Has there ever been a movie about Adolf Hitler's early life as a failing artist and his entry into politics?

Has there ever been a movie about Adolf Hitler's early life as a failing artist and his entry into politics?

Would you be interested in watching such a film?

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Isn't that what The Pianist was about? Maybe? I never saw it.


As a general rule people don't like to watch the life stories of rascist manlets

But muh Oscar bait.

But that's my favorite kind of movie

i respect hitler's ambition

i cant even get out of my computer chair

its pretty good to


Thanks bro, I'll look into it.

How would that work? He will come out as a bullied kid that the world didn't open the doors to so he turned evil.

Mein Kampf (2009)
It's based on the satirical play of the same Name by George Tabori. Haven't seen the film, but the play is pretty good.

>Watching a video about a black jew responsible for millions of white deaths

No thanks

Me and my wife's son saw this image, and it really made us think.

Yes. Its pretty good.



>oy vey, hitler was a black jew with a microdick and 1 ball
>heh, unlike you manly pure defenders of israel
>good goys

Fucking retard

Shit, I want to watch this

Childhood of a leader sort of I guess

It's almost impossible to find willing actors for Hitler because people are afraid of being typecast as him.

>Jennie Cohen

Well, one of his best mates was a jew.
Also, many members off the SS were jew.

>jews playing the antisemitism card for fucking ever.

Saw this one, breddy gud. I think it was a 2 part made for tv movie, so it gets quite in depth into the story.

looks good, should I watch? Also checked your Vierfache.

>getting typecast as a guy who literally did nothing wrong

You probably have to settle for the Mein Kampf manga. Pic related

There is literally nothing wrong with watching manlets, you prejudiced bigot.

>Lose a incredibly winnable war

>Decide not to listen to more competent generals with experience

>pussy out and kill yourself rather than dying along side fellow soldiers

You can pirate The New Adventures of Hitler graphic novel by Grant Morrison. Fictionalized. More strange than comedic.

You know I would watch a fictionalized version of his time in Vienna where he hangs out with the ariosophists and is initiated into spooky aryan magic, then he starts having prophetic visions of his future as fuhrer and how he will die tragically, but still embraces his future because "amor fati bro lmao"

I literally just made this up and it's better than the trash those hack writers shit out.

>Would you be interested in watching such a film?

I don't give a fuck about watching the life of some pussy ass bitch who had only one ball.

>incredibly winnable war
War was fixed. No one wins anyway.
>Decide not to listen to more competent generals with experience
Absolutely this. Would add he made the mistake of invading Russia before he conquered the west and got himself stuck but that was probably deliberate on the part of TPTB.
>pussy out and kill yourself rather than dying along side fellow soldiers
Theory is his body was never found and that he ran away to South America and died of old age there like other Nazis. Very likely but yes suicide is not an option at all.


Would you have sex with Hitler's mother knowing that you might impregnate her with Hitler?

>Mein Kampf manga

Does Chinese cartoons trigger you?

Also his best friend is a talking pie

It doesn't matter if I do or don't because whatever happens happens. I can't change the future. So if I do impregnate her with Hitler, so be it. If I don't. so be it. If I have sex with her and someone else fathers Hitler, so be it. Everything will go according to plan.


There are plenty of good movies with cheesy titles.

>i-it's not like I don't like you Hindenburg-san

Any good?

This film is biased trash.


They don't even attempt to explain things from his point of view.

THIS is a masterpiece and 99% unbiased.


>THIS is a masterpiece and 99% unbiased.

is it? Or is it just naziboo shillling about how hitler dindu nuffin?

I came here to post this - yes "Max".

It's actually a good watch, I saw it for a uni course on Nazis in popular culture. One of the obvious critiques is that it portrays Hitler as a total fucking autist who it is hard to believe could rally even one person to his side.

On the other hand, the sets and acting are all obviously solid and there's a dramatic arc there worth seeing.

But it does establish Hitler's motivations and is not biased. It can't be when Hitler is the protagonist.

You simply did not watch it or you watched it with your own bias in mind.

Enjoying the first week of 10th grade user?

>One of the obvious critiques is that it portrays Hitler as a total fucking autist

so in other words, its historically accurate

you mean innacurate


>not autistic

There's a Das Kapital manga too you know

There's manga for everything

Hitler may have been one of the best public speakers ever, but by all acounts he fell appart in one on one conversations. So yeah socially awkward and autistic seems right. Just look at what he did to his poor niece.