Are dark haired ppl with brown eyes are qualify as white?
Are dark haired ppl with brown eyes are qualify as white?
Other urls found in this thread:
If they are not german then yes
What about austrians?
Are Semitic and certain middle Easterners(Lebanese) people white?
When in doubt, go to the nipple test.
also not white
SEE: Definitely post nipples.
Eye color is determined by melanin levels. If your mom has blue eyes and your dad brown, it's likely you'll have brown or darker eyes than your mom. My entire family has blue eyes, so our line has been uninterrupted. Hitler would've loved my family.
Before anyone asks, yes that is a man.
Is this that trap that always paints on the freckles?
If not, mooore.
Why do so many southern Germans have brown hair and brown eyes?
Yes, but var. Asiatic rather than Europid, the latter of which typically features light hair and eye color.
>My entire family has blue eyes
Same here
I don't have any genetically related to me family member with eyes other than blue.
Here you go
What about brown hair with green eyes?
Asian blood. Awful example.
Are blue eyed people with African paternal lineages white?
100% yes, Atlantid group.
They are Jews, literally.
Real blondes are rare af here.
who the fuck cares
as long as she makes my dick rise I will make babies with her
>Hitler would've loved my family.
Hitler wrecked your country in 6 hours. Stop spreading memes when Hitler hates white people and create Isreal.
>I would mix race
You're disgusting user
Who is this neon demon?
haplogroups are a meme
Uh, get your history right. Blue eyes and blonde hair was his ideal. We just shaved any female who would mingle with German soldiers. And while I know we got raped in the ass without screaming, we wouldn't have lasted a day if we fought back. Cowards yes, but living cowards and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for our cowardice.
they are a scientific concept at least, unlike whiteness
hitler grand grand grand...grand mother fucked a nigger...and she had a half nigger kid...etc.. etc...
I just found this girl on Twitter today,
I must cum in that belly button
>t. literally africa
padanian independence when
if not then the romans, greeks, egyptians, tesla, fibonacci,da vinci, beethoven werent white
Through out history I never seen any famous blue eyed and blond hair person, it's usually been the ones with black/brown hair with brown eyes, they have always been the leaders of the world.
>padanian independence when
I pray it happens soon
post more of the sloot
I hope you didnt blow ur load yet m8, theres something you have to know about "her"
nice although celts are qt tier