What the fuck was his problem?
What the fuck was his problem?
Dindu nuffin
He was a real nagger.
Hung out with some lame cracka ass nerds.
Partially he was right to question wtf was going on bc he knew Finn was smitten. He was also jello.
>white kid goes missing
>entire town doesn't immediately blame the kid's black friend for being a "dangerous influence" on him
Pretty unrealistic if you ask me
He is just a nagging type of a person
Nigger was the worst of all the kids
>bc he knew Finn was smitten
You mean Mike?
Lack of Neanderthal DNA
whos that?
Mike pushed him first. Lando did nothing wrong.
He is the only nig in the show
he was right all along, bros before hoes
The voice of reason among a sea of spergs. Also token black kid.
Pretty much this.
He was the most rational one.
Back to Sup Forums.
One of his friends was more interested in a girl than with finding their mutual friend. He's probably also worried about losing said first friend to that girl. Maybe in more ways than one.
Clearly didn't trust her. I mean, you've got someone who acts odd and also has freakish powers. Not everybody can be as chill about that kind of thing as Dustin.
jealous cause he didnt have a sweet pussy at his house.
He knows the day of the rope is coming and he's going down soon so he is paranoid as fuck.
Nothing will stop that though.
>"awh hell naw I'mma go deal with these govvahment baddies n' save Will all on mah own dawg"
He played d and d too. He's a nerd senpai.
go back to a safe place, baby.
But he actually was. Nagging Mike was his entire raison d'ĂȘtre. The pun is just icing, really.
user that's a nagger, not a nigger.
Next time, make sure you change the filename to "image.jpg", and this post would be complete
Negroids are more prone to violence.
It's before nigger culture dominated America. If he were born today he would be bragging about his gang affiliations, and all the jail time he's done. He would also be the best fighter you ever met.
>"Have you ever thought that the monster we're hunting for IS the girl who's a white wimmin glipck glopck watermelon chikkin wangs"
What the fuck was with this line?
>you will never protect Elven from evil scientists
>tfw no oddball daughter