So Sup Forums look at this picture that just emerged to our local tv station and they published it , this old cunt is causing same shit here like in ukraine , syria and many other countries , colour revolution like they call it. And on top off all i know that asshole Darko Babalj , he lives near me. So what do you think will Soros succed in his intetions and cause shit here?
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Can you give more background?
shit dude
what is your diversity situation like in bosnia?
You know how shit started in kiev , syria similar shit is happening here , you have two protests , one that is organized by opposition which is funded by Soros and Eu and other is our president, so it has potential to escalate and also serbian and russian agencies say that there are also agents alredy in Banja Luka waiting to start shit.
Its really diverse , half of country is muslim/croat part and other part is our serbian so really fucked up situation
Why would they start shit? BiH is the ideal country in the eyes of the international Jewry.
What kind of protests are they? Islamist?
Time you go after those individuals and their families. Try to get some serbian support.
Beside, Timestamp please
Fucking Serbs, every time
Nah its opposition and rulling party protests , but if you look at the picture ,opposition is funded by Soros and similar like in ukraine and syria, so called colored revolutions.
No man its not even close to perfect, its defunct coutry
Looks legit.
How big is the Islamist movement in Bosnia? Are there lots of Saudi inspired Wahhabi types around?
For what purpose would the Jews want to destroy your country?
>its defunct coutry
That's why it's so great for them. They want every country to be a shithole like yours.
They want to destroy Serbian part of bosnia because their leader openly wants to secede from a failed country. Plus he's totally antiUSA
So he wants to secede from one failed country and join another failed country (Serbia)? Top kek.
I know Darko Babalj and even his family , see him almost every day, but i did not know he was such big cunt.
Its big , very big because muslim goverment supports them ,you have settlement of Gornja Maoca which is islamic and even police is afraid to go there,we in RS cant do anything because muslims support them , if you go to sarahevo there is also big movement there i saw guys with isis shirts.
Dont really know , but our vice president was jew so we are good with jews
Not what I meant. It's ideal in the sense that it's what they're trying to do with the rest of Europe.
Think about the situation in BiH. You have 3 large but different groups of people who were basically forced to live together in an artificial country. They are constantly at each others' throats. They will never get along, never unite, never agree. Therefore, they are easy to influence and control by outside foreign interests. It's perfect for any scheming Jew like Soros.
BiH is the model after which the rest of European countries will be modeled, just replace "Serbs, Croats and Muslims" with "Germans, Arabs and niggers", for example. Pic related.
>I know Darko Babalj and even his family , see him almost every day
You know what to do then.
Bih is not a real country because its protectorate of Eu , and cant function anymore like this. Its better we all go our ways.
I'm sure the Obama/Clinton criminal organization is making money off of it, somehow.
Give more info please. Why are Soros/EU interested in this? What would they gain? I'm uninformed about the situation in your country.
You are right
How that work though? I can see the Serbs leaving, but don't Croats and Bosniaks live in the same region? How would you split them up?
That's the main reason why bosnian muslims don't want to secede, because they don't even fully control their part of the country. Their plan is to outbreed everyone and repopulate country as they want, like what alboshit did in kosovo
Its same he is interested in ukraine , syria and many other countries , to back opposition which he controls and put down rulling parties which sre not under their control and basicaly he controls that country.
Croats have their majority in Hercegoina and parts that are near sea its a little bit smaller but they are under influence of Croatia and their prorection
We should have just let the Serbs remove the kebab for you.
Dodik (The President of Republika Srpska) is for Russia. That is why jew Soros is trying to destabilize the country and make its people suffer.
But we are those Serbs that were removing kekbab in Bosnia before you started bombing us
>I know Darko Babalj
Spread that document! Its your holy quest to get all Bosniacs, Serbs, Croatians and Hunagrians to know it. (I would even include Mt. Niggers)
We both know what our people are able to do, if they encounter a common enemy. I will do the same her in the west Balkan.
Its time we end it.
Its just serbs being serbs(i.e. lieing and making shit up). They're pisspooor in that part of the country, their current leader is corrupt to the and they would be bankrupt by now if it wasn't for the russian aid they get erry now abd then. The protestors, other serbs, are probably more nationalostic and incapable than the current ones. Their founding member is dr. Dragan Dabic, or doctor genocyde, so they're also shit.
Honestly, most of the country doesn't give a damn about these protests cause the parties involved are equally bad.
Don't believe the serbs, ever
This is so fake I can't believe Sup Forums took this bait.
