I love how conservatives try to call Bernie supporters cucks when they're the ones ;literally sucking corporate cock by voting for Trumpy.
Talk about projection.
I love how conservatives try to call Bernie supporters cucks when they're the ones ;literally sucking corporate cock by...
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Because you are cucks
t. Non Trump supporter
Not really, because Bernie supporters want a big government to take care of them and pay for their shit.
Conservative does not mean you love big corporations, but rather the freedom to choose for yourself and be responsible for yourself.
Bernie sanders is a literal cuck though.
But in any case let's look and see, voting for sanders is voting for the government to take more of your money and to reduce your economic freedoms.
Voting for trump increases your economic freedoms (by lowering taxes) while also efficiently taxing the rich by removing loopholes.
In other words, trump wants you to stand up for yourself and make people obey the Law.
Bernie the cuck however, wishes you to obey the government and it does not even wish to fulfill its requirements as government.
Therefore obviously to support Bernie is to support cuckolded economics.
you're cucked by the free handouts because you lazy shits can't be bothered to get healthcare via good employment. You say that working a job that pays minimum wage should be able to support you. are you kidding? those jobs are for fucking high schoolers and college students, not for people over the age of 25. if you hit 25 and don't have a career that can support yourself, you're probably begging for Sanders cock.
>Conservatives actually believe this
>I-it doesn't matter if I work long hours for peanuts while my boss sits in his office all day chatting with execs, I-i'm pullin' myself up by my b-bootstraps!
Maybe try reading a book, faggot. Porky made you his bitch.
>Letting people keep their money means sucking their cock.
I wasn't expecting bernie supporters to not be delusional anyway.
In terms of classical marxism libs are ultra rigt wing - droping labor cost to near zero with immigration and embrasing free trade to let the jobs flee. Corporations HUGELY benefit on both issues.
Comrades in 19-th centuries literally would BTFO anyone who want to do their job for shitty payment. Comrades from 21-th centurie actually embracing scabs. Sad.
True conservatives are #NeverTrump :^)
I'm a #ClintonMissile now
Except under Bernie you'd still be working for a big corporation, while giving half of your money to the State, which would be essentially what we have in places like Finland.
In a more capitalist society (what you have now), you're able to break out if you so choose and run your own business and make your own money.
As someone who managed to do this in Finland, I can't even begin to tell you how much of a pain it is to do so in a place like this.
You don't know shit about how this works, and it's painfully obvious.
Everyone thinks you're cucks, even Shillary shills.
>not wanting to be a literal slave is lazy
>hard work automatically makes you a better person
Literally exactly what Marx talked about in Capital.
You wagecucks are so brainwashed by the Capitalists that you consider anything besides your indentured servitude that you dare call a "career" to be immoral.
>It's pathetic, I mean he's really a sad case.
Except I'm paying for things I want. You really don't understand this do you?
Also Bernie has one of the best labor union records in the world.
>implying Bernie won't fight for the four-hour work week
>implying Trump won't encourage us to get rid of Saturday
Just because I'm content with working to help my fellow man with nationalized healthcare and education, and your life is so hollow that you want to slave away for years at a job just to afford what? A bigger tv? A faster computer? a bigger house with a lawn that you have to mow and weed every day? Or have you been so far duped that you actually think you'll be a member of the 1% one day? m-m-muh freedums?
It seems more like you don't know what you're talking about
PROTIP: Socialism = dictatorship of the proletariat, public ownership of the means of production
Socialism =/= hurr durr big gubment
You're missing the point entirely. It's not about where you spend your money.
my simple point is, if you think working cashier at a retail store or working in a restaurant, or basically anything that involves customers that ISN'T a manager position, and you expect a wage that allows you to comfortably live, support a family, and gives you medical, you're a fucking tard. it's called responsibility. thinking you can live off a job like that is irresponsible. that's ALWAYS been the case, unless you're living in a literal shed.
He his living in a shed
That was your entire argument tho faggot.
>I get to keep mah munney
>Start small business even though it's literally impossible to keep up with corporate undercutting of prices
Who gives a fuck? Honestly, that's freedom to you?
If that's not your argument then what is it? You suck at articulating yourself.
>even though it's literally impossible to keep up with corporate undercutting of prices
That must be why there aren't any small businesses in America.
