Australians, what are your opinions on our new champion of the ''''''''working'''''''''' class?
Australians, what are your opinions on our new champion of the ''''''''working'''''''''' class?
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Lol you're a retarded gorilla fucking aussie
The Liberals are so out of touch they thought a $6000 toaster was a thing. Lol. You may not like this guy but at least he has had a life that somewhat resembles yours.
>on drugs
>domestic violence charges
sure is the left's hero at least
Even the BBC was reporting him as a drug addict criminal who hadn't paid tax in years.
Most retarded shit I've seen...this week.
>tfw was at parent's house and got in to a huge fight with my mum because I called Duncan a degenerate bogan
I mean seriously though. He is self-admitted not very bright, has poor education, a disability and works minimum wage. So why does he have two kids?
Zero sympathy from me.
I fucking loved that part of Q&A, because even though he had such a hilariously bad credibility (come on senpai, even a upper class teenage girl who's never left her suburb can tell you're a druggie) they took him seriously, then attempted to steer the conversation onto their own pre-planned issues.
He is the poster boy of the socialists. You know the very socialists that are taking over the west.
He's a cunt
It's a commercial toaster at a busy cafe you fucking imbecile.
>"Storrar. It took just one day for the nation's conservative broadsheet, The Australian, to go on the attack, first by demonstrating that he, in fact, paid no net tax when his social welfare payments were taken into account.
Harsher assessments followed. His son, Aztec Major, told The Australian that he had gone to live with his estranged father at age 17, only to end up addicted to drugs. He urged people to donate to charities, rather than giving to a man he described as "undeserving of the money".
On Friday, Storrar's lengthy criminal record was revealed. Various media reported that he had been convicted for offences including assault, drug possession and threatening to kill. He had also breached intervention orders taken out against him by ex-partners."
Looks like John Oliver with AIDS
Back story for non whites:
>be on qanda (like question time for shitposters)
>working class hero living off minimum wage with learnng disabilities and 2 daughters asks why the rich people (people earning over 80k a year) get a tax break when he doesnt
>conservative member of the panel replies 'if you're on miminum wage you would be paying little to no tax anyway'
>working class hero says 'i pay GST'
>he is the new hero of lefties all around australia
>they set up a gofundme page and raise 60k to donate to him
>conservative media digs up his past
>he still lives with his mum
>pays no tax
>lives off welfare
>'sporadically' drives trucks
>is a drug abuser
>has a criminal record and has spent time in prison
>beats his wife and kids
>even his children come out against him saying he's a fuckwit
>the left excuses all of this because he's fighting back against the evil rich man
>named his son 'Aztec'
>self-professed dumb arse
>drug addict
>convictions for violent criminal offences
sounds like a perfect ALP and/or Greens voter Tbh familia
He is right though. It is disgusting that the poorest amongst us has to pay 10% of their income in tax while the rich get a tax cut. How can the Liberals justify that?
also his question didn't even make sense, as he kept talking about "tax free" brackets for rich, and since there is no such change in budget
Moreover, if he's earning minimum wage, then he'd only have like 15K of his income taxable, so he'd probably only be paying 1K in income tax any way
>earning over 80K makes you a cigar smoking billionaire
it wasn't even a tax cut, it's basically a move to keep a pretty average middle class income out of higher tax bracket
How can you justify being so brainwashed by Marxist propaganda?
despite this dude probably being a plant for the ALP/greens it sucks that hes been caught up in all of this. even with his shitty criminal record id hate to be in the spotlight of the shitty media around election time
im guessing he just wanted a quick payday and its backfired tremendously
the left are STILL siding with him though, its unbelievable. the damage control is real
>>he still lives with his mum
>>pays no tax
>>lives off welfare
>>is a drug abuser
I can see why the Left like him.
First sentence
>The tax-free threshold is the amount of money an Australian resident can earn before they pay income tax.
Duncan was talking about the GST, you mong. You're more retarded than him.