Oh wait, we do it every single time.
Open Society Foundations is literally Soros Shillings and Subversion, Inc.
this is an interesting quick read
also apparently there was a famous german prophet that predicted ww3 would start in balkans
It will spread on its on but he will just negate it.
Hey Hamza how is it in Sarajevo?
Yeah like the one from ukraine and every other country in which they did same was fake
>Their plan is to outbreed everyone
That's what they do everywhere.
So that means BiH gov is independent from EU influence. How are relations to other Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia or Qatar?
Sounds plausible.
Doesn't matter. We see protests and they're questionable. If others claim there are foreign people steering shit up, we should listen.
Stop embarissibg yourself idiot, you're not even half as important as ukraine.
The protests are justified, but as I've said, they won't change shit
Their relations with Saudis and Qatar are very good , Bakir is giving saudis land almost for free and calling them to invest here , Saudis also come with money and but serbian land and houses, i cant belive how many saudis i see in sarajevo now.So basicaly Bakir wants to create islamic country in eu.
Otto von Bismarck also correctly predicted WW1 starting in the Balkans
Explanation for clueless people
>Bosnia is a country consisted of 2 parts: Serbian and muslim/croatian (they are forced to work together)
>as time goes by and with US hard influence, legal institutions from 2 parts of the country are being unified..under muslim dominance
>muslims prosecute serbs for war crimes, serbs get sentenced
>serbs prosecute muslims for war crimes, muslim courts set the free
>situations like these happen on daily basis
>Serbian leader say that this situation is not fair and he demands a referendum whether to install legal system in Serbian part again, like it was in the beginning
>USA threatens new war if that happens
>Serbian leader is now openly for Russia and antiUSA, wants to secede from bosnia and merge with Serbia
>Soros to the rescue
>copypasta from Ukraine/Syria etc
>protests today to coup the leader
there you go
you know what to do user
You summarizied it good
So BiH is basically an outpost for Wahhabi extremists.
There's just one thing still unclear to me. What interest do the US and Soros have in a Muslim-dominated country? Why keep Serbs under the thumb? Just because?
>Explanation for the clueless
>Is clearly clueless himself
kek, just stop it chet
>he will just negate it.
Since when we trust the word of an old jew more then that of our relatives and friends.
>shu shu ustase
>What interest do the US and Soros have in a Muslim-dominated country? Why keep Serbs under the thumb? Just because?
Muslims are proUSA and sleeper agents for starting new shit in Balkans, Serbs are proRussia, that's literally the only reason.
USA doesn't want strong unified Serbian country in the Balkans that supports Russia and does its best to weaken it.
Something like that , there are really big number of extremists in Bosnia especially muslim part just look at number of jihadis in Syria ,if i am not mistaken bosnia is third country.
bumping for interest, can somebody tl;dr
>Serbs are proRussia, that's literally the only reason.
Your ID speaks for itself """"brat""""""
Look #
'Oћe бити cpaњa?
Pa nadam se da nece , cisto zbog bas ne treba nam to , moramo se usmjeriti na prave neprijatelje.
Is there anything left of value to sell?
If there is, then that's your answer.
Peци ми, cви знaмo дa јe Дoдик гoвнo, aли јe л'oн мaњe злo y oвoј cитyaцији?
Brateopov jeste to sve stoji , ima jos dosta stvari sto lose radi samo to da promjeni i bice ok ali pogledaj ove iz Sds oni oni vode pro bosansku politiku , Bakirovu politiku a ti je lose, Dodik je makar za Rs i nece protiv rs i naravno okrenut je rusiji.
Enjoy Russian soldiers and freedom fighters
What's that have to do with anything?
I can't wait for the Serbs starting to genocide you again filthy mudslime
No one really wants to genocide muslims, everyone wants to live in peace but it's totally inappropriate to have courts sentencing only one group of people and setting other criminals free
The only right solution for Bosnia is to become part of Croatia once again.. so you could start living with some dignity. Bosnian land is rich and prosperous, but you guys are to retarded to make a use of it.
Fuck Republika Srpska
Isn't Bosnia a crazy political experiment created by NATO?
It is a sleeper agent country that should stir shit up when USA decides it's time for a new war in Balkans
>No one really wants to genocide muslims
Oy vey Shlomo
There are many mujahedeen left in Bosnian villages, but I mean the complex political system. Bosnia is incapable of acting.
Yes it is , Bosnia is not a proper country since its still under protectorate of EU and also like you said it , its clearly failed experiment.