Bernie is no longer relevant. He has been abandoned.
Fuck off.
Please take a moment to reflect on your defintion of responsiblity there.
"Responsiblity" in the eyes of capitalists and conservatives (basically, capitalists who think they're fightin 4 freedum) = selling out your friends so you can get the most green paper by slaving away the hardest while your boss sits back and counts money.
You're a cuck, dude. Like I'm sorry if you actually take pride in that shit you are a cuck by definition.
Call me back when you've joined the revolution.
>Just because I'm content with working to help my fellow man with nationalized healthcare and education
False assumption
There is plenty of evidence that shows these things don't do what their claims are.
Especially compared to market forces not bogged down in protectionist government regulation which is the best proven system available to help the greatest number of people.
Oh of course there are, and from what I've heard, the constant uphill battle they endure every single day is part depressing, part hilarious because I know that they're going to retardedly elect parties that will continue this vicious cycle of class oppression.
>I'm gonna prove Haidt's thesis that liberals have little to no understanding of conservatism right the post
>Especially compared to market forces not bogged down in protectionist government regulation which is the best proven system available to help the greatest number of people.
>muh competition
>dah free market will fix dis
Right, buddy.
>liberals favor care, liberty, and fairness, and were often indifferent to concerns of sanctity, loyalty, and authority
sanctity = the opium of the masses
loyalty = cuckoldry to porky
authority = um, see above...
Yeah nice pillars of morality guys.
>Oh of course there are, and from what I've heard, the constant uphill battle they endure every single day is part depressing, part hilarious because I know that they're going to retardedly elect parties that will continue this vicious cycle of class oppression.
>if I repeat tired rhetoric from leftist demoralizing propaganda designed to create a desire for dependence on them it will change reality.
In the age of the internet it has never been easier to become an entrepreneur in human history.
The "it's impossible so I'm not gonna try" cop out bitch made attitude is what's stopping you more than any perceived "ebul capitalist".
>Right, buddy.
You can go back in American history which proves this.
Any doctor that has been practicing medicine for more than. 40 years knows this intimately because they first hand watched as government ruined the medicalcare system for the gain of themselves and various special interest.
Again you're just confirming his extensive research that liberals know dick all about conservative ideology and instead prefer their strawmen and ear plugging
The point is what you're forcing others to do, which in your mind is a form of freedom. Somehow.
Also on typical liberal fashion you deliberately ignore information that is inconvenient
> He polled over 130,000 conservatives and liberals on moral issues and found that while conservatives rely on all six foundations equally in making moral judgments, liberals favor care, liberty, and fairness, and were often indifferent to concerns of sanctity, loyalty, and authority. Libertarians, relying primarily on the liberty foundation, had the smallest moral domain of all, which probably explains a great deal - certainly Ayn Rand.
Easier than any time in history =/= worth the wasted time and energy
Capital is imprisonment. I've been told enough times for one life about the "value of hard work", thank you.
picrelated, it's the people all your hard work (read: enslavement) is ACTUALLY benefitting.
You jelly? Of course you are, you're a capitalist.
>Any doctor that has been practicing medicine for more than. 40 years knows this
>Just ask the people who are lining their pockets with patients money
Yeah no conflict of interest there.
If picrelated is what you Conservatives call morality, then please, call me a heretic. I beg you.
For an added bonus, why don't you explain to me how the free market is gonna fix child labour?
>Easier than any time in history =/= worth the wasted time and energy
>abloo abloo abloo if I bitch about the man it will make things happen.
> been told enough times for one life about the "value of hard work", thank you.
>he doesn't understand what working smarter is
> picrelated, it's the people all your hard work (read: enslavement) is ACTUALLY benefitting.
>You jelly? Of course you are, you're a capitalist.
>said the protecting coon who follows the religion of envy
FYI around 3/4ths of the richest 500 people in America are self made.
Over 1/2 of people that are born into poverty make it up to the top 20%
There is no enslavement any more than you're enslaved to nature because if you lived in the woods and didn't hunt and forage you'd starve.
But instead of actually working to improve your lot in live you'd rather piss and moan hoping to use the fruits of others labor for your sustenance.
> Just ask the people who are lining their pockets with patients money
>Yeah no conflict of interest there.
