We are not gonna make it in Europe. We will become a multiracial shithole like the USA or Brazil.
So, for my personal well being, how do I avoid contact with colored minorities?
Is there anyone here living in a multiracial shithole who came up with good strategies to avoid dealing and, if possible, the sight of non white people? Except being wealthy.
We are not gonna make it in Europe. We will become a multiracial shithole like the USA or Brazil
Should i exchange my euros into dollars?
Being wealthy is the only way. The lower your economic status, the more subhumans you'll have to be around.
Live in the country side, avoid major cities.
Also you could try only going out at night time.
Hang yourself, Mario.
convert to islam
Italians aren't white, though.
Came here to say this
next nigger shipment will be ready at the border in a couple of hours, be sure to be there for the transfer
these two are coming with you
Vote Salvini :^)
The end is nigh, these are the endtimes, i feel it.
Soon everything will find an end, and the new world order will come.
God has forsaken us, degeneracy is the new standard of living, we have forgotten our heritage, we have forgotten how to live.
I don't want to live anymore, all i have can be gone in 1 second if the Illuminati decides to fuck up the economy, no job, no car, no fuel, no food, stone age.
Im scared guys, i never felt like this, i feel like something really big is going to happen
This. I live in a small town and there's no sandnigglets or regular nigglets here. Gone to school here, no problem no rowdy subhumans.
>or the USA
For fucks sake
The sooner nignogs and mudslimes take over Europe and prove that gun control does not explain your low crime rates, the better.
move to denmark or norway if youre white and learn our language
>learn our language
Fuck off, I've met ppl from Denmark and Norway. You speak perfectly good english
>We will become a multiracial shithole like the USA or Brazil.
Speak for yourself Ahmed.
It's your own damn fault. Keep sending communists to the EU parliament and see what happens.
You should exchange them to PLN.
Soon Germany will be at war, hence they will no longer have the time to shit on Poland 24/7.
>You speak perfectly good english
That's not the point motherfucker. It's about respect and showing that you care.
>how do I avoid contact with colored minorities?
Have you tried a gun?
You could try and go back in your mafia infested village, terrone di merda
>how do I avoid contact with colored minorities?
Have you tried living in a white country?
>We are not gonna make it in Europe.
have a little faith and vote Lega you faggot
gun is the only long term solution, I'm sorry to say
I tried talking locusts away from my fields once but it didn't work out too well. maybe I was too mean, it's hard to know
even brazil has white neighborhoods. i live in south florida and rarely interact with black people or spics. you just have to be #privileged.
The countryside. But your best bet is to never stop fighting otherwise youre just leaving the problem for future generations.