>tfw start listening to classical now I can't listen to anything else
I used to be one of those people who trolled people who listen to classical. Don't take the classical pill
>tfw start listening to classical now I can't listen to anything else
I used to be one of those people who trolled people who listen to classical. Don't take the classical pill
>tfw too intellectual for anything but classical
How do I take the classical pill? I cannot swallow it.
Quick get into jazz, you can be saved yet.
I have realized that everything else is dogshit but i can't get heavy into classical yet. Any tips?
My evolution was
prog-rock (King Crimson) - free jazz (Sun Ra) - contemporary classical music (John Zorn, Morton Feldman or Giacinto Scelsi)
If you are coming from rock/metal
you might wanna check out the link below
to ease you in
Start with medieval music
pseudo patrician is only liking high arts
real patrician is finding joy in all levels of art
>pseudo patrician is only liking high arts
real patrician is finding joy in all levels of art
>it's a green text accidently has a paragraph in it episode
grouping all music spanning 600 years together because they use the same set of instrumentation is retarded user. What periods are you into?
Also implying albums like R plus 7 haven't had as much significance in musical progression as Beethoven's works
>it's a unironic genre nazi episode
R + 7 had no significance in musical "progression"
Being this much of a faggot
gonna engage with you on this meme i don't know if that's a wise decision
>start listening to jazz
>Can't listen to anything else
>Everything is so musically uninteresting
How do I save myself
>Started listening to The Carpenters
>Can't stop recording piano and guitar videos in my rented flat in High Wycombe
>mom they won't let me be patrician ree
start anywhere
This is the kind of attitude that brings us modern art galleries.
>Also implying albums like R plus 7 haven't had as much significance in musical progression as Beethoven's works
Pahaha, do you even know what you're talking about?
>jazz is the best genre from a theory standpoint
>he fell for the classical is intelligent meme
>jungle noises
nice bait
ugh, back to Sup Forums
back to tumblr
What the fuck is that sheen on his face? Who is that?
just enjoy it
>you're still an idiot