What kind of damage am I doing to my lungs by smoking marijuana?

What kind of damage am I doing to my lungs by smoking marijuana?

And what type of damage am I doing to my whole body/brain by smoking marijuana?

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I am surprised you were able to motivate your stoner ass to start a thread. Dude, come in for the big win. GET OUT Of your parents basement and find work.

Not enough long term study yet. In about 50 years you will find its the same damage as tobacco plus the added bonus of psychosis and paranoia and a feeder drug to opiates etc

Go choke on a BBC you faggot

Why no long term study when the plant has been around for thousands of years? Funny they have long term studies for tobacco, but not for weed.

>same damage as tobacco plus the added bonus of psychosis and paranoia and a feeder drug to opiates etc
You're a brainwashed, blatant retard. While inhaling burnt herb certaintly isn't healthy, marijuana isn't even rudimentarily as dangerous and poisonous as tobacco. And I didn't even mention the additives and chemicals you get wiwth your regular cigarette.
And where the fuck did you read the shit about paranoia and psychosis? Weed doesn't cause any of this on a mentally healthy human.

Don't inhale smoke, it's not healthy

Inhaling burnd plantmatter WILL cause dmg to your lungs! in worst case, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and you will start choaking your way to death, so stop smoking it and use a vaporizer or eat it to minimize and remove potentially deadly dmg to your lungs.

If you are not insane before you start i dont see a chance for any mental problems.
smoking anything is bad for you so if you worry about your health switch to vapourizing it or edibles as that is a much healthier option
just be carefull with edibles as your liver will produce 11-hydroxy-THC which is much more psychoactive than regular thc and will leave you high as a fucking kite for a longer period of time

Weed literally gave me anxiety, that word didn't even exist in my personal vocabulary before then. It took me years to shake it off after I quit smoking.

>It took me years to shake it off after I quit smoking.
>after I quit smoking
It wasn't the weed

>Weed made me realize I have anxiety
>Weed gave me anxiety

>While inhaling burnt herb certaintly isn't healthy, marijuana isn't even rudimentarily as dangerous and poisonous as tobacco.

Why can I inhale cigarette smoke without much trouble, but inhaling "less harmful" marijuana smoke feels like inhaling fire?

cuz yous a bitch...

Because you're addicted to cigarettes so it feels fine while other burnt substances that do not have the chemicals your body craves feel bad.

Because you're smoking dry shake or from a bong?

Hey bot. Its why now instead of wtf? I guess it changes day to day

I always imagined it was cus of the different filters

far better to just get stoned

Food additives that make it easier to inhale.

Weed makes you less productive.
Tobacco just gives you lung cancer
I prefer cigarettes

>Watches at 0 $?
god I love this guy

Where can I buy it?

Starting an extended tolerance break today. What is something to do to replace it in my spare time. I already go to gym, read and have a job.

Go hiking in the nature.


Marijuana smoke is far more dense and rich with carbohydrates. The strain and method of smoking will also affect how badly it burns.


It's the fucking retards who mix their weed with tobacco and it never occurs to them it's the nicotine which makes that shit up. Nicotine widthdrawal causes anxiety among many other things.

Is this the janitor's catalog

Lifetime = similar outcome as cigarettes,
Mental = depends, overuse (particularly strains high in thc) can lead to paranoia , psychosis etc.

Hard to do research on regulated substances.

Research can be done in countries where it is legal

ive read that one unfiltered spliff/joint does the same damage as 4 cigs

Scientific study: THC kills/slows down cancer cells.
Scientific study: Psychoactive components only cause mental problems if you have them in the first place (most cannabis psychosis's tend to be caused by genetics that cause schizophrenia).
Scientific study: Most psychiatric medication (SSRI, anti-psychotics, sleeping pills etc.) causes way more brain damage in a few years of using the medication than cannabis would after a life time long usage (such as anti-psychotics effect on shrinking your brain).
Scientific study: Most people are fucking stupid. Me smoking weed is just trying to get on that level so life wouldn't be as frustrating living among these retards.

Estrogenic effects of marijuana smoke condensate and cannabinoid compounds

sciencedirect.com science/article/pii/S0041008X06000093

Our results suggest that marijuana abuse is considered an endocrine-disrupting factor.

tl;dr smoke weed, become a weak faggot

Also, you can study Chinese medical science that has known these health benefits long before the western shit hole of a civilization even began. There's a lot of "long term studies" consisting of thousands of herbs, you know, the root of all modern medical science? The same herbs that are used on those pills you eat.

