Name a more cooler villain
Name a more cooler villain
OK since you asked
he wasn't the villain
Not even ironic.
First post best post
Definitely had the cooler entrance
He's clearly the opponent of Clint Eastwood who is the main character. He's literally named The Bad in film.
yep. and lee van cleef was a great protagonist in that film. his motives were more righteous. he wasn't just a simple bounty killer.
For a Few Dollars More was the superior movie, better villain and that fucking ending with Van Cleef and his watch chime
so ahead of its time
The names count nothing idiot, the movie it's literally people doing things only for their well being, the only differences are the methods and limits they put to themselfes.
It has no villains, the strongest and most cunning wins.
Can't agree more.
great backstory scenes too
This is my second post in this thread.
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I dont know about some sort of global philosophical outlook, but the film pretty firmly establishes lee van cleef as the antagonist. You're grasping at straws
An antagonist isn't a villain.
In a sense the good (should've been called "the slight nicer") is the bad's antagonist, and even the ugly is mostly an antagonist.
>main character
>not Tuco
Try again.
dude like just turn your braim off lmao XD
Lee van Cleef is legendary villain of the west