How do you feel about the State of Israel? Is it our friend, or enemy, or, is it a Frenemy?
How do you feel about the State of Israel? Is it our friend, or enemy, or, is it a Frenemy?
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I think they have a right to exist and I find Israeli Jews to be more based than the average diaspora Jew. It seems to be a beautiful country too, I could see myself visiting in the future.
go to sleep jidf
Your shift has started early today, Moshe. Btw that is the flag new zealed not australia reconnect to the right server.
I'll be glad to accept all jewish females to Poland. We would have beautiful babies with them and they'll convert to catholicism. Men can fuck off and stay in the kikeland
I would be fine if Israel took the whole middle east if they would stay there and stop influencing our politics.
Get out of here with your newspeak, you fruity kiwi
The people of Israel are friends. Its politicians are not. Just like our politicians here, except for exceptional ones like Trump and Farage. Get rid of their corrupt politicians, get rid of ours, and we really would have the ally they're billed as. Get rid of the corrupt Jewish senators and congressmen, the lobby groups, get rid of the globalists and the Israeli Establishment politicians, and what you're left with are first world democracies.
Remember also that there will always be people out there who just have a rabid hatred of Jews and won't listen to anything.
>Remember also that there will always be people out there who just have a rabid hatred of Jews and won't listen to anything.
JESUS CHRIST! No matter what time I'm on here, the same autistic kiwi obsessed with Isra-hell.
Even real Jews aren't this obsessed. I'm beginning to think you're either a Christian-zionist rapture bunny or you go around actively looking for ppl who dislike Isra-helll so you can cry about "muh victimhood,"
I don't trust them. They're up to something and they have plans for the rest of us. The state of Israel is the physical manifestation of the early stages of Zionism.
Who sits next to a fire and doesn't get burnt (in regards to the middle east)
>right to exist
no one has a "right to exist." No nation. You have a "right to defend yourself."
Didn't the dinosaurs have a "right to exist" as well? Also it's easy for you to say since you aren't footing the bill in blood or treasure or hatred of the entire world.
We are not alone ya know. Even the gods are pissed off at the jews. my jewish diaspora canacuck friend
>tfw no qt3.14 IDF gf
oh, what I would do for a Jewfu...
thank God for Israel
Oy vey, I know you're mad and all, but what is it about anything I've said that you think is wrong, and why?
Jizzrael have no right to exist. since its existence all nations from south to north and east to west are suffering.
As USA is now a major Vassal States for Israel. soon you good goyim will be a slave to the chosen people and be in dept for anuda 1-3 Trillion Dollars
Now remember the 6 trillion imaginary holocausted Jews and praise the holy land and give a million of dollars each day alongside the trillions each month :^)
At 1403 on Thursday, 8 June 1967, the US electronics intelligence ship Liberty (AGTR-5) was steaming at a leisurely five knots, 14 miles offshore from the Egyptian town of El Arish on the Mediterranean coast of Sinai, when she was attacked by Israeli fighter-bombers. The attack continued for seven minutes, leaving eight of the ship’s crew dead or dying, more than 100 wounded, and the ship riddled and burning.
Fourteen minutes later, the Liberty was attacked by three Israeli torpedo boats which raked the ship with gunfire – killing another four men – and then launched torpedoes. One torpedo hit a communications compartment, multiplying the Liberty’s dead to a total of 34. Within 30 minutes of the torpedo attack, two helicopters carrying armed troops appeared alongside, and two jet fighters loitered in the sky astern as if poised for strikes. As suddenly as it had started, everything stopped. Israel said it was a “mistake.” Thus ended the Navy’s bloodiest peacetime international incident of the 20th century.
oy vey it was a mistake GOY! believe we the chosen people we got 6 million dead jews remember!? we would never harm our greatest ally!
Friend. God bless Israel.
My wife's dad moved to America because they pushed his family out to found Israel. They're more angry at the world for allowing it, and consider Israel based (they're Greek Orthodox btw).
They also think disbanding Israel would lead to the same displacement they dealt with and wouldn't wish it on their enemies (mostly sihks and muslims).
Love it. Hope to visit it one day.
They are the greatest enemy.
The nation in the west is suffering? The Israelis are making the Mediterranean Ocean suffer?
If US is cucked to Israel, it's cucked to a lot of other states too, like China. If you even read what I wrote, you'll notice the part where I said to get rid of the corrupt Jewish senators and congressmen.
muh 6 gorrilion
>The nation in the west is suffering? The Israelis are making the Mediterranean Ocean suffer?
rapefugees crises. all these "Moderate" Radicals refugees are now in Europe destroying it. You wonders whose work is this from the start.......
>If US is cucked to Israel, it's cucked to a lot of other states too, like China. If you even read what I wrote, you'll notice the part where I said to get rid of the corrupt Jewish senators and congressmen.
US: $19,188,102,413,249 Debts probably
Thanks bankers
I don't think you know what Zionism is. Zionism happen it's not in it's early stages.
The country is not the problem.
The subversive geopolitics are.
Israel is a fine country that the Jews need to collectively move to and fuck off out of our countries.
