Well this is the final nail in the fucking coffin if there was one

well this is the final nail in the fucking coffin if there was one

Other urls found in this thread:


and funnily enough, it's the first time pitchfork's been right about a 10 since MBDTF.

is p4k, dare i say it, uncucked?

Scaruffi gave it an 8/10, which is basically a 10/10, it's bolded on rym, Rolling Stone gives it a 5 out of 5...why do you hate this album?

what a time to be alive

>8/10, which is basically a 10/10
Tell that to my GPA

>underager doesn't know Scaruffi.
I'm not surprised.

Only numales disagree with that score.

He's only familiar with Harvard B's

>GPAs only exist in high school
I'll have an extra large soda too thanks

It's solid for what it is but not a 10 at all. Shit like Nighttrain and Mr. Brownstone is fun but totally forgettable

Scaruffi doesn't operate under the same grading system as anything using a GPA so your point is moot.

Not OP, but I hate it because I went to a sleep over with a bunch of white kids because it was my one white friend's birthday, and he had this guitar with a pedal and they were all trying it out. This one kid was playing the beginning of sweet child o mine on a loop for like 15 minutes and put it down when the pizza came. Then another white kid shows up who wasn't there when the other kid was playing at all started playing the same fucking shit along with shit from Green day and Nirvana. I was in black people hell.

Pitchfork is awful.

it's a classic album and only revisionists would claim otherwise

lool "classic" i love that word

That was a 10

Axel is the GOAT singer.

You should really go to college


>totally forgettable
Yet you remembered them enough to post them.

I know the names, yes, because i had them on my Sanza MP3 back in 2010.

This does not make them good or actually memorable

those are top tier hard rock songs, two of the best on the album

kk, show me all your essays fall into these categories before I go tho Ratings: 10=best album ever; 9=rock masterpiece; 8=buy it now; 7=buy it eventually; 6=buy it if you are a fan

yea that's too high

This is just wrong. It's better than Def Leppard, Skid Row, and most other shitty hard rock from that time, but not by much. It's still piss compared to the Stooges, Bon Scott AC/DC, etc

They have so many absurd scores. Why would you pick this relatively tame exaggeration for your bait thread? Appetite for Destruction is an undeniably solid album all the way through

Why are black people so racist


Call me a nu-male, Nirvana fanboy, etc., but Guns N' Roses is unironically some of the worst music I've ever heard.

How are you at the point of taking Scaruffi's ratings and reviews seriously? Sure, there are worse offenders like Christgau, Pitchfork obviously, but that's not to say that Scaruffi hasn't had his fair share of contradictions and contrarianism just for the sake of it.

If you two are actually serious, you're what's killing this board.

Paid Review

>It's still piss compared to the Stooges, Bon Scott AC/DC, etc
Are you actually serious with this? The Stooges were at least influential for the development of punk, but neither of those bands are the peak of musical thought and ideas.

Not a 10 but I wouldn't argue with an 8 or an 8.5 to be quite honest with you familia. It's a solid album, definitely a classic in the classic rock / hard rock world. Overrated to all hell (fastest selling debut of all time) but it definitely has good songs and is a solid album.

t. nu-male

Oh, I don't like mainstream music without any substance. What a concept, aye?

Why does this insult sting Sup Forumstants so heavily? On other boards, anons will simply shrug it off.

>I don't like mainstream music without any substance
You probably do though, lets be real here.

Why are white people so cringy?

Because Sup Forums knows it's true. Deep down they know they are a numale, and it hurts.

Sure thing buddy. Let's be completely real and wait for proof of that. I'm sure you can do that.

The substance to the song is that it has a danceable/fuckable beat and can lead to good times. Not everything has to be filled with poetic nuance and godly musicianship.

I think we can all see how well that has served music over the years. Innovation after innovation, movements after movements, right?

You do know the term rock and roll is quite literally a euphemism for fucking, right?

burden of proof lies on you senpai.

And every subgenre of it shouldn't dare have anything to say about anything other than sex and partying?

Quote the post where I said that. In fact, quote the post where I said anything has to be anything. You're the one claiming art has to be any one way.

I don't like your favorite rapper, therefore I only listen to top 40, right? You're ridiculous. Thanks for playing though. I hope you at least had enough decency to sage when you shitpost.

