>tfw capeshit will NEVER be this good again
I really fucking miss Nolan
Tfw capeshit will NEVER be this good again
>the best capeshit of all time doesn't have superpowers or forced quips
truly makes one ponder
nolan is a fucking hack
back when comic books weren't considered srs bsns
I legit love the old Batmans. The amount of cheese is so comfy, plus I really liked neon Gotham
DeVito was so fucking perfect as Penguin
I remember him scaring me shitless as a kid
But it isn't good at all
there was something really unsettling about the whole neon/cyberpunkish vibe to me, maybe it's because I watched them at such a young age
I really don't like the aesthetic of some late 80's/early 90's films
Actually it's the opposite, remember for mainstream audiences they only knew stuff like the Adam West show, '89 turned that on its head with how dark it was (for the times at least) which rolled into Batman the Animated Series and Batman Returns.
I guess it's more balanced between the goofy stuff and the "edge", all the sexual innuendo, the violence etc.
I mean look at this.
> Capeshit ever good
The closest comics where to make actually good movies was when Watchmen, V for Vendetta and Sin City came out.
Cape live action movies where never good. DC did a better job on it's animated movies producing some really good ones like under the red hood but movies never had the balls to adapt correctly.
Snyder > > > > > > Nolan
You know you're allowed to like whatever you want, right?
objectively meme opinions
you can't deny the fact that the dark knight is all around a fantastic action film with brilliant writing that really explores the mentality and motivation of the main parties involved
if this wasn't in color I'd swear it was from the 1930s
>he actually typed this on his keyboard and clicked post
what were you hoping to achieve?
>muffled thud as his dick hits the rubber suit
The truth.
Nolan's "Batman" was an ineffectual joke, his films were dour, sloppy, self important. Snyder films have more beauty and pathos, as well as visceral well filmed action to Nolan's quick cuts and haymakers.
Best depiction of Gotham in a Batman movie.
>We'll never see it again
That scene was actually supposed to be a full body licking but I guess it'd cut into the running time
jesus christ I love the Penguin. Time to rewatch.
It's a different take on Penguin but Devito sells it really well.
Ironically, The really old Batman Serials has taken down the tone perfectly. It is such a shame they are based on Golden Age comics and people are not interested in making Batman a viable vigilante.
He was perfect, when I watched this as a kid (I still own the VHS, stolen from my nerd uncles) I found him cool and creepy at the same time.
i probably watched over 200 times since childhood. almost a flawless movie except for the eye makeup blooper. keaton and pfeiffer have intense chemistry, also walken and devito gave goat performances.
>Nolan is dour, sloppy, and self important
>Snyder is not
This movie is only as good as it is because of Ledger. Rewatching it now, I have a whole new appreciation for how fantastic he is as the Joker. That being said, it's no better a movie than any other good Hollywood action/crime film. When it comes to good acting and a well-rounded, humanist story, Ang Lee's Hulk is much better.
Not the Joker though, that's the catch.
Heath Ledger was better than Jack
Jared doesn't even register
Jared Leto was the best joker
Nah breh, that's clearly a phoneposter.
Nolan was too subtle for snyder fans, so he came off as pretentious in their eyes.
Begins was better
I like how comic book movie fans are trying so hard to remove TDK from comparison to other comic book movies (as just about everything comes up so short its not even funny) by trying to say it wasn't a "real" batman movie.
>Nolan was too subtle for snyder fans
>all that exposition, his signature
Nolan's trilogy is already dated as fuck
It doesn't take a lot to be too subtle for Snyder fans
Snyder's visual storytelling is way more subtle than Nolan's exposition. Yes, even the Christ imagery. Most Nolan fans saw it at a young age and took it to be super serious and poignant, it's not.
Honestly I preferred Nolan's clear cut messaging rather than the pretentiousness of Snyder. At the end of the day Superman is a man in tights and a comic book character, not some Christ allegory
The technology may look dated but the cinematography isn't. You can't say the same for MCU which are basically tv episodes.
>Superman is a man in tights and a comic book character, not some Christ allegory
But of course he is. He's nearly all powerful, not a man but a God come to Earth.
But that's not Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2
True, i can't deny that. But i could argue the essence of Batman is not correctly present on any of Nolan films.
Batman is an extension of Gotham so if you don't nail Gotham you can't nail Batman nor the joker, nor any of the madness.
Gotham is a city out of time, it is a symbol of corruption just as much a Metropolis is a symbol of progress.
Batman begins on detective comics (DC) as a noir hard boiled detective of the 30. fighting madness with madness, that is the gist of it.
Sin city and even Burton's first movie where closer to capture that.
Admittedly Legder Joker was great and he carries the whole movie but Batman himself does not deliver. The take on him is too rational and attempts for some sort of realism that just doesn' t work.
Rorsharch from watchmen is closest to behaving like Batman does on the comics and the Pyrrhic nature of the ending is brilliant.
It is a good action movie as far a technique goes but there is little emotion and atmosphere to it.
The only thing ever at stake was Rachel's life which would be good enough if we cared about her.
Neither Marvel nor DC are willing to adapt their comics as they should. They lack the balls to adapt the truly interesting aspects of their stories to focus on amazing but forgettable effect shots.
Maybe one day they'll remember it's the story and characters and what they lose and how they react to that what counts. That's what makes a good movie.
Batman as a hard boiled state agent will never be done in the current political climate. Even Bane can be used as a has been wrestler looking for his next contract but goes rogue and is under heavy police investigation.
Still the only oscar bait cape film oddly enough.
Did everyone stop trying?
>Gordon telling the cops not to shoot
Ultimate bromance