Is the land of Mozart at long last becoming uncucked? Or is this just politicians getting scared and trying to preempt Hofer to stay in power?
Is the land of Mozart at long last becoming uncucked? Or is this just politicians getting scared and trying to preempt Hofer to stay in power?
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Just the politicians trying to avoid Hofer from getting in power.
it's a step in the correct direction but still "ein Tropfen auf dem heißen Stein". (a finger in the dike)
> waiting for minor crimes to deport them
> uncucked
Come on Austria, you can do better.
>his country lets them in
So other the muslim gang rapes or assaults couldn't have been prevented by uhm... maybe not letting them in?
>"Minor Crime"
I kek'd
Why is it such a problem to deport these fucking immigrants? They cause nothing but trouble. The ones who come legally and follow the rules don't break laws don't get deported. It's the constant tearing away at cultural values that's ruining our world.
The communist party has to lie slowly, they can't just go 360 and start moonwalking.
Hopefully that won't save them and we get based Hofer everywhere but in Vienna.
So based
Just to protect oligarchs and party members, the ordinary tax payer can go to hell for all they care.
Can I join the Austrian military and receive citizenship after some years of service?
Every EU member country signed a treaty with the UN to never send out refugees. Unimportant cucked countries like the netherlands or belgium need to be under UN control orelse we would lose alot of our economically important Allies
They're only doing this because they don't want the Hofer party in power.
You can receive the citizenship just by staying here for ten years, learning the language and not getting caught while committing any crimes. And filling out 100 forms at 50 different places.
You need to drop any other citizenship if you want an austrian one.
Why the fuck would he want citizenship? Refugee status has all the perks and no obligations
>tfw you'll never shoot an AUG because left handed versions can't be rented
fuck me
>Or is this just politicians getting scared
Almost every negative or positive thing that has ever happened in the history of man can be traced back to politicians being terrified of losing their power and enacting some kind of kneejerk reaction to something threatening their existence.
It's why we need mandatory term limits on every single politician able to make any kind of decision that can affect even a minority of people.
They also wanted to do border controls but backpedalled now.
>Just the politicians trying to avoid Hofer from getting in power
This. Don't get fooled. Once a jew, always a jew.
This is literally Democracy 101.
what stops them from coming back
Living in eastern europe is the best
you dont even have to deport the migrants that EU has relocated to you.
They leave on their own after a week or so.
>voluntarily living in eastern europe
Dumb niggers get lost.
I've seen some Czech companies searching for people in my profession, paying good money for it, plus you get to keep more.
>being so based that you reduce your tax rate that is low to begin with since the economy is getting better
But it's a big step and how can I be sure they won't hate me for being not a slav :
implying there is any difference between us in the first place
come home habsburgian man
Told ya.
Mad Germany will be stopped once again.
>Every EU member country signed a treaty with the UN to never send out refugees.
Do you seriously think that anyone gives a fuck about treaties in the situation when Germany is bringing literally everyone into EU. What they are doing is agains EU law. Jays from EU parliament don't give a crap about the law. All that matters is the agenda of their masters.
Deal with it Pepik. We already are in V4. You can't stop the process of our unification.
>tfw we had the chance to arrest or kill the bilderbergers this year but instead we pointed machine guns at nosy reporters
Being ready to shoot our own people to protect foreign oligarchs from reporters of course isn't racist.
>wow its fucking nothing
v4 is literally nothing
I guess? Not sure about that though.
not happening
if we wanted to keep dumping money into some underdeveloped third world shithole we would go with some that is not slovakia this time
Good taste
Sure thing Matěj.
Keep pretending to be retarded. You are doing great.
No, tell me. What actual effect does membership in V4 have?
Being in the list to be bombed first by the Americans because we are so evil and racist.
For instance it gives us common stance on problems caused by Germany. United we have a chance to influence western cucks. It's all about the political power (and the money spent on our border towns). V4 helps redistribute money better to the people on our borders who want to invest in our friendship and cooperation.
