What've you thunk of this?

What've you thunk of this?

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I like it.

More like Miami Vicodin, am I right?

no one else has opinions? no insight to offer?


Are you the OP? You offered none. You got none.

Sounds fair enough.

what is it about mann's filmmaking that makes his films, in particular heat, collateral and miami vice so distinct?

>wat is cinematography

It's not that mysterious, dude. It's called an aesthetic.

Planning to watch this film

is it worth it?

If I wanted to watch a movie about some fuckboy cucking a drug lord I'd watch Licence to Kill because it's actually an engaging film. Miami vice sucks without Don Johnson.

cinematography is just a buzzword

more details would be preferred

you're a rude jerk and your presence is unwanted

da picture angles wit da light n da shadows mane


I enjoy it but I can't say I love it. It's the purest example of late-era Mann: directing the shit out of a terrible script. Nothing can overcome a bad script but you can't help being transfixed by some segments.

i found it ironic that i couldnt understand half of the dialogue due to retarded accents on everyone except jamie fox who was the only one who could speak clearly

is the show worth watching?

any more essential-mann?

Phenomenal kino

Plebs don't like it because they expected Bad Boys III

dat asian chick tho

Yes for the love of god, watch it.

His aesthetic is second-to-none

I wish he was younger so we could enjoy more of his work. He is truly a master FILMMAKER. He knows how to mix in all the elements that make a movie good to watch. Sound mixing, pacing, editing, and yes, especially cinematography.

He doesn't make intricate movies, he makes well crafted ones.

The pilot and, to a lesser extent, the first season are Manncore. The rest is in-name-only.


even this was fitting

It's good. Beautifully shot crime film. But not quite great. The camaraderie the leads had in the series sort of made it what it was. W/o that, any cheekiness, it felt a little off. I like Colin but even co-star Theroux would have made a better Crockett.


wasn't this only in the Director's Cut?

litterally this
it's not an action movie at all
I especially liked that there are not a lot of stakes, and that the characters don't go through a life changing revelation etc
it makes the movie much more comfy and interesting

I really liked Colin Farell as Crockett for some reason
I espeically liked that weird stache... it's a good look that really came out of nowhere, esp when you are supposed to be the guy from the tv show


^Essential reading for those wondering if Miami Vice is GOAT or just merely kino

Collateral is better, but i'm you all already know that

They don't need camaraderie, it's implied. That's what many people don't get about this movie - Mann doesn't let his characters go through the rigamarole of "getting to know/trust each other" and "learning the ropes" and all that. It's all implied.

They're stone cold professionals, they communicate almost telepathically at this point - when Tubbs asks Sonny if he's in too deep and Sonny says he can handle it, that's it, Tubbs trusts him.

pretty pictures that evoke targeted feelings and sensations

m8 blackhat is the pinnacle. Collateral is just interim.

GOAT setting and atmosphere, classic Mann style

Convoluted story. I think it needed to be longer

Never bring that up again my friend

It really isn't that bad famu

Like a lot of Mann stuff it doesn't all quite come together, cause the dialogue can land clunky and they had to change some stuff, but enough works that I always like it more each time I watch it. I kind of love it, and the ending is amazing.

greed is not good

colin is a very lucky man

>greed is not good
I got a (you) but I don't know why

Is this a quote from The Insider?

so who else actually liked blackhat

I haven't seen it, but having a 6''4 blue eyed blond haired tanned body builder who pulls off an effortless Thor portraying an elite cyber criminal is beyond unrealistic.

I didn't hate it. The last shootout was kinda silly (but gorgeous), the other ones were great.

There was definitely something off about it, but a lot of its elements really did work.

That's cool. Self-reflection is not a part of your wheel-house.

Not surprising, actually, for a Mann fan.

yeah I agree the ending is amazing, but is it possible to explain why though ? I can't tell
I think it's because the last shot is so simple, and then the movie title just appear on screen... idk

The only thing about this movie I remember is it destroyed that annoying movie trope of bad guys using someone as a hostage and having their head clear and telling the good guy that is five feet away if they (bad guy) get shot they'll kill the hostage as if they can somehow react faster than a bullet would hit them. IIRC in this movie good guy just shot him in the face.

>le Hemsworth is too good looking meme

Who gives a shit. He's an actor, and he did an alright job. He's not just a neckbeard in the movie, he's meant to be a menacing, kinda unhinged figure. I didn't disbelieve that that guy could've gone to MIT.

He's great in it.

Loved it, but then again I've loved everything Mann's done except The Keep pretty much.


I don't understand why you're being obtuse right now.

Greedy because I quoted too many posts? Or what?

Unfortunately Hemsworth sounds pretty dense to me, he talks slow and has a weird accent

I have a hard time believing he has an IQ over 110

Maybe that's just me

As movie it was 6/10, could use less bullshit drama and more police-esque feel, but it was still a good movie. Compared to the show it was complete shit, no banter between the partners no fake Jamaican accent, not even a bren 10 or red Morleys for sonny.