>if I construct a strawman and then plug my ears that means I'm right
There are real clear cut examples of small practices trying to get away from the protectionist system of medicalcare and actually work on more market forces and they already can provide cheaper care.
It isn't some.empty rhetoric that if we got government out of the medicalcare system and let it work that it would result in cheaper and more widely available care.
Also government overreach in this field all but killed charity hospitals which were very common place 40+ years ago
>Over 1/2 of people that are born into poverty make it up to the top 20%
oh jesus, what kind of mental gymnastics did you have to do to believe that statistic?
>If picrelated is what you Conservatives call morality, then please, call me a heretic. I beg you.
Capitalism has lifted 2 billion people out of objective poverty since 1990.
Cherrypicking a picture of poverty stricken people is not an argument it is disgusting manipulation of emotions while stepping on these people's backs to use as a propaganda tool for your own agenda.
> For an added bonus, why don't you explain to me how the free market is gonna fix child labour?
Like it did in the past
By making it obsolete.
Oh and BTW faggots like you that go out and force thrid world nations to ban such child labour in "sweat shops" are damning these kids to a life of mich more dangerous and harder work in the form.of sustenance farming or scavenging garbage or God forbid child prostitution.
The people and even kids that work willingly in "sweat shops" on average make 2-5 times the average wage of others in these nations.
By removing this source of income by banning it is in very real terms damning these people to much worse living conditions.
Just because we in the west have beaten this and no longer have to deal with such hardships doesn't mean we get to deny these people in developing nations from doing the same.
You need to check your first world privilege and stop advocating these people not follow the same opportunity that lead to the wealth we get to enjoy
>i have no argument, bettter pull out my strawman!
You libcucks are all the same, thats why you will always be dismissed as cucks
>mental gymnastics
It's called reality
Which is what you see when you look at the movement of actual people throughout their lives instead of abstract brackets and assuming the flesh and blood people don't change.
It's why faggots like yourself ignore decades of IRS data which shows this and instead prefer to only look at snap shots of these abstract brackets.
>post a picture of a mass murderer who killed poor peasants in very large numbers because they "hoarded food"
>Capitalism has lifted 2 billion people out of objective poverty since 1990.
And Communism could lift everyone out of poverty. Are you proud of your system for working kind of?
>Oh and BTW faggots like you that go out and force thrid world nations to ban such child labour in "sweat shops" are damning these kids to a life of mich more dangerous and harder work in the form.of sustenance farming or scavenging garbage or God forbid child prostitution.
What were you saying about disgusting manipulation of emotions?
You know there's enough food for everybody on earth right? Capitalists literally throw out food because it interferes with profit margins.
My system is better than yours, it's a simple fact.
I don't have time to greentext your whole argument but basically you're arguing for a fake redemption for these countries that only became the way they are because of colonialism and later globalization.
And to directly refute "point" 1 in that shit tier propaganda of "household incomes have decreased".
That is because households have decreased in number of people working.
This is a very coy propaganda technique that avoids controlling for very obvious variables which when controlled for shows that income mobility has absolutely not decreased in this nation which again if you look at the wealth of IRS income data proves.
>Cherrypicking a picture of poverty stricken people is not an argument it is disgusting manipulation of emotions while stepping on these people's backs to use as a propaganda tool for your own agenda.
Wait I'm not done. Your hypocrisy is stunning.
In your second paragraph you bemoan children for suffering under systems that you yourself have created, apart from subsistence farming.
You're the ones who chose to monetize goods in the first place. You're the one stepping on these children's backs giving them false hope in a game they've already lost just by being born.
Getting paid well for good work is oppression?
>And Communism could lift everyone out of poverty.
Name.me one place it has lifted people put of poverty?
Every single place on this planet that "attempted" Communism is significantly poorer than their geographic counterparts.
Eastern Europe is significantly poorer than Western Europe despite these nations being fairly close at the end of the 1800s.
The most drastic example is North and South Korea where you have the same culture the same people genetically the same language.
One has to ration everything from.water food and electricity whole the other enjoys one of the highest standards of living on earth.
> Are you proud of your system for working kind of?
