Did these comic series impact the political world somehow?
Ever since they've been in existence, a lot of nazis has been popping out from their hideout.
Did these comic series impact the political world somehow?
Shut up you fucking pussy
It is hard to make a living doing Art. That's why you get a job drawing Co-intel propaganda for whomever sends the money.
There is a classic "kill the pig" coloring book that every deputy sheriff had a copy to show you, allegedly attributed to the Black Panthers.
More often than not these things are just produced to support weak cases. Any cop could pull out a box of these things, put them on your computer. Viola! You are an extremist. That is why they shot you, your family, dog, neighbor, etc.
Kill yourself you irrelevant insect. Make mommy proud
No it didnt. Great art and story has to be presented and given growth not to be shoved down our throats every other god damn day. Seriously you ask and here is your god given answer;
Your comic has potential, but spaming this board isnt going to give it the recognition it needs. Try another board and see where ot takes you.
No, that art is shit.
Fuck off Malaysia.
does anyone here does a better job? kinda weird this is the only project of this magnitude i've seen Sup Forums do
You must be new here then
re draw the first few chapters and i'll colour them for you for a laugh.
No, it's a comic made by some beta white faggot who lives in Malaysia and finds every way possible to shill his crap.
Last time it was linking to his patreon and comic in Trump gen, and going out of his way to split threads.
> beta white faggot
> white
How do you know?
ok wiseguy, any Sup Forums comics your entitled ass would recommend?
I recommend these, theyre decent for something made in Sup Forums about waifus made in here.
If you can do a better job be my guess and one up these series.
of course you cant, youre fucking useless
I'll miss this Malaysian retard when he dies.
Mike's a muslim user.
There's a reason islam does not feature in his comic after all.
Cmon dude, have you looked at it? Whoever drew that shit has to reread LOOMIS again
listen, i'm going to do you a favor here.
don't shill shit on Sup Forums, it never works. i know you wrote this, you were posting about the comic you do the other day.
Why is your flag a rip-off of the USA flag?
Fuck off with your shitty comic already you autistic retard. Learn how to draw too.
oh fuck Malasya is everywhere today
>Viola! You are an extremist.
That's not illegal
Ben Garrison's art was posted daily and it got love.
>tfw can't even post my own art because everyone thinks I'm shilling like that faggot from Malaysia
Thanks a bunch, man.
you can post your art and say "hey i made this shit" but the major caveat is that it has to be good
That and you're from STRAYA
Feel free to post your stuff, just don't shill it like its the greatest shit ever
this thread is already shit so if you posted your art here you're not hurting anything nor shilling.
actually i'm officially requesting your art now so you dont feel like you're shilling.
>but the major caveat is that it has to be good
I just like drawing pictures to make Sup Forums happy. To make people have a bit of a giggle not get publicity or revenue or anything like that. If someone says something like "I wonder what X would look like doing Y" or "Imagine if X and Y were Z" I do a little doodle and post it.
As long as you don't spam your patreonblog and act like a dick to everybody you're free to post your art user.
But if you want helpful constructive feedback you might consider heading over to /ic/ rather than posting in this thread.
Yes because its potential was reached by ben military gear aimed at every queer garrison
das it mane
As long as you draw for fun its all good mang
Not bad not bad, make it a Pokemon parody or something and the autists will love you