Dude if your looking for some deep philosophical content you shouldn't be listening to popular music at all.

>Quote the post where I said that. In fact, quote the post where I said anything has to be anything.
>The substance to the song is that it has a danceable/fuckable beat and can lead to good times. Not everything has to be filled with poetic nuance and godly musicianship.
If you think this is actual substance, we are done here.
>You're the one claiming art has to be any one way.
>And every subgenre of it shouldn't dare have anything to say about anything other than sex and partying?
This didn't sound sarcastic to you, did it?

But if you want to go at it about sex and partying those led to
>jazz (many scholars now believe jazz was originally a euphemism for ass or some form of sex)
>rock and roll
>rhythm and blues
>psychedelic rock (at least the partying/drug aspect of it)
>hip-hop (let's not forget that hip-hop started from disco)

>If you think this is actual substance, we are done here.
This is the claiming art has to be any one way that I'm talking about.

And I'm not.

What the fuck are you even talking about m8? That strawman came out of fucking nowhere.



And this is something you can prove, right? Just stop.

Why are you so defensive? Makes me think you're hiding something.
It's unlikely that you don't listen to a single artist that is mainstream and without substance, you are after all on Sup Forums

it's a 9.9 actually


You're just making ridiculous claims you can't even begin to prove. You know that too.

>If you think this is actual substance, we are done here.
If that isn't substance then the vast majority of everything has no substance according to you. We're humans, we're designed to fuck. From an evolutionary standpoint it's one of the few things we're literally designed to do. Ignoring the fact doesn't accomplish anything.

But that's what you did. That's literally the reason I questioned your claim, it was a ridiculous claim. You know that too, it's why you're mad at me questioning you.

How did you even get to that? I have nothing against sex, but there are thousands of rock songs about partying and sex, without anything substantial to say. That's hardly positive by any stretch of imagination, not to mention overdone.

>I don't like mainstream music without any substance
>You probably do though, lets be real here.
I claimed I don't like a rapper you like, big and you're claiming I like mainstream music without any substance as if you actually know who I am.

There are thousands of rock songs about just about everything. Why does it matter that some are about sex? And why were implying that songs focusing on sex and partying don't lead to innovation when that is objectively false?

>And why were implying that songs focusing on sex and partying don't lead to innovation when that is objectively false?
Sure, but not directly. There are bands who had something to say and grew tired of the likes of KISS and Van Halen.

I didn't even mention Kanye I had to scroll back up to see what rapper you were talking about.
You're in a P4K thread about GNR on Sup Forums, it's highly unlikely you only listen to western art music. You probably do listen to mainstream music without substance, lets be real here.

>Sure, but not directly.
No, many of them were directly. Pretty much the entirety of the original rock and roll/rockabilly/rhythm and blues genre focused on these matters. The original lyrics to Tutti Frutti were

Tutti Frutti, good booty
If it don't fit, don't force it
You can grease it, make it easy

I don't get why you're so adamant about denying this. Even The Velvet Underground, probably the rock band most famous for innovation made a point of having sex in their songs.

Are you seriously attempting to equate:
>Tutti Frutti, good booty
>If it don't fit, don't force it
>You can grease it, make it easy
To Velvet Underground?

The topic is sex in innovative/influential songs, so yes, they are comparable (or what else do you think Venus in Furs is about) but that's avoiding the point. Why are you adamant about ignoring the prevalence of sex in innovative music?

>I didn't even mention Kanye I had to scroll back up to see what rapper you were talking about.
That's when it started and you know it.
>You probably do listen to mainstream music without substance, lets be real here.
I realize I'm getting baited, but how about we finally end this? You apparently know me personally, so, go ahead and prove that.

it deserves a ten desu

Mozart was writing about getting his ass licked wayback when.


Are you deliberately this dense?
>Tutti Frutti, good booty
>If it don't fit, don't force it
>You can grease it, make it easy
These aren't lyrics with substance by any stretch of imagination. But apparently they are to you and I don't think I should waste any more time.

We were talking about innovation, were we not? Were you not the one to bring up the subject? This was a song that was considered innovative in its day and about sex. You're the one dancing around the topic.