You, sir, are being nothing but a faggot hiding in the closet if a little estrogen makes you fear that you change your personality. I'd suggest you put on your panties and skirt and go take your chances at the local gay bar.

It puts more tar into you than cigarettes. It hasn't been studied enough yet, though. There haven't been any weed related deaths(that I know of) so it shouldn't be a major concern. Although you may feel a slight disconnection from reality. I have this disconnection, I've had it since I started smoking. Of course that won't stop me from blazin. Weed affects everyone differently.

>Nancy Reagan said...
Smoking weed is far more healthy than cigarettes, and the "gateway drug" theory was debunked ages ago.

Pot will wear down your lung capacity pretty quick if you smoke it regularly without equally regular exercise. Long term/serious lung damage hasn't been documented as far as I'm aware, and I'll admit, I haven't much searched for any research that claims it causes any severe lung damage, so I suppose you could look around for anything more official than people like me.

As far as damage to your whole body/brain. I'm not aware of any damage that it will cause to your body, however, the brain is a different story.
Pot will chew through your dopamine like Pac-Man with a power pellet. This can leave you feeling anxious or a bit depressed. This isn't permanent, and typically only a problem if you smoke very often.

ITT: Nixon lies still define the popular opinion while people shove more harmful pills down their throats trying to treat depression with them for the simple shills they are.

Weed is a gateway drug. Or, at least can be. Most people are like "this isn't good enough for me anymore" and try something stronger. Obviously not those exact words, but you get the jist.

It's rude to spread misinformation.

In those standards, caffeine, sugar, alcohol and basically anything addictive is a gateway drug. Shit theory that's based on irrational logic.

Also, weed being illegal shows increase in usage and makes it easier for people to try hard drugs, since the same people sell mescaline, cocaine and weed.

So your gateway theory is just stupid and incorrect. It's nothing but an abuse of logic, an alternative reality you choose to believe in like religious people believe in God. Research and common sense speak against it.

The smoke has more tar in it, so the damage to the lungs is bigger, but since you don't smoke as much joints as cigarettes it's probably the same

>Not injecting your mary jane.
It's very bad for you. Snort heroin that's the ticket sonny jim.

Have you ever considered vaping so you don't do any damage to your lungs, user?

Tar isn't the only component that causes lung cancer. The additive chemicals in cigarettes cause way more damage than tar itself.

Tbfh it depends on the individual. Idiots who smoke it will probably turn to crack, while anyone with a brain will stick to just weed.

They add lots of additives to tobacco for this reason, try natural tobacco, it tastes like shit.
Eat your weed or vaporize it, not VAPE or dabs the kind that heats the weed and filters it without liquid.

Tar isn't what causes the damage.
Tar is what reduces the lung capacity and ability to absorb oxygen into the bloodstream.

Cigarettes cause microscopic lacerations in the lungs as a result of the chemical cocktail it's doused in, which as you age and continue smoking will never properly heal, whereas pot smoke does not cause these lacerations.

>Vaping won't damage your lungs
Are you retarded? Literally the only risk-free way is by ingesting it.

Indeed. I've had a taste of various drugs in my life, but I never started using them. Just weed, because it helps me with my sleeping problems and anxiety, as well as it makes depressive thoughts easier to deal with, since it makes you think through the bad shit instead of suppressing them like SSRI does.

I feel this disconnection and it's beginning to scare me. Is there much research on this? Anyway to re-associate with reality?


Proper vaporizing will however significantly reduce the amount of carcinogens ingested.

Edibles are harder to come by for the majority, so it may not be as practical as purchasing a vaporizer and a decent whip.

This. If you're worried about lung damage, learn to make some cannabutter and you gain all the benefits and none of the negatives.

In India they drink a beverage called Bhang, which is made from several different species of cannabis and is generally considered good for the body and the spirit. Edible cannabis is actually really healthy, when it comes to scientific research.

>Edibles are harder to come by for the majority
Nigga, just buy a pressure cooker and make your own.