There is no other system devised by man which has provided as much good to more people than capitalism and that is an objective measurable fact
Only a dogmatic religious zealot could say 2 billion people being lifted out of poverty in less than 30 years isn't "working" whole simultaneously suggesting a failed system tried dozens of times and has left those regions in poverty utterly needlessly is going to solve everything.
> Capitalists literally throw out food because it interferes with profit margins.
My system is better than yours, it's a simple fact.
Because government regulation make it illegal for these business to do anything but throw said food out.
When something goes out of date on the shelf it is law that it has to be thro
Also the biggest issue facing developing nations specifically in Africa regarding food production is all of the food aid we give them which mean local farmers cannot compete with free food which creates and endless cycle of these regions not having the capacity to provide for themselves and "requiring" food aid.
> I don't have time to greentext your whole argument
>I'm just gonna cover my ears and go lalalala like a 2 year old
I know you are.
Is theforce lifting billions out of poverty inmeasurable terms.
Arguing against it is arguing that they stay poor
This. Based fin.
>Your hypocrisy is stunning.
>In your second paragraph you bemoan children for suffering under systems that you yourself have created, apart from subsistence farming.
Because studies have been done in places where faggots like you have gotten your way and have made these nations ban such labor.
Colleges that used to boycott products made in "sweatshops" years ago stopped this practice because of these studies that showed all this did was make these people much poorer.
What you are saying when you want to stop these things is that Western Union labor gets to do these jobs and live wealthy lives better than 99% of the rest of the world.
For someone claiming to want to help the poor you're suggesting everything that makes the poor stay poor and then claim hypocrisy because you're Ignorant of what is actually happening in the world while telling others to read books while ironically spewing ignorance derived from not reading non fiction books and studies about this subject
The Republic of Cuba has an extreme poverty rate of .... 0.
>Is theforce lifting billions out of poverty inmeasurable terms. Arguing against it is arguing that they stay poor
>the only way out of poverty for these people is by playing my game
tsk tsk
You didn't even try to refute my argument.
>Colleges that used to boycott products made in "sweatshops" years ago stopped this practice because of these studies that showed all this did was make these people much poorer.
Why are you suggesting this was my idea?
All I'm saying is Capitalism is the reason there's child labor. It's the reason there's child prostitution. It's the reason subsistence farming is so dangerous
>Because government regulation make it illegal for these business to do anything but throw said food out.
Not my fault. You know those government regulations are corroborating with business right? Arbitrary sell-by dates are implemented to secure profit margins.
You keep arguing with me like I'm a liberal or like I'm advocating for all liberals and all liberal decisions.
I advocate for decisions that successfully further communism. Nothing else.
>The Republic of Cuba has an extreme poverty rate of .... 0.
Yeah and you're the kind of nigger that claims America has a run away extreme poverty levels.
Ironically enough Cubans saw one of the biggest jumps in living conditions after they joined the global market much like China did.
>Conservative does not mean you love big corporations, but rather the freedom to choose for yourself and be responsible for yourself.
Pfft, It does not say so in their actions
You didn't present one
Empty rhetoric based on false premises isn't an argument it is preaching>I advocate for decisions that successfully further communism. >Nothing else.
And you are advocating that more.people starve and remain poor than under even the current corrupt system we have.
>All I'm saying is Capitalism is the reason there's child labor. It's the reason there's child prostitution. It's the reason subsistence farming is so dangerous
I want source on this, that's such bullshit
>liberals favor care, liberty, and fairness, and were often indifferent to concerns of sanctity, loyalty, and authority
And this is good or bad how?
I mean it's just common sense
>Hon you need to sell yourself on the street because globalized corporations have commodified food and established a price margin on it that we can't afford.
If resources were allocated based on people's needs, rather than based on what lines Porky's pockets, children would not need to prostitute themselves.
Same with child labor. Just look at the capitalist system for once without operating inside capitalist logic.
Okay tell me more about how white people can't be poor and the importance of black lives matter
>All I'm saying is Capitalism is the reason there's child labor.
Harsh reality of life is the reason we have child labor.
You know why children didn't work in large numbers in the west 300 years ago?
Because they were mostly dead.
Then when industrialization happened thanks to ideas we now call capitalism it lead to these children being able to survive but due to real world limitations the need to works was still there.