>the left are STILL siding with him though, its unbelievable. the damage control is real
this is the most unbelievable part for me... people will justify ANYTHING if it fits with their political narrative
>"domestic violence is a national crisis"
>slavishly defending a confirmed wife and child basher
A general consumption tax, so what, shops are to be expected to remove GST from items just he purchases?
for My apologies because you actually made a decent point.
>it wasn't even a tax cut, it's basically a move to keep a pretty average middle class income out of higher tax bracket
Sure, but why do middle class people need a tax cut when minimum wage workers are paying GST? Why can't they get relief?
Why even have a GST? It fucks the poor for the middle class. If you're going to have one, at least make it progressive or have some sort of tax payment.
>Why can't they get relief?
Because their whole fucking life is relief, if you're not a student or a teenager there is literally no reason for you to be earning below $18000 a year. Fucking culture of handouts I swear
how in the hell would that work? as per Businesses pay GST Quarterly, are they to absorb the GST on items?
Yes GST is a regressive tax, if you want to overhaul the tax system though, you'd best start with income tax.
>at least make it progressive
>progressive GST
that would be the biggest fuckaround
how would shop implement this?
This. My country has GST but it literally does not tax the poor
>my country
Literally who
Turkish Poland
> Bogan from Geelong with a criminal record that includes assault
> Probably watches A Current Affair
> Darling of the left
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when I see the comments on /r/australia. How can they possibly like him? They have no similarities at all and he's the kind of person those guys usually hate
> if you're not a student or a teenager there is literally no reason for you to be earning below $18000 a year
I believe this country has NO CLUE about people that are actually poor. They claim they are championing the poor while taxing them for a healthcare system that benifits the old and rich. The claim they champion the poor over education when we give money to upper-middle class people to go to university. On the 'culture of handouts' I will agree it exists and it is wrong.
However, I don't think the argument applies to the very poor.I don't think we can just abandon them. I think we have to work with them to give them the level of wealth that everyone else has, not take from them and give to the middle class.
>Sure, but why do middle class people need a tax cut when minimum wage workers are paying GST? Why can't they get relief?
The GST is a flat, passive tax that everyone pays, even school kids with zero income (if they buy things)
And besides an 18K tax free is pretty good. If you're on minimum wage 60% of your income isn't taxable, and what is is at the lowest rate.
Not to mention your family (if you have one) would still qualify for a range of welfare benefits on top of that low tax burden.
What more relief do they need? I know this might break your fragile millenial heart, but some people are simply less capable of earning high incomes. This doesn't make them bad people, or deserving of less rights, but it doesn't give them a right to ever increasing portions of public money
Most people in Australia are middle class, why don't they deserve not to tax more.
Characterising what the govt did as a 'tax cut' is leftist rhetorical gamesmanship anyway, what they really did was simply prevent these people from having to pay more tax than they otherwise would.
If this guy had said something like 'Why do abos get handouts, why not me?' can you imagine the absolute shitstorm that would have erupted?
You're a retard
No one is taking from the poor and giving to anyone
>Why do abos get handouts, why not me?
He probably thinks that Tbh
The only explanation I can think of is that he was planted there by the producers with a question that he basically read out
If you gave a microphone to this sort of person normally, there is actually a chance he would ask something like what you said
Probably. The Australian should have just asked him what he thinks of Islam and let him do their job for them
Pretty sure they actually meant a toaster oven, way too much for any cafe bread toaster. Even if its an oven there's probably a scummy reseller making up to 50% on it. Related
Can someone give me a tl;dr on this faggot? I've just seen the picture around
>What more relief do they need?
No one knows. I guess thats the problem
>Most people in Australia are middle class, why don't they deserve not to tax more.
I dunno. If 51% of people voted for everyone elses money, I don't think thats right.
he said 'can't remember the last time i took my kids to the movies.'
so fund my kids and me and oh btw can we get some money to go see Civil War too thanks
>ive got a disability and low education that means ive spent my whole life living off minimum wage
>implying hes not on minimum wage because hes got a criminal record and hes a drug user
>drug addict and violent criminal Duncan Storrar goes on left-wing comedy programme
>asks inane question
>left wing fawn over him because his question roughly fits with their agenda
>facts emerge that he is a violent criminal
>left tying themselves in knots to still unequivocally defend this degenerate.