I could see him as a military dude who went to college afterwards, which would also explain why he's proficient with guns.

movie is the definition of kino

No, it's not. It is literally the composition, movement and lighting of each shot that the DP and director choose.

It's my favourite mann.


Miami Vice is definitely a crowning achievement in kino. I wish more memesters actually watched it with an open mind.

I was trying to get my old flatmate to watch it and he just said "oh I heard it wasn't good" and didn't pay attention and just dicked around on his phone during the movie. When it ended he said it was pretty good and walked off.

0/10 would never do it again

Dude it's obvious. Just let it pass by. You're really not worth the focus here. Let's just get back to the movie now.

He didn't not work. I really think of all the issues with the movie, he wasn't in the top5.

Besides, a gorgeous movie needs a gorgeous leading man.

Thief - Caan
Collateral - Cruise
Vice - Farrell and Foxx
HEAT - Pacino especially
Blackhat - Thor

yes that word was appropriately applied to indicate he was sharing the actual definition of the term as accepted by the rest of the reading world


It really is, it's the only time I truly believe Mann stopped being an artist and became his memes.

Mann: A good example of form with soul-deadening content. (That's being generous as if there is any content to engage with at all.)

series comes out on BR soon
stoked about that

Yes, the first three seasons are worth watching, it's one of the best shot procedural shows ever, the writing isn't that impressive today(Crockett and Tubbs end up "losing" several times which isn't that out of place today but was pretty crazy back then that they could and did fuck up) but it still has compelling episodes and a great cast

oh no a spoilered image.

since i'm masochistic i'll never look and live with the pain of never knowing.

Let it go user, thread isn't about you :3

His films have plenty of content but they're not reliant on substance - no.

He's hyper-American in that sense, he's all about the spectacle (and doing it well) and I suppose many don't appreciate that. You can get shlock like Transformers-Bay or whatever capeshit, that also lacks substance but doesn't nearly impress technically, or you can get some deeper cuts that are relatively boring or flat as an experience.

I think Mann is rather unique in that he's just a master craftsman who still insists on working with steel rather than something more refined.

Haven't seen Thief, but the thing with all the other leading men in Mann films is that they're all slick as fuck. They sound intelligent/street smart, and come across as very focused, somewhat closed individuals.

Hemsworth doesn't come across that way for me, he comes across as laid back and open in everything I've seen him in

I'll watch Blackhat soon, maybe he's alright, he just doesn't come across as Mann material from what I e seen previously. I've always viewed him as a special needs version of Heath Ledger

Thanks for the attention.

Also thanks for putting Mann in the same realm as Bay. It makes sense. One is sleek and the other is blow-em up. Absolutely no content to think about!

As someone who loves Mann but feels the same way as you do about hemsworth I'll just add that I have the same misgivings as you did before watching.

I honestly came out with some definite problems with the film itself (such as the sound mixing), but thoroughly impressed with hemsworth. He's one of the better aspects of the movie.

sounds like you're describing a music video

The sound mixing is apparently because Mann is going deaf and doesn't want to relinquish control over it

He's no Beethoven.

He's not NOT like that, but he's definitely much closer to that archetype you wrote out. Very focused, very masculine, very self-assured.

You should watch Thief, it's the granddaddy of heist movies. Great cinematography in it too.

Film is not literature. It is an audio-visual experience on a strictly visual medium.

A well-crafted film like Miami Vice has just as much value as a deeply contextual minimally edited film about the near-ending of society - like Werkmeister Harmonies (which I also really enjoy)

I'll wait for that then instead of buying seasons 2-5 on dvd. I'm currently almost through with season 1 on dvd.

>it's audio-visual
>it's strictly visual

Are you insane?

>an audio-visual experience on a strictly visual medium

Can you read and parse entire sentences or do you have your meme arrow cocked and ready to shoot off like your tiny pecker?

It felt pretty intentional to me...

All the close-miking and overdubbing def had an obvious effect. And there were some obvious scenes (pillow talk) where you weren't supposed to understand the murmuring.

Now you're sounding intelligent. You had me concerned for a moment.

that song was over the end credits in the theatrical cut.

It was also terrible.

Was he really proficient with guns though? He didn't really ever seem to hit anything.

Some of the weird dubbing came from having to redo the chinese dialogue when they flipped some plot point around. I know it doesn't explain all of it, but still

i really, really want to see the new cut that Mann's been working on.

I guess if you like "feeling pretty" as a response to a film, I should have no problem with that. It's a rather feminine perspective, but I don't judge your gender identity preference.

Film has so much more potential, though, to be more of a deeply, personal experience.

>slick-haired, tough-talking, deniro accent
it was shit

looks like crap.