Why is music the first thing you bring up when you meet a girl. Do you not realise how autistic you sound?

Why is music the first thing you bring up when you meet a girl. Do you not realise how autistic you sound?

>H-hi, my name i-is user, nice to m-meet you desu
>Hi! My name is user, nice to meet you!
>S-so user, what kind of music do you listen to?

Other urls found in this thread:


>meet a girl
cool joke op, cool joke

Only if you're ugly lmao, never had any issues with that. Music is a good topic to talk about and generally a good way to get a "feel" for the person you are talking to, unless you are talking to someone who obviously only listens to what is playing on radio rn or whatever is trending and nothing else.

It's only autistic if you are trying to enchant the fair maidens with your gentlemanly patrician taste and intellectual airs.

I don't

This is the first time one of these threads has made me feel personally attacked
Go away

but how do you answer the question without sounding like an autist
you're right, the asking is easy, but i shrivel up when a normie asks me the same thing

I have a kissless virgin roommate who lets music cock block him.

If she doesn't love New Order, They Might Be Giants AND Baby Metal then he decides he doesn't like her.

what country are you in

>but how do you answer the question without sounding like an autist
just tell them what you like and why?
god how autistic are you

>New Order, They Might Be Giants AND Baby Metal
Jesus. That fucking combination.

>New Order, They Might Be Giants AND Baby Metal

I like all these bands but what a fucking autistic prereq

Music is legitimately a great topic to get to know someone with. Let her do the talking (provided she's into music). If you can get someone discussing their desert island discs it's a lot easier to understand them.

I think music IS an important relationship issue. Same with food.

The issue is when you want someone with YOUR tastes, rather than compatible tastes. Look for someone whose music you can appreciate and someone who likes your music.

If you catch her adding some of your favorite stuff to spotify playlists of her own volition, that's always a really nice feeling.

what if they don't know it or they want to hear it and they find it weird? Obviously for most people on Sup Forums, I don't think this is very challenging to listen to but idk how I would explain to people stuff like this. Not that guy btw


all the ugly lmaos just got BTFO

>I like jazz. Davis, Coltrane, the list goes on...

you don't explain it. if they don't know it, w/e, if they hear it and don't like it, also w/e
you have this weird impression where everyone will judge you based on your musical tastes, much like people on this board do. people worth knowing dont do this, if you meet anyone who does this in real life, run far away, they are not good, or particularly intelligent people

this would also work

I think people secretly hope that their taste will trump their ugliness

I absolutely agree (on the account of both food and music-- which are, weirdly enough, my two biggest hobbies). All I want in a partner is someone that appreciates and wants to discuss things. It doesn't even have to be something I like. I just prefer open-minded people that enjoy engaging with what they love.

How am I supposed to talk about music with a girl? If she knows as much as me then she probably knows more than me and plays an instrument really well on top of that. If not then then conversation just ends, doesn't it?

Jesus dude you just say what you like and why you like it. If you say it while staring at your shoes and mumbling, then of course you will sound like an idiot. If you're honest and confident, they won't even be bothered.

>If not then then conversation just ends, doesn't it?
do you have any other interests outside of music? There's like so much shit to talk about. Work, studies, hobbies, food, drinks, etc. Just talk ffs.

Nah, I can't lead a conversation with a stranger. They have to be talkative or its not going anywhere.

this, seriously, don't you have and other interests people? youre not going to be happy with something if all they share is your taste in music

i actually tried that once and ended up very sad and alcoholic. there's more to you than your music tastes, if there isn't well then you're not worth anyones time then are you.

That feel when my current girlfriend did this with Coheed and Cambria and Dance Gavin Dance even though her favorite band is Lake Street Dive. I love her so much user, I'm so happy

>I love her so much user, I'm so happy
Good for you.
I catch my girl putting stuff on her playlists all the time. I go on her spotify to see.
We're getting married next month. It feels really good.

say "i like more of an abrasive and experimental sound"

mumble something about dinosaur jr then walk away

same except next may and different bands
feels good doesn't it, i wish everyone on Sup Forums could be this happy.