Nigger, I accounted for making my own. The problem is, not everyone can have the most outrageous scent in the world flooding their home, as many people live in apartments or duplexes.

Not true, especially if you consume CBD dominant strains, you will actually experience a surge in productivity. Don't spew nonsense without informing yourself

No need for a pressure cooker. Just some patience. Take about 2-3g weed, simmer it in 100g of olive oil at low heat for 3 hours, let it set, put in the fridge for an hour after it cools down to room temperature and then bake some brownies, or make food and pour the substance in it.

Pressure cookers and croc pots make the process a bit easier though. But all you really need is a frying pan or a kettle.

Hard to do a study when you cant even get off the couch to throw that pizza box down the trash chute

And olive oil, because it is the best kind of fat you can use creating cannabutter. Coconut oil on the other hand produces more tasty substance.

Good advice!

Cheers, mate!

Stoners are mad gay

no nigga weed doesn't affect your sexuality

and ive seen very few gay niggas smokin weed

You say that like everyone's fucking pals and that it's not just a bunch of corporations competing with each other for profit.

There hasn't been as much research done into marijuana because it's not being funded as much. It's not being funded as much because why the fuck would a drug company sink that kind of money into something that would harm their business? That's basically how scientific research works. Unless you have someone with a lot of money that actually does want to fund it, it's more of a hassle to get the permission to do things with it than the potential pay out of a product line that you can't patent.
It's like asking why anything else in the world that we could have been researching hasn't been yet. You have to ask yourself who that research will benefit in the long run and where the money is going to come from. It's the same reason millions of idiots dumped buckets of ice on their heads for a disease no one cares about.

That having been said, it's now becoming very socially acceptable and it's only a matter of time before it's legalized, and once that happens, most of these big companies will have their hand in the cookie jar and will be funding all kinds of studies. Mostly with the goal of telling you why you should buy it and how good it is for you (think AirBorn and the sugar pills they sell)

But then you will get other companies that want to fund research telling you how bad and evil it is and why you should buy their product instead. Which, incidentally, is why marijuana is illegal in the first place.

Are you really pulling a "trust me it's an ancient chinese remedy" on us?

You realize orientalism isn't really a thing anymore right?

A+ my dude

No, I'm saying "Trust on this thing that scientific research trusts". Just because you are stupid enough not to read it and therefore judge it straight away does not mean scientists aren't. Components of different medications consist mostly of herbs, that are just broken down into their chemical components to produce pills. Research into this and quit yapping.


The Chinese did not know why the herbs acted that way, but they saw they did. In modern science we can take components of these herbs that are causing the positive health benefits. The only thing that changed therefore is the knowledge of why the herbs give the benefits they do.

>buying the lie that people who smoke pot don't have successful lives

enjoy your world view my little dude


Not near as much as smoking cigarettes. Still. Eat it.


Quite a lot. Chronic excessive use will chip away at a lot of your cognitive function.

Good news. It all self repairs after a surprisingly short time of not using marijuana.


Im less worried about damage and more concerned about you having better hobbies.

I don't think you understand science as well as you think you do.

Plus, I was referring specifically to your invocation of ancient chinese wisdom of herbal medicine, not the various scientific studies from your previous post. I couldn't respond to those even if I wanted to because you didn't cite any.

I know a daily smoker that makes 10,000€ every single day. Who even needs productivity when you've got stock market. Today's world is about intelligence and wits anyway.

Depends on your age.

It's far more healthy for your lungs than cigs. It's not going to give you cancer. There's less tar and probably little to no carcinogens and even so the sheer volume of consumption is DRASTICALLY less than those who consume tobacco long term.

If you smoke it when you're young (like before age 21-22 even) then you could permanently alter your brain chemistry. How much would depend on how regularly and when your brain finished developing etc. It would not be as bad as say, doing a bunch of hits of acid or something.

All in all, it's probably better to go out on the weekends when you're 16-18 and get drunk, then stop drinking and switch to weed when you get older imo.

While alcohol is bad for you, humans are literally DESIGNED to consume massive amounts of alcohol. We have massive livers and have been drinking booze in some form or another in lieu of clean water for thousands of years. If you're going to use a casual drug, a little of each depending on your ethnicity/genetics is the way to go.

Higher risk of psychosis as well as wasting time and money, not much else.

