Okay guys...

Okay guys, I found an iphone on the creek bottom when i went for a swim the other day and i put it to charge just to see if it would work. It actually turned on, but it's locked. How can i get around it? Will post wins if there is any.

give it back Jamal!

>found in creek
>give it back


Ay what's up fellow Utah fag

FBI cant crack one none of this twitchy virgin pizza faces will be able to.

Stick it back up your ass crack where you found it and praise you luck that the screen didn't break before you found it again.


Can i sell it if it's locked?

Give it back you doublenigger

Never going to happen, if you want to keep it then plug it into a computer and reset it with iTunes. Will wipe all data, but unless the person who bought it had finished paying it off (contract term), or purchased it outright, you won't be able to activate service on it.

Can't if i don't know who's it is

Only to someone dumb enough not realise it's useless or spares and repairs on eBay

So i literally have myself a paperweight?

implying niggers can swim


You could always just use it to like watch YouTube videos and stuff if you don't want to waste your battery. It will be like an iPod.

There used to be this old trick by using the camera on the lock screen. Don't know if it still works or not. Don't count on there being any secrets or nudes on there though.

Oll row boat sceeter probably dropped it in while going for a beer. Only thing on it probably are pictures of fishing boats and nascar wallpapers he rotates between.

Fuck, beat me to it

Oh yay!

It's pink.

So... Who are you to judge


>find emergency info
>look up person online
>find dates of birth and death for family members and pets

I'm not sure it still works but I once forgot my password and every time I locked it out I plugged it into my PC and that reset the lock. So as long as it's 4 numbers you're gucci if it's text it's a paper weight. You basically just have to try out every possible password using that method if it even works. Or you can take it up to an Apple Store and say your little sister changed your passcode and she doesn't know it and you have stuff that can't be deleted on it. Anyways good luck maybe you'll score something like a pic of his dick

HEY I’m a Utah fag too

Want to suck my dick?