my younger sibling/future kid.
I'm glad someone else has noticed how creepy as fuck aron paul is around millie. I know hes a fan of the show, but why only do stuff with her if he loves the show as a whole? For evidence see her insta.
I like them to bring el back in the first episode, instead of fuckin dragging the old cliche of is she alive or not.
And if i dont see mike and el dancing i will literally delete my Froggo file on my computer and stop watching the show
El is literally guaranteed alive. There's no point in dragging it out.
He gives us a subconscious,overwhelming need to care for him and protect him.
there's no point to it, but they still might. I personaly don't think we'll see her the first ep. Maybe just her dreamwalking to them or sending messages. They're going to milk the angst of her being gone from mike for at least one ep methinks.
the bastards.
on a last note, 'if' they do end up getting together and manage to go to the snow ball thingy, it being the 80s, you just know there's going to be shitty 80s dance music. That will totaoly kill the feels.
Eh. I trust them with the music. They did a good job during all the big emotional moments, especially when Will's "body" was found. Yes, it was a 2012 cover of a 1977 song and yes, the 80s have been the worst musical decade of the past 50 years. They'll still do a good job with that scene.
praying you're right friendo.
Mike is the best character, Finn is the best actor.
This la'
id make love to this boy gently
wtf is wrong with u
we all have brotherly love for froggo not ur sick ass shit
does anyone have the english version of that supernatural scene?
>big dance scene
>I just died in your arms tonight starts playing
they have tons of music to work with.
fuck yes
real brothers express their love physically sorry
Question for you folks?
How does the building appear in the upside down world. Who builds them, or do they slowly pop up.
Delete this post please
I didn't know that baby Finn is so cute
Finn sitting on your lap while you watch tv together laughing and having a grand time and then put your tongue down his throat. that's what brothers do
You mean where they make snow forts and throw pee-soaked ice chunks at each other?
They pop down.
So I have a theory that the upside down is just a post ww3 universe where the cold war ended with the nuclear holocaust.
As based mathematicians in the manhattan project predicted that nuclear blasts might ignite the nitrogen in the atmosphere, which can be the reason why they said the atmosphere in the upside down is toxic and why it was always nighttime and snow-like shit kept falling.
or crowded house's dont dream it's over
I'd also like to know how quickly the letters Joyce painted on her wall made it to the upside down. And how Will was able to do all the trickery with the lights. And how Will was right there in the room saying R-U-N when the monster was in the room too. Why wouldn't it go for Will?
>Eleven is about to take a bite out of a waffle
>a hand pushes it down away from her mouth
>Elle coldly demands "Leggo my eggo" as her nose starts to bleed
>watch stranger things last weekend
>missed out on a full month of finnposting
biggest regret of 2016 tbqh
I'm sorry user
Don't feel too bad. There's been a Froggo renaissance recently
To elaborate, some stats from 4plebs:
>Aug 3 - first use of 'froggo'
>page 22 on a Sup Forums 'froggo' keyword search
>Aug 27 - last weekend
>page 13 on a Sup Forums 'froggo' keyword search
In the last week alone, the word has been used just around 300 times. In the 24 day span preceding this (more than 3 weeks), it was only used 250 times.
And by the looks of it, Finn is only getting more and more popular
i miss EIposting
I'm happy for Finn. He deserves to be known and loved (in a pure way). Froggo posting is really comfy too, so it's not strange that it's getting more and more popular.
That's a qt froggo user
>Hey kid, wanna fuck?
What do?
"No, but I bet Finn Wolfhard does"
He looks really good in glasses, too bad he doesn't wear them often. I guess he is just insecure, or maybe doesn't need them on a daily basis. By the way, do we have a Canadian user in this thread?
The first season was completely contained and neatly wrapped up. If there is another season, it should have a completely different cast and subject matter. If they attempt to build on the 5 second bathroom scene at the end of the last episode, it will be a failure. I can't even begin to explain how last minute and pointless that scene was. It pissed me off.
>it should have a completely different cast and subject matter
It won't, this is already set it stone. It will continue the plot of season 1 and add a few more characters