TLDR. It does more good to US than the entire EU at this point.
>Is the land of Mozart at long last becoming uncucked? Or is this just politicians getting scared and trying to preempt Hofer to stay in power?+ 0 post omitted.
Both. They won't easily be able to reverse the process.
It can't be stopped.
I'm always pleased to see others appreciate our guns. Wish gun culture were a bit bigger here, but on the other hand having it be cozy and sort of out of public view means we don't have to deal with scumbags leaving guns lying about for their children to shot themselves in the face with.
>common stance
yeah like the refugee quotas vote right
Seriously, it would be nowhere near the bother. Besides the Kafkaesque bureaucracy, the Austrian military struggles with things like not running out of petrol.
Reminder that you motherfuckers betrayed us on this.
Nice to read good news.
what are you smoking fampai
Why do you even wait so long for the second round so that incumbents can pull shit like this?
You stupid fuck. That was before our nationalistic right wing party won the elections. Don't remind me about EU cucks that were in here before, selling Poland for pennies, lying, ugh!
As opposed to Freizeitbier?
White Austrians don't breed anyways, so there are no children who could shoot themselves accidentally.
Prague and Brno aren't such bad places, are they? And the OWK is also located there...
This makes my dick hard
yeah, they knew about this issue all along but never did anything about it. now they're just trying to save face
I am not arguing about your current stances.
What I am saying is that V4 is fucking irrelevant as it is nothing but a VERY loose forum with zero powers or policies that can be essentially ignored by all member states.
Discussion forum of somewhat similarly minded governments? Sure. But nothing more than that.
Brno is shit tier.
Olmütz for life
What I am saying is that EU is fucking irrelevant as it is nothing but a VERY loose forum with zero powers or policies that can be essentially ignored by all member states.
Fucking finally!
tfw I got pink carded for needing a left handed Steyr during basic training
How about no? Add Croatia and Slovenia instead.
This. We need the Croats. Give me one Croat over twenty Romanians.
Didn't you fuckers just vote to tell the EU to fuck off though? I can't remember what exactly you fuckers voted on, but wasn't it more or less the death knell of the EU if you actually voted "yes" on it?
SPÖ and ÖVP in full damage control mode after spectacular loss in presidential elections
I hope Hofer wins.
Victory is possible
it's hard to do logistically. which is why you should never buy into the lefty lie that everyone can come but only the eligible will stay. no, they will all stay. you shouldn't let them in in the first place
I thought AUGs were supposed to be shitty
>allying ourselves with 3rd world countries
no. Hungary is welcome.
Nigga, no way are we gonna be a part of your bootleg alliance. We'll take Hungary and annex some Slovenia from you guys though, cheers :^)
>White Austrians don't breed anyways, so there are no children who could shoot themselves accidentally.
Deport them to where? Syria?
How does that happen, I'm curious to know?
The state buys you an airplane ticket ?
>I thought AUGs were supposed to be shitty
Go ask the ADF, they buy a shit tonne of stuff from us and have basically no reason to scrimp due to all the merry mayhem you keep dragging them into.
Hungary would be based to have.
>The state buys you an airplane ticket ?
Exactly that.
>treaty with the UN
Top kek, fuck the UN
What are they gonna do, have a 'deeply concerned' session over it?
It depends what you use your infantry for. We ditched the Steyr for LMT AR-15.
For this remark, you Sógors shall be anschlussed into the Kingdom of Hungary. Invasion force inbound.
Not when we vote Wilders in, in that case, the EU and UN get a harsh middle finger before we start that alliance with Trump.
>to be deported
ok cool! so they have to rape,steal and murder followed by deportation AND THEN help the victim's family with the burial process
no but we do get an increase on tarrifs and taxes wich is kill if youre an export country like holland
Just dig a hole, throw them in and add bars. When they decide they rather want to walk back the same way they came here let them go. Escort them to the border with armed goons.