Pol dads

How are you redpilling your kids?

For me so far, no electronics for my toddler. Tons of adult interactions in public, playing math/ space rock during bedtime, good nutrition, hanging upside down 30 mins a day meditating (to ensure his growth plates elongates)

Other urls found in this thread:


Home school them till they're 7 or 8 and focus on sports from an early age to build discipline and character.
The toughest part is probably finding a mother that shares the same values.

That photo

>hanging upside down 30 mins a day meditating (to ensure his growth plates elongates)
you had me up until this, what the fuck is wrong with you? Meditation is horse shit, read the bible.
-6'3" white male

No it isnt

The way we meditate is acutally to just sit on the bed, focus on breathing, and relaxing before we sleep. It teaching him how to relax before bed and hes getting solid restful sleep from that simple routine.

The last thing i want is him spending his puberty days staying up all night doing hw, playing games, or fapping and thus getting a lack of sleep we commonly see among middle and high schoolers

Dude, learning how to relax is really healthy and important for the future problems.

Anyway, meditation is a common thing in the christianism and is not related to the New Age concept or the Budhist one.

Space rock?

Great work user.
I wish you were my dad
but then you would've walked off leaving your kid to be raised by a single mother
inb4 nigger

>Hit 13
>hi this is my boyfriend jamal, don't mind daddy he's from a different time

Why do you feel the need to post this exact thread every other day? You've already had your fun once just leave already

>hanging upside down 30 mins a day meditating (to ensure his growth plates elongates)


What a fucking freak

Female interfering. While this is actually really good, I commend you, truly. It's just, kids that spend all their time with their parents tend to become a bit too dependent on them. Would you consider letting them spend time with others at all or only through sports?

>make your kids read the bible and discourage all critical thinking and questioning

"yes bobby, god made eve from 1 of adam's ribs. Isnt that amazing?"

vaporwave 24/7

> no electronics

Have fun with your caveman.

>electronics for a toddler

have fun with a ADHD kid whose mind is rotted by inane youtube trash videos

human interaction and outside play is far better and healthier than sitting them on their asses watching barney or some shit

they can learn electronics later in their preteen years. Like most of us did in the 1990s.

>(to ensure his growth plates elongates)
What the hell is this new age nonsense?
Why are you so concerned that your child won't grow that you resort to quackery?
Are you a manlet yourself, trying to prevent the same happening to your child?
How tall are you OP?

You're pretty dense if the only thing you can associate with electronics is watching youtube videos. In the meantime my nephew could read and write long before starting his first year in school, is currently by far the best pupil in his age group and got offered to skip a year.

>In the meantime my nephew could read and write long before starting his first year in school

what has electronics have to do with that? you dont need to have a ipad babysit your child for them to be able to do that

its not healthy

or do you mean playing WITH electronics? like building simple circuitry

>nephew accelerating in today's fem-centric schooling

5-year-old son, 7-year-old daughter

Every weekend I take my kids out hunting. Right now they're learning the finer aspects of tracking. They're both proficient in field dressing small game and starting fire with natural materials. I also spank each of them daily to acclimate them to pain. My son is quickly exceeding all of my expectations while my daughter is lagging behind. I've had her on a fast in an attempt to motivate her to learn because I likely won't survive the first round of nukes. I expect my children to carry on civilization after shit hits the fan.

>(to ensure his growth plates elongates)

How tall are you op? Did your growth plates stop expanding with your skull??

My wifes son watches MTV and cusses a lot. He doesn't want to go to school and I won't make him. The best thing he can do is learn at his own pace and be his own person. My wife is strong and independent like that. I make pretty good money, so they don't have to work, too.

>Teaching my 4 year old MMA, BJJ
>He already knows how to throw a weighted mat dummy made for his size
>lifts his little all-weather tire while daddy flips the tractor tire every morning
>teach him how to fix cars, names of tools
>teaching him science and math
>we spend two hours a day doing math and puzzle software together
>sometimes watch history documentaries together, he likes war films
>he knows how to reload and charge my AR-15
>he will scream this with wide eyes ever time he sees a rifle
>ok son
>ok son
>well done my son
>read to him out of a tech encyclopedia
>he learns every word, and pronounces it oddly, but remembers it and tells people about what he learns
>teaching him plants and herbs in the forrest
>taught him the basic campfire, even though he can't actually make one yet
>he knows he's not allowed to make fire on his own or I'll kill him
>taught him how to swim
>he has ZERO fear of girls, or other children his own age
>already very dominant, direct personality
>probably going to be smarter than me
>already knows about stranger danger
>4 fucking years old
I am blessed, and I thank God for my son.

What's the point? Having white kids today simply means you will have mixed grandchildren.

Oh yeah, and we were leaving the supermarket last week, and passed some cops. He asked me
>"will they stop us and take your car if you're out of gas, daddy?"
I laughed and asked if he wanted to meet them.
He nods yes.
We walk over toward them.
He walks righ up and says "Hello Officer".
I didn't even have to tell him to say that.
Smart little boy.
Officer says, "Hello sir, would you like a sticker?"
Gives my son a badge sticker.
Son salutes him.
Son now believes he is a cop with a badge.
Cutest shit ever.

Any "dad" that goes to Sup Forums instead of constantly working or being with their kids is a fucking degenerate and a part of the problem

>I also spank each of them daily to acclimate them to pain
You are evil.

Your kids are going to do what they see you do for the most part. As long as you dont neglect and ignore them, and teach them whats important, and keep their respect, they'll actually listen. I didn't have mixed kids, and it wasn't an accident. Besides, people don't mix as often as the jewstream media wants you to think. Its up to you to make the next generation what its going to be. Dont puss out.

Are you kidding dude, you dont sleep anymore when you're a parent. Once they go to sleep, you need something like 4chins to blow off steam.

>this pasta again

Look out guys, this dude is 6'3'' so he knows what hes talking about.

Sounds pretty good as long as you let him be a kid as well, otherwise he might get problems when he gets older.

Don't you mean your wifes son

So you're basically like one of these nuts?


That shit triggered me.

Kek. I remember this shit.