Eventually it got to the point we enjoy today where in the west child labor is an abhorrent idea because we get to enjoy the wealth built up over generations.
The same can will and is happening in these other nations that are behind us.
But you'd rather see them die under the guise of good intentions instetof rise to greatness in less than 100 years
Yeah, whatever, cuck.
>I mean it's just common sense
>it is true because all of us Goodfellow commies know it to be true
Pic related
The worst part about it is.
Poland was in the top ten of the world's economies from 1870 up until the Soviets took it over.
A tragedy which they still to this day are trying to recover from and catch up
Bernies team seems to be the ones that are not capable of taking care of themselves. Why do adults need someone to take care of you?
>I mean it's just common sense
We could lower our poverty rates by killing useless people. Just like le Cuba.
>True conservatives are #NeverTrump :^)
they are also never elected.
By the way, if you think food is a scarce resource, you're being cucked.
world agricultural output is 2790 kcal/person/day. Enough to overfeed everybody.
You are not refuting my arguments you are bouncing around to different topics that make you look superior for advocating the achievements of capitalism against many failures.
I'm going to assume you're trolling now and stop arguing.
meme all you want. It's even a joke
>How do I make enough money for X when I'm broke?
>Sell your ass on the street
Prostitution is what happens when you are lumpenproletariat with absolutely no assets.
>But you'd rather see them die and stagnate in endless poverty under the guise of good intentions*
Also forgot pic
>da curperations!
Bernie is a humongous faggot. I hate that people actually think he gives a shit about the average man. But anyway, you're cucks because you continue to support and donate to a failing candidate
>Leftists want to put regulations on corporations.
>Government puts strict regulations on all businesses/corporations small and big.
>Small businesses have no choice to but follow these regulations or die, while corporations buy the government out with their unlimited resources and cuck small businesses forever.
This is what jews and corporations exactly want.
>You are not refuting my arguments you are bouncing around to different topics that make you look superior for advocating the achievements of capitalism against many failures.
You haven't addressed a single argument over the last hour while repeating tired 150 year old dogmatic rhetoric.
Capitalism isn't perfect because reality isn't pert but you're openly suggesting a system that is significantly worse in every single measurable way to "fix" it's failings because you're clearly care more about the intentions than reality.
I guess I'm a cuck by your definition.
Yet I've managed to retire at 42. I haven't worked in seven years and my kids are in college now. I wake up every morning and can do whatever the fuck I want. I didn't work min wage after 10th grade. I saved and invested. My property is paid for. Annual taxes are chump change. It's good to be cucked.
>Prostitution is what happens when champagne first world Commies got your job at the shoe factory that paid 5 times the average local income lost because they didn't like the idea of children working
If you really wanted to help these kids why don't you sell everything you have start up some sort of business producing goods in one of these nations and during part of the day you provide education to these kids.
Bernie Sanders is the Ted Cruz of the left
Unwilling to work with the other side
>allocated based on people's needs
who decides this. you will never get everyone to agree on it.
>if you think food is a scarce resource, you're being cucked.
Yes but how does the food get there?
Right ships or planes
Which requires the food to be properly stored
And distributed
Through regions with little to no infrastructure
Which is extremely expensive
Which also waste other valuable resources such as various fuels which are also expensive.
The much easier fix is to stop sending these people "free" food which wipes out the local farmers forever removing the hope of these people becoming independent self sustaining populations.
Yeah you get to see the immediate effect of the bags of grain get to Africa but what is ignored is the population inflation caused by it and the long term starvation and poverty it creates
Nice try
>liberal NEETscum don't think they're objectively cucked little slaves to Shekelstien and his government
I literally laughed hysterically out loud in a such a severity that it scared my dog
well done
>that's why we need a massive super AI to determine what everyone needs to survive and how to work to provide to stop this slavery of the capitalist
In reality no centralized planner has the means to do this which is something commies have yet to address 90 years later
do your base you life decisions on assumptions as well?
all your arguments are based on MUH FEELZ
fuck off until you bring some rationality into your debating ability
Did someone highjack them?
This is just ridiculous
Well you gotta admit i tried my best!
Ill get you capitalists one day!
Time after time, liberals BTFO and proven to be petulant ad hominem attackers unable to accept evidence.
t. Nehiyaw patriot