How can Marvel compete with this?
How can Marvel compete with this?
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With actual capekino, Sup Forums cancer
Honestly they can't. The masses enjoy funny popcorn flicks with quips and shitty dialogues. DC is hated by many since their films actually require you to think. DC is superior. Marvelcucks on suicide watch.
By not using heavy handed Jesus symbology in every other scene.
>Sup Forums suddenly hates Christianity
I suppose it was only a matter of time before the muslims overran us here too
That's not competing hahaha
That's just pandering to children and manbabies
Easily, apparently
Everybody hates Christianity. That's why they killed Jesus and persecuted the apostles. Now their teachings are long forgotten but not forgotten.
With this ebin kino right hizzy.
t. pablo that started posting on Sup Forums in 2015
>DC is hated by many since their films actually require you to think
I don't see any SS threads right now bruh.
>inb4 he creates one after reading this.
>he wasn't there when Sup Forums was atheist during Bush era
Really makes you think about the average age of the capespammers.
Remember Billy, you only get to drink half a beer and get one puff of daddy's cigar, Okie?
Such an Underrated film but technically not part of the mcu
If BvS made you think I feel sorry for you.
>they think this is kino
I want to throw up.
Not an MCU movie, /r/eddit cancer
The word you're looking for is symbolism, my friend.
For a capeshit film it was pretty thematically dense
Go back to Sup Forums and stay there with all the other imdb teens that don't understand arthouse capeshit
We've always been a majority christian/conservative site mate it's just that atheists are a lot less vocal now because of how much public ridicule they get these days
Competent plots.
Oh new guy how sad and delusional you are
There are SS threads up daily
Not lurking Sup Forums 24/7
Still the only superhero movie this board recognizes and has always recognized as art. I know that you came here after the invasion, but you're not really "here"
>We've always been a majority christian/conservative site
No it wasn't. It was teenage edgelord trash that tries to fool said edgelords into thinking its "intellectual" with a bunch of smoke and mirrors.
The movie is fucking dumb.
I'm a DCuck, but i'll not say bad things about Ang Lee's Hulk. This movie is underrated as fuck. Truly a kinograma.
>There are SS threads up daily
And most of them are shitposting about the Madman that doesn't even hit the bump limit or just threads about how much money is making. Nothing interesting, nothing worth discussing.
>Leave Kino to me
What did he really mean by this?
You don't even have to be a capeshit fan to know its pure kino.
The patricians recognize it
The plebs recognize it
The turbo plebs recognize it
The only ones that don't are tasteless Sup Forums drones
>posts non-Marvel Studios movie.
I've been here since 2008, and I really don't care about invasions or what you think constitutes 'art', but that is not a fucking Marvel Studios movie no matter which way you want to spin it.
Whether you think the theme's within it were sophomore/ teenage edgy levels trash doesn't matter, the fact is that they do exist within the movie
They can't. Marpleb is all about the quip, visual aestethic be damned.
You're dense.
>The most boring capeshit ever
They can't.
t-thanks, you too
You've been here since 2014 at the earliest. It is branded under marvel capeshit so it is marvel capeshit. You can kick and scream all you want, but you are not only not a local here, you are a pleb that belongs on Sup Forums
Superman being idolised as a god
Gods place in humanity
Christian allegory tied to superman
And so on so forth
The only marvel-related Kino unless you count Ghost Rider 2
This post gave me eye cancer.
But no plot that makes sense.
Your post made no sense...
Wrong clip my friend
This is the kino scene
You're fucking dumb.
>Muh dutch angles is art
>he thinks its about dutch angels
Stick to posting "cinegrids" of colorful movies, kid.
Objective Marvel/DC rankings
1. Dark Knight Trilogy
2. X-Men
4. Sam Raimi's Spider-Man
5. Ang Lee's Hulk
6. MCU
7. The Amazing Spider-Man
8. Fantastic Four + everything else
Prove me wrong
I can't believe the MCU faggots hate Ang Lee's Hulk. What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Oops, forgot Blade. Put it between Spider-Man and Hulk
watch more movies
1. Ang Lee's Hulk
2. X-Men
3. Dark Knight duology
4. Spider-Man 2
5. Blade
6. Spiderman 1 and 3
7. The Amazing Spider-Man
8. Body horror parts of the latest fantastic 4 movie
9. The Dark Knight Rises
10. everything else
wow that's wrong
2. TDK trilogy
2. Raimi Spiderman
3. MCU
5. Hulk
6. ASM
7. XMen(seriously everything except First Class is bad)
8. fant4stic
actually shove tdkr into everything and replace it with spawn
Spider-Man 3 is the best of the trilogy if you watch it as a surrealist comedy
What am I missing? I could put Burton's Batman or Donner's Superman, but the ones I listed are more direct competitors
>DCEU below MCU
>Hulk bellow MCU
Fuck that.