Because the research is available for anyone to read and takes you an estimate of 16 seconds to find with Google. Unless you're an idiot that wants everything handed to him, of course.

Why don't you inject it?

>it all self repairs after a surprisingly short amount of not using marijuana

Mind telling me the exact time? Just asking

Weed does not make you less productive, it is yourself that makes you less productive then trying to blame it on weed. kek

And if you are, I have no time for your nonsense. Educate yourself, do some research and stop living in denial.

Probably not as bad as cigarettes. After it's legalized and they stuff the shit with addictive chemicals and filler it'll be more compairable. Body and mind, We don't have hard numbers. It'll be a lot easier to study once it's legal.

Fuck it, though. Do you want to live forever? Indulge some.

It doesn't damage your brain in any major way you D.A.R.E. brainwashed faggot. At least not more than being near a running car.
Although patterns of behavior over time can alter the structure of your brain and things that support those habits can be potentially detrimental the plant and cannabinoids involved do next to nothing. Read up on the endocannabinoid system and then the three to four hundred cannabinoids in the plant and come back to me with a legitimate answer.

It's all about the filter. In a cigarette you have a fullfilled coton filter that blocks a lot of smoke and cold it , while in a joint you have an open filter and you get all the smoke

My wife and I smoke every day. We both make 120k a year combined. I think we are doing ok

I've smoked lots of weed the past 2 years. Dumb young and [had] money. $220 for an ounce. Good shit. Dabs $50 a gram. Good shit. I stopped smoking weed 1 month ago. Honestly weed was a big part of my life since I was trying to use it to cover my problems. I stopped smoking weed and realized I don't like any of my friends they are childish and fucking stupid. Glad I'm not around them much. It's not hard at all to stop. Just don't be mentally weak. Hardest part of stopping smoking is the free time you have left over. I could list the pros and cons I've experienced if anyone is interested

>120k a year combined
>mfw I make 150k myself

Con: the "real" life is a depressing routine shit of a day, everyday.

Con: it turns out, the "high" life is full of bliss and dopamine, and everything is just so perfect.

Mfw i make 430k a year

The same as tobacco damages your lungs and possible paranoia, psychosis, and memory loss in the future.

>It's far more healthy for your lungs than cigs. It's not going to give you cancer. There's less tar and probably little to no carcinogens and even so the sheer volume of consumption is DRASTICALLY less than those who consume tobacco long term.

This whole statement is bullshit

>If you smoke it when you're young (like before age 21-22 even) then you could permanently alter your brain chemistry. How much would depend on how regularly and when your brain finished developing etc. It would not be as bad as say, doing a bunch of hits of acid or something.

Possibly not bullshit, but I would love to see the research on that.

>All in all, it's probably better to go out on the weekends when you're 16-18 and get drunk, then stop drinking and switch to weed when you get older imo.

What? Booze is the main thing people tell you not to do before 21 specifically because it alters your brain chemistry. You're better off not doing either of those things until you're in your mid 20s

>While alcohol is bad for you, humans are literally DESIGNED to consume massive amounts of alcohol. We have massive livers and have been drinking booze in some form or another in lieu of clean water for thousands of years. If you're going to use a casual drug, a little of each depending on your ethnicity/genetics is the way to go.

Humans aren't designed to do anything, we're adapted to tolerate moderate alcohol consumption. Not "massive amounts." You will die from massive amounts. Also not chronic use. Your liver will be ruined from chronic use. You also misinterpret the fact that some places at some times in history have sanitized their water by brewing with it. In reality most people throughout history would have been drinking well water or water collected from cisterns. If you look at ancient cities a lot of them are designed with many cisterns built all over the place. It's part of the reason ancient cities were able to survive sieges for so long.

Trips of truth.

I'm taking a break and suddenly have so much free time it's bizzare

>mfw I make $2.5m a day
>mfw I live in Zimbabwe
>mfw I have no face

Not him, but weed does indeed alter your brain chemistry if smoked before the age of 16? This is a recent revelation from like 2 years ago. Just look it up. It's proven. But after age 16, there's no effect. If you smoked weed before 16, it does fuck up your brain chemistry.

I've been vaping nicotine juice for a few months now to see if it was actually as addictive as it's advertised. I don't think it is. Nicotine does have that feel good sensation but I also never get a craving for it.