Which one?
Which one?
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we need a crossover where john forces brendan to film him verbally abusing hipsters
why dont they show it anymore?
also why dont they play space ghost?
adult swim is kill
>why dont they show it anymore?
They're airing it again starting next week
i havent watched regular tv in months so i wasnt aware
I feel you user. And to be fair, it was kind of surprising since they haven't given Home Movies a full run since 2010
wtf is Home Movies?
Im only asking cuz despite being 27, My parents didnt have enough money for Cable TV til I was 13.
>didn't get cable until 2002
>still doesn't know Home Movies
Home Movies aired on network tv in 1999 and then on cable from 2001 - 2004, which continuous reruns until about 2010.
it's a story about 3 kids who live in a not so great area who go their hands on a video camera and the one in blue thinks he is a cinematic kinomaster.
gtfo pajeet
The fuck?
I was a kid who never had cable or satellite my entire life and Home Movies was on local television.
Kill yourself, my man.
Home movies by miles.
I hated Home Movies.
>home movies
literally what?
is this comparison being made just to get responses, or was there some external shit that's justifying it?
the comparison makes no sense to me at all
>Home Movies was on local television.
For 5 episodes in 1999, yes, otherwise it was on cable
t. Underage and/or Sam Hyde devotee
They showed a Home Movies marathon instead of a new World Peace and MDE faggots are butthurt about it.
some retard has been trying to force this since WP came out
oh that makes sense then, thx
home movies fucking bretty gud
Well sorry, like I said I never had cable.
But I do remember it on local television.
>Women are a complicated bunch. Let me give you an analogy, women are like grapes. that's all i got, because i said bunch, and then i thought of grapes. It's not great but im getting somewhere here brendan, im trying. If i said women are a complicated group...shit i thought of grapes again.
Dammit I can't help but read it in his voice with a pic of him on the post.
>I hope these leaves aren't poisonous.
>They taste like poison.
>Mama! Mama, feed me!
Why is it once you slap on an explanation point I can legit hear him 100% of how he would sound?
Home Movies is the comfiest show I've ever seen so I will always say that, it's the best thing Adult Swim has ever done and likely will ever do to me
>explanation point
You sure you're not confusing it with Science Court? It aired on ABC was the same cast and animation company.
No cuz I remember Bob's Burgers voice and Archer.
Every time someone mentions either of those show I talk about Home Movies cuz of the couch's voice.
home movies sucks desu senpai, background noise: the TV show
And what adult swim shows do you like?
most of them
Jon Benjamin was in that too. But unless you were watching it in 1999, it's impossible that you saw Home Movies on network tv.
I'm 27.
I'm positive I watched Home Movies cuz I remember the pajamas on everyone and the big soccer coach with Bob/Archer's voice.
If it was 1999 I would have been 10yo and I would have been old enough to start collecting memories.
It was definitely one of the UPN episodes then. You were one of the few people (ie. ~1 million out of a country with over 100 million regular tv viewers) who actually watched it then.
>I would have been 10yo and I would have been old enough to start collecting memories
I like MDE, but Home Movies is just classic.
New MDE youtube link where?
wow haven't watched AS in years their lineup fucking sucks now. Where's all the cutting edge anime?
in the trash where it belongs
Whom is this asian bueaty cuz he looks like im known her from womewere else berfore pls oh pls tell me i kno her from swomerhe
I never picked up that he was voiced by jon benjamin
Anri Okita, some of the best tits in the world
I tip my fedora to you, sir.
Thank you.
Home Movies, though to be fair it's one of the top shows on [as]
was there a new ep last night o rnah
MDE is not funny. their skits are terrible
chicken nugget scoon detected
Nah it's true
Is this kino?