Why do blacks have the worst lower bodies among all races?

Why do blacks have the worst lower bodies among all races?

Their legs, on average, are pretty terrible, but their calves are horrendous 99% of the time. Why is that?

Scandinavian whites are truly the master race when it comes to physiques.



niggers never had culture, agriculture nothing. they stucked at being hungers so they had to run fast for millenia. if you rly compare it to any other race on planet you realize how subhuman they are. They had same time as other races yet they didnt even get close to something other races had 10 000 years before Christ. They are jsut animals who lifter their hands from ground.

Their legs don't get so much exercise


>mixed race mongoloid north Americas obssessing over us again

Fuck off we're full.


Brits are the ones with the most insane calves though. What's so particular about brits for them to have insane calves?

Function over aesthetics

To remind them of their past

They're meant to run fast...

look at a gazelle's legs. a cheeta's legs. any animal that survives via speed will have stick skinny legs and be mostly tendons, sinew, and a thin, weaker bone.

Blacks evolved on the plains and prairies of Africa, where lions, cheetas, hippos, giraffe, elephants, etc, would have posed great risk to their life. The fastest had a slight edge and went on to reproduce.

White men had to be strong for carrying and climbing rough terrain, among other things. We got the best legs but lack the low-fat, wide shouldered physique you see in blacks.

At least I can build my shoulders up. They can't do shit about their god awful legs. Look at how their asses stick out and their torsos seem to jut forward.

Fucking terrible aesthetics.

In Sub Sahara Africa there is a growing trend among black sprinters to have their ams surgically removed in order to decrease weight so they can run even faster.

In Western Africa there is a similar trend but they remove the heads instead

Blacks are pretty damn narrow. They have tiny rib cages and waists.

They just have fuller chests and delts, but their actual skeleton is pretty shit compared to the blockier white.


top bantz, based nip

you are so /fit/ holy shit

that depth of analysis for stubborn calves

>Why do blacks have the worst lower bodies among all races?
Because they're made for running, they do not have strong built legs like Europeans, but rather legs built for speed.

Europeans on the other hand are not, and has a better upper body, and legs meant for carrying any weight as opposed to being fast.

From an outsider's perspective, this thread is gay as fuck.

>that depth of analysis
If you think that's "depth", then you'd probably get your mind blown by scientific paper and research on the most insignificant-looking things, which turn out to be important in further applications.

Well someone asked. I just wanted to share my take on it.

>be scandinavian
>be perfect in every way
>ruin your heritage and country left by your ancestors


>this thread

>not understanding that this is a great argument for racial disparity among races due to environmental differences

>Because they're made for running
Then why are only the Kenyans and Carribbeans good at running?

Is that what you call it?

This. Evolution has selected them to be good runners. They were running from lions a thousand years ago and they are running from cops today.

Vegemite is real food

you bet your smelly frog ass it is

m8, the fastest human is a black man, a Jamaican, reconsiderar that gor a second

Its from rowing them slave ships so much, white people have great calves from walking them

>He works legs

this is why you get chucked fgt bitches only care about abs & low bf

whores just want otter mode.

Lots of high heels.

go kill some fucking whales you degenerate chink, maybe if you got off your fucking ass and stopped jacking it to tentacles your weak and virgin populace could actual win some awards in real sports.


They're made for endurance and speed instead of strength. It's probably the primary reason why whites are genetically the best weightlifters.

They also have weak bones. They crack easy.

clutching at straws aren't we leaf?

>muh dick
>muh vascularity
>muh naturally low body fat
>muh stamina
>muh best athletes overall
>muh dark skin makes you look ripped

Blacks are superior in every facet, accept brute strength.

I hear that the bones in their necks are especially delicate and tend to break for no explainable reason, especially in the southern states

Well we let our niggers get exercise rowing boats back and forth the Atlantic. All that strength but they couldn't take freedom lol.

We used to make perches for the birds made out of rope but the servants would get their heads stuck inside them picking apples and would fall. We had no idea this would happen.

>muh dick
>muh vascularity
>muh naturally low body fat
Why is every nigger obese then?
>muh stamina
They don't have any. Ever seen a nigegr working in construction? Not a pretty sight. They get tired so easily.
>muh best athletes overall
Only Kenyans and Jamaicans and only for running. Lol.
>muh dark skin makes you look ripped
Then why aren't they ripped?

>I hear that the bones in their necks are especially delicate and tend to break for no explainable reason, especially in the southern states
I hear your cities are especially flammable, and sometimes combust for no good reason, especially after committing war-crimes.

don't know what kind of black people you have in germany, but in america everyone who even puts in a little effort to not be fat like whitey is ripped.

so true

found the defensive nigger.

Dat embarassment about afro hair leading to them all shaving it.

Fucking hell Japan has been off the charts lately