Dude you just have to accept that serbs did the most crimes.
More muslim civilians were killed in one day in srebrenica than serbs civilians killed in the whole 4 year war
wow did Ahmed from your school bully you that hard?
killing Bosniaks means they kill muslim Croats.. and we will not allow it to happen
That is a stupid logic you are using there , should we now compare who did more crimes? By that logic we should forgive every muslim war criminal? Every side did crimes so it does not matter who did more , and even so your muslim court only sentences serbs
Oh, we are totally against islam but no one wants to actively genocide them
I am talking about legit criminals which are set free. Having more casualties doesn't make your side immune to committing war crimes. The biggest problem is that you know this and refuse to admit it because >le evil Serbs.
Daily reminder """bosniaks""" are not real, only treasonous serbocroats who betrayed their ancestors by converting during mudslime occupation.
Any yet you can't name one bosniak war crime. I can, and they did happen, and people were sentinced. You justdon' t get tohear that news in a one minded serbia.
Also, the biggest serbian mass grave was in Ahmici, where HVO killed serbs and muslims
Should i go clean my AK and check if everything is ok , since situation here can become real bad , better to be prepared then sorry later when shit hits the fan.
So what about Jovan Divjak , Naser Oric , Sefer Halilovic , Bakir and many more?
>Any yet you can't name one bosniak war crime
Dobrovoljacka, Tuzla
Daily reminder """Serbs""" are not real, only treasonous Sclaveni who betrayed their ancestors by converting during Byzantines rise.
This. I am a Serb and I can confirm that I am not real.
Nikoga ne interesuje BH/BiH/BH&RS ili kako god se danas zove ova naša vukojebina.
I'm from Tuzla, please do tell, what happened there?
Ypur own fucking court in blegrade held ilija jurisic and lethim go in the end, gglet a fucking reality check man
We are all lost in the simulation, synek.
Btw. for those who distill it themselves.
Tuzlanska kolona your terrorist attacked and killed JNA regruts who were retreating by agreement and also tells you how muslims respect those agreements. About 42 people died and many more wounded and captured
>Open Society Foundation
when will the kike die already? he's a hundred years old
Ok Ok, let's talk in English. Those few guys dindu shit, if compared to other armies, but honestly it was because they had lower firepower then Serb/Hrvats.
Anyway I am worried what would happen if the war was to break out now that muslim part got radicalized and is openly training troops in the hills. Hillarious that it is even happening in republick of Serpska, but anyway the Serbs pushed Bosniaks into that shit.
yea and poland cant into space ...give a break and go back to turkia ...wait you cant cos guess why
Might as well have a discussion on other stuff since nothing is happening.
You guys remember when the requirement for being European was democracy?
Why has that been substituted with the buzzword ''stability''.
Dictators can also provide ''stability''.
Why does the EU and US tolerate these Balkan strongmen?
Why are oligarchs running our lives?
When will Slavs be emancipated?
There were many more muslims than us , they were getting weapons from USA /NATO , NATO was also bombing us. And also you are right muslim extremist are training right now and have really big terrorist cells.
>Serbs pushed Bosniaks into that shit.
I dont know what do you mean by that Mehmed, muslims fucked Yugoslavia with Slovenians and Croats they seceded and wanted their own islamist country so that cant happen because there are Serbs in Bosnia.
Your entire attempt at secession is the biggest crime of them all, Alija.
So a possible civil war in Bosnia?
That's always a possibility in Balkans, we don't lack retards on all sides
I need more info too. How likely of a full on Civil War right now? I want to pre-preemptively warn people so they don't fall for the trap like we did with the Ukraine.
I used to date a girl who lives in Sarajevo..any reason for concern? Inb4 cuck
Behold the might of the Croatian Mig 21s
The only thing left to do is Serb infighting. baka desu.
Maybe it's not even a bad thing, perhaps we can purge the more subversive elements.
> ID: jew
Not yet, but things can always escalate quickly if Soros is included
i'm ok with this as long as serbs gets btfo
Like the "civilians" killed in Syria right?
Hell no, the ckuntry is highly demiliterized, the islamist terrorim is mostly a meme while chernicks are openly calling for killing of muslims, but hey, they're just serbian loudmouts who lost every war they've waged and know only to kill civilians
Croats are small in number and you can always make a deal with them and talk
So what about islamist cells in Gornja Maoca?? Even police cant go there , and also Sarajevo full of jihadis.