2. X-men
3. who gives a fuck
>Stick to posting "cinegrids" of colorful movies, kid.
Probably the worst attempting at being unique ever. It's chaotic.
I wonder what will happen when the numbers start to get ridiculous and they can't rehash the same characers over and over. IE Spiderman 7 and shit like that. The trends of superhero/transformers and shit like that movies in the last 7 years is pretty weak tbhonest
First they will buy X-Men and Fantastic Four back, then they will buy the DC characters
Op didn't say mcu did he?
According to Zack Snyder fans if you think a movie is boring it's just because you're dumb.
I think they've got ~3 years after the main actors from the Marvel Universe leave until it falls apart. They can re-cast but that would be the end of an era and the superhero dominance of Hollywood.
As for reboots, the lifeblood of DC and Marvel now (trying to have everything under one roof) will be its death. If Marvel end up getting X-Men and F4 as well as Spider-Man, as soon as the Avengers goes down in popularity, they will fall at the same time.
DC might survive simply because fans already hate the current direction, and they have been smart enough to name films as if they're standalones.
Marvel isn't really competing. They have an audience. They make safe comedy movies that make money. Do they have good stories, villains or soundtracks in Disney Marvel flicks? No. But does that matter? Nope.
DC isn't really playing it safe and making pretty weird movies which I respect but audiences hate them because they don't explain everything to you and they aren't really kid friendly.
It's not boring, it's just too fucking stupid. Even as a kid I thought it was too stupid for capeshit. It was probably my first movie disappointment too because I was pretty hyped.
>they don't explain everything to you
Did you watch BvS?
Honestly the fact you're pointing to a CGI action scene as evidence proves you don't get it
I know, right? Why can't all these plebs learn to ignore all the bad parts of a movie?
Did you?
Or just not let a 4 minute scene define it for them
easily, by making a movie that has a coherent and consistent plot from start to finish instead of hiring a hack director and chopping up his already overblown movie into an absolute mess of idiotic characters, bad dialogue, and inconsistent behavior from the characters.
Marvel understands their own characters, which is a far cry from whatever the fuck Warner is doing.
>How can Marvel compete with this?
More relatable characters, better conflict resolution, more interesting villains.
>absolute mess of idiotic characters, bad dialogue, and inconsistent behavior from the characters.
You just described Civil war
>a 4 minute scene defined this movie for me
t. no one, ever
People aren't pointing to 4 minute scenes and saying "this is why I hate this movie," they're pointing to 4 minute scenes as representative of everything wrong with the movie. And that's a good example of everything wrong with ang lee hulk.
feel free to elaborate
You can't
>people are STILL too stupid to understand BvS
They really don't, though.
You're conflating "understand" with "like."
Hulk's father using stray dogs to conduct his experiments is NOT DUMB. Sure, is weird seeing a fucking Hulk poodle, but not so much outside the realm of comic-book shit.
Ang Lee's Hulk is fucking GOAT.
how about you watch the movie and pay attention
shouldve been the start of the mcu but alas it was not
>Marvel understands their own characters, which is a far cry from whatever the fuck Warner is doing.
You do know that the MCU movies hardly have anything to do with the comics, like?
A good example of this is characters like Hawkeye, who's a secret agent and family man in the movies, while in comics he was a deaf criminal man and a private contractor with no family. They don't even explore is massive insecurity issues in the movies.
Is that age of Loltron? look I like Marvel occasionally but damn that movie was really bad
So to confirm, you're pointing to CGI action scenes in a dialogue-heavy, action-light (relatively speaking) movie as representative of everything wrong with it? That seems a tad contradictory unless you think 90% of the movie was great.
I see you're not elaborating.
It's mostly the connely "omg what has he become" reaction shots to him beating up the CGI hulk-a-poodle, then how the sequence ends with hulk look at his reflection in a pool with what I assume was supposed to be a "omg wut am me" expression.
but it has none of these things...
No, I described BvS and Suicide Squad, but nice try.
I didn't see Zemo changing his motivations between bouts bad editing.
The only one they got right, shockingly, was Wonder Woman.
t. I actually read the fucking comic books.
That's total horseshit and you know it, because children hate grimderp bullshit like that.
That version of Hawkeye is a bit closer to the "Ultimate Comics" version. So yeah, MCU understands their characters better.
It was PG-13, how fucking old do you think a kid is?
>Waaah, I can't present a good argument, you do it for me.
Wow, movies are different from the source material? No fucking way.
>he literally didn't get BvS
PG-13 is a meaningless rating, as no theaters actually enforce it.
>PG-13 is a meaningless rating
It means they're marketing to a specific group. It doesn't matter if kids are watching Debbie Does Dallas, it doesn't make it a fucking kid's movie.
There's nothing to get. It's an incoherent mess and even Warner knew it.
Your movie sucks. End of story.
I agree. It was enacted because of Gremlins and Temple of Doom, for fucks sake.