He's a piece of shit and his own son hates his guts
unrelated but did anyone see that socialist alliance faggot protesting at the labor rally?
what would you rather, death by cucking or glorious jobs and growth?
jesus christ
I miss when Q&A bashed on fatties
I ain't seen shit, just been waitin' for a mate
are you confusing qanda with insight?
im so glad its over, i dont think i could handle hearing about someone put on a pedestal via a false narrative any longer
in election related news, alot of people keep telling me (and are very convinced) that the greens will gain a tonne of support going into the election, ultimately resulting in a stronger presence in both houses. i think they're full of shit t b h, then again it doesnt take much to swing these people in a mandatory voting system
>The next Q&A is going to be about Muslims and Feminists
>They're having Ayan Hirsi Ali on
I cannot wait for the butthurt it's going to cause when she BTFO's all the greenies.
I don't have a TV
I doubt they'll get many more lower house seats. Maybe one more than the one they have now.
>Maybe one more than the one they have now
this makes me laugh every time
that adam dude is from melbourne right? the memes write themselves these days
yeah im pretty excited, i wouldnt mind reading that book of hers too
>of colour
>former muslim
how the fuck are the left going to react to this? its going to be glorious
Daily reminder Adam Bandt has PhD in Marxist philosophy
Fuck off, GST is fair. Rich cunts by more expensive food items and poor cunts buy homebrand shit.
>how the fuck are the left going to react to this?
accuse her of internalised racism
Internalised Islamophobia?
>but at least he has had a life that somewhat resembles yours.
>implying I'm a cuck
Thought it was an older Harry Potter
Yeah Harry Potter after 10 years on ice
buy him a $60,000 toaster ya cunts
is this actually a thing? thats hilarious
I imagine it is. 'Internalised misogyny' is a common criticism
>Marxist philosophy
>probably costs $50,000
>no jobs for this at all
>goes into debt
Yeah it's just a way for white liberals to affirm their own views while disregarding the legitimate opinions of other races
fortunately for him he became an MP, otherwise he'd be pretty well screwed
he was lawyer at a pretty big firm before he became an MP actually
Which episode is that from?
the only episode of Insight worth watching
Well, the one with Syrian Partisan Girl had some keks too
So, what did his expensive PhD contribute to his job readiness?
Didn't you hear? He is a drug addict and has a criminal history.
Top bloke.
'fat fighters' i think
I think he just did it for fun, and probably to gain the relevant knowledge to be an effective member of the fifth column
It's every Australians birthright to have a Holden and a $6,000,000 toaster cunts
You think you're life is similar to Turnbulls? Shortens? You're fuckin' dreaming, mate.
Then tax expensive food more and homebrand less. Simple.
Used to live in the same town as this pleb and his son Aztec. Knew of both of them - father was drug addicted bogan loser stereotypical of the scum that are contributing to the destruction of Australian society, constantly on the bongs and welfare. Son had several classes with me when I was younger, he was the type of cunt that constantly seeks attention by interrupting, making a racket, generally making a nuisance of themselves by being that stupid annoying cunt that thinks they are a sick lad but in reality people realise he's some povo fuck that probably has a fucked home life and the IQ of a fence post.
t. proud son of pure Anglo-Saxon bloodline with fuckin' convicts that landed in 1788 m8 and many family members that fought and died in both world wars for our glorious southern land
he's hardly a champion of the working class. not sure why you'd even try to say that.
duncan is just a poor bloke who cops the worse end of society, and gave aussies an insight into what it's like to struggle on minimum wage with a family.
I earn roughly $100k a year. i'd happily give up the "tax break" that we are getting, or hell, i can afford to pay a little extra in tax- just so the struggling lower class can have $20 less tax come out of their pay a week
Kill yourself.
absolute fucking beta faggot
you can't take away someones right to have children just because they earn minimum wage.
you should be happy that he actually holds a job, more than i can say for most of Sup Forums
>worse end of society
He is a welfare parasite who pays no net tax at all. How much of a fucking tax cut should he get?
Anglos are the cancer killing Australia senpai