Well, I dunno what to tell you bro, I'm trying to agree with you about most of what you're saying but you won't let me. The only thing I really disagree about is whether Jews belong there or not. I think they do, for a very practical reason: they're doing more with that land than the Palestinians ever would, and you know it. Palestinians wouldn't be doing Nobel Prize winning science. They'd be smoking hash and beating their wives, which is cool and all, but I think research on computers and medical technology is more helpful for humanity. I dunno, that's just me though.
Oy vey, I'm going to go eat a bagel with some shmear
>Friend. God bless Israel.
Would prefer G*d's chosen to ISIS
Muslim countries have been suffering ever since they became Muslim countries, you can't blame Israel for that.
>Palestinians wouldn't be doing Nobel Prize winning science
Neither are the Jews. In case you haven't noticed, a "nobel prize" has become meaningless anyway these days, voted on by fucking Swedes.
It will be funny when Sweden is a Muslim cunt-ry and they revoke all the Jew's "nobel prizes" so that claim is gone....
once a upon a time jews existed and lived with harmony with the arabs.
Until the zionists nation attacked. thanks for creating a rift of hate between 2 people.
nah. only under wahhabis bullshit. i think we have talked about it like in 2 threads and i think you should have been there
Getting owned by the Dutch is almost as rare as a non-cucked leaf desu
why not both?
>nah. only under wahhabis bullshit.
Literally ever Muslim country in the world is a shithole full of people willing to risk their lives to leave. Coincidence?
How much is an AFP subscription?
Any way to get their print version outside the US?
>suffering ever since they became Muslim
We had no problems with them in-between WW 1 and 2. We'd have no problem with he muslims now if not for the Jews.
Dr. Pierce used to talk extensively on this. We buy their oil, they stay in their deserts, everyone is happy. Every since can't understand it until you understand Islam, which you can learn from Dr. Scheuer's books.
It would be like Muslims setting up a state in the Vatican if Euros still took our religion seriously.
When the al- Sauds are overthrown, there's going to be warfare against the Jews from all 1.2 billion muslims. Even the sunni and shia will stop fighting one another to fight the eternal Jew.
because wahhabis and to destroy yours? look at the rapefugees who are Ex-IS fighters in your lands
>We'd have no problem with he muslims now if not for the Jews.
Really, user? Learn your own country's history:
>because wahhabis
Literally every Muslim country in the world is under the control of Wahhabis? Didn't you just prove my point?
Schlomo, did you notice the part where I said "in-between WW 1 and 2?" That is, after the Ottomans were defeated in the first world war.
The Barbaries ceased being even a potential issue once the Euros moved so far ahead in technology. The Ottomans were destroyed by the Brits.
Learn to fucking read.
Depends on whether or not you'll post some lewd Jewish girls.
Fuck you. Israel is our home land. You'd much rather destroy us, all we want is a home. Long live Israel!
Friendly reminder that all cute IDF army girl threads are made by JIDF shills. Sage in all fields.
>all we want is a home
You're welcome to it. Pay for it and defend it yourselves, stop corrupting my nation;s politics, stop my nation spilling blood and treasure for you fucking scum.
also telling that your flag is Canadian, but you'd never fight or bleed for Canada. Only for your own tribe. The eternal Jew.
I'm not a Canadian citizen I'm American and I would gladly fight for America. I'm loyal to my own tribe after being here. Being told over and over "you'll never be one of us once we get back in power" made me realize who I should really be backing and it isn't the people who'd throw me under the bus even if I swore my allegiance to the,
There has never been a single moment in history when the West as at peace with Muslims. Never. They have sought to destroy us for 1400 years.
Jews built only western civilized country in middle-east, cause a lot of Jews from western countries stood at the foundation of Israel state.
In that desert they built from scratch developed secular country and are avant garde of Europe really in ME. They won all barbaric arabs at once (6-day war) and were victorious.
Muslims in the west are consequences of US constantly ruining country after country and sucking Saudi cock at the same time and at the same time alleviating sanctions on Iran (contraddictive purposeless politics). It's like you properly shake bees hive, then stick a boot in it, smash a lot of bees and then put hive back on birch. Guess what would happen?
Stop blaming Israel, it is sole US policy and your fucked up liberals that created mess.
UK as another prime example how muslim issues have nothing to do with Israel, was simply an empire with muslim colonies, and eternal white guilt makes good white Brits pay on welfare for pakis. It is isolated reasoning from Israel.
What Jewish witchcraft is this? Can a lowly goyim learn this dark magic?
jews in israel are fine
jews outside of israel must be physically removed
>let me guess It's going to be a kiwi flag
Do you legitimately have autism? Because I can't fathom how someone is entertained by making the same thread hourly, every day, for months on end.
>Jews built only western civilized country in middle-east
Do you know what the bombing of the King David hotel was and who did it?
I don't know why I even ask Brit Flags about Brit history anymore, there are no Brits left.
Fuck off, Hasbara.
Death to Israhell
JIDF detected. Don't fall for the "pretty jewish girls" meme.