Goodnight middle class. Goodnight American dream. Goodnight white man
Goodnight middle class. Goodnight American dream. Goodnight white man
>wages keep going down
>hey guys let's vote for a plutocrat who says "wages are too high!"
Need dem McJobs though.
Are you in favor of a higher minimum wage?
0.83% chance
\Very low
I am working in automation, as a SAP business and banking automation programmer.
It is more complex than the graphic suggests.
Sooner or later, all companies will be forced into automation to avoid being excluded from fast value chains.
But it is not going to happen overnight. It is a long-running trend, like globalization.
>Are you in favor of a higher minimum wage?
Yes, I also believe we should have a cap on how much money someone can have. That means billionaires and most millionaires should be banned.
This is the focus right now.
I don't understand why people think higher payigng jobs would be the first to go. Machine learning and AI could replace engineering lawyer programmers and many other fields.
That's the problem. You can replace industrial workers right now, that`s why they will be the first gone
Hahaha low wage costs are the primary reason industries have not invested in automation at a large scale yet.
Mentality is also a problem. As far as I can see many americans refuse to accept the concept of a half if not total scarce economy, that many things can be automated and not everyone has to work when robots-ai can do it much better and cheaper.
Basic income will be a hot topic in this century.
>Hahaha low wage costs are the primary reason industries have not invested in automation at a large scale yet.
This is a reason why workers should control the means of production. If we controlled these businesses, we won't be seeing this.
Law is on the way...
Marxism might indeed see a comeback, if the current trends continue.
>he thinks bar associations will allow robots to represent someone
Yea but robotics is limited to specific repetitive line manufacturing
Marxism is not the answer but it's always the easiest to fall for
Yeah, it would be a paradise.
Just like Venezuela, where someone was burned alive for stealing just this week, where people stormed the supermarkets because they heard that some items you can't get anywhere else were sold there, and which is so poor it had to extend the weekend for public employed.
All that in a land with more oil than Saudi-Arabia.
Daily reminder that Transhumanism will be the saving grace of our species.
>Yeah, it would be a paradise.
As opposed to your Somalian le free market dystopian society where corporations rule over us as the new feudal lords that you guys want?
let the machine elves take over goy
this all wouldn't be a problem if like 1/8 of the population didn't exist were just overpopulated as a world economy
Technocracy when? All non-STEMs should be slaughtered and replaced by robots
>The butthurt is real
>you guys
code monkeys aren't paid that well, and they can be replaced by generating code. assistant of lawyers aren't paid well, and can be replaced with software. simple engineering drudge jobs aren't paid well, and can be replaced with better software.
People will always be willing to spend more on tasks that have a high responsibility attatched to them, or where decisions are crucial, even if it's just oversight.
Yeah, America has invested heavily in the Puritan work ethic of work as a moral end unto itself. Worse still, this has been corrupted to apply to wageslavery rather than simply working hard to improve yourself and provide for your family.
A robot is the perfect attourney / judge, they follow the law 100% to the point. No mercy, no pussy-pass etc
That doesn't matter. Each states liscencing and practice requirements are set by a board of like 10-15 old white people in their 70s. You're never gonna convince them to allow it
If you aren't majoring in a STEM or have a high paying job you should kill yourself as soon as you can. You are no use to human civilisation.
I'm a Mechanical Engineer -- I'll be automating all your jobs soon
Please don't believe this. In Venezuela the workers don't control shit. They don't even have a proper Socialist system in place, their government is just a bunch of bandits / cronies sucking and stealing from the system and running everything into the ground.
>attorney that follows the law 100%
Not really sure what you're insinuating with this post. Do you think it'll be like a Deus Ex scenario where jews just make us all throttle each other for jokes or a Matrix scenario where jews turn us into batteries?
No one will replace me as a neet
k...good luck coming up with a robot that has the energy efficiency and agility of a human body
>being on Sup Forums
>not being either a person who collects Good Boy Points or someone who works for his father
You are allowed to pick one and only one.
Pro tipp: The workers don`t controll shit in any socialist system, because the workers are retarded and support whoever is the loudest populist.
2/10 shit bait
>energy efficiency and agility of a human body
>energy efficiency
this is a joke, right?
Mhmmm yes a bunch of warlords fighting for power is the best example of capitalism. Exactly. Everyone knows feudalism was the purest form of capitalism.
Stupid nigger.
I think he means that getting further plugged into the Matrix (just consider how plugged in we already are, here in the Internet and all) will be just a mean of control by the elites instead of something liberating
i.e., just more consumerism and infantilization of the population
Transhhumanism would only benefit are very select few and would likely end in disaster.
The matrix idea was actually from a DoD white paper that envisioned people as human computers.
If the people are destitute, Marxism will indeed be the answer, as FDR's administration revealed.
>Energy Efficiency
Are you fucking kidding me? Do you know how much energy goes into making a fucking hamburger? A machine is far more direct.
It will bring us all closer to God's Image
Which is what happens in socialism
In Capitalism, you at least have a chance to escape poverty
ok so where is the machine equivalent to a human
the closest thing is the atlas robot which runs on diesel which has way more energy density than a hamburger
This also affects higher paying jobs but not through automation. Employers just fire people and tell the rest to pick up the slack without any salary hikes. Happens everywhere.
I think in 5-10 years several neo-Luddite movements will arise in which large groups of people move away from society, in order to form "low tech" communities where jobs are available.
In other words, doing things the "old-fashion" way so many people can have jobs, even if it is consciously inefficient. This is actually already happening pre-2008 in some small cases.
When it gets to the large scale, as in massive layoffs or truck drivers, or taxis drivers (which is already happening) then this will have to become a political movement, so that these groups can forcefully separate themselves from the economic system and acquire resources to live on - and they will succeed in doing so, because for many poor and unemployed people, this will be their only option to survive.
So you will have these communities: low tech at the most extreme, "human-centered" in the middle, and high tech in the upper end, the basis of a new economic model where people can be employed and live.
That's what I think anyways.
So if we stick with capitalism we'll end up in a world similar to that portrayed In the film "Elysium" but if we set up Socialism we'll end up like Venezuela and every other failed commie state. Unless you're rich a dystopian future awaits you either way.
it's never either or it's always a mixture of both
I'm glad the age of the white man is almost over. I look forward to living in a world WITHOUT terror, WITHOUT sexism, WITHOUT oppression, WITHOUT racism. Once they're gone we can begin to cultivate a future to be excited for.
>Bunch of foreigns and illegals enter the country.
>Non retarded people: "We need to increase wages!"
Oh I am lauffin.
Enjoy your Elysium future.
I'll just keep writing a book every couple years. Only an idiot wants to be a wage slave.
Now let's watch stormweenies beg for trump to ban robots because they're unamerican
where you going to work if there is no businesses?
>literal communism
apparently automation will make things cheaper but the people who say this never seem to explain how people are going to get paid when all the jobs are automated
>This is a reason why workers should control the means of production. If we controlled these businesses, we won't be seeing this.
yes you can.. its called starting your own business.
>Marxism might indeed see a comeback, if the current trends continue.
not in a country with 400 million guns
yeah brah
code will just be like.. automagically generated with exactly the business requirements
because the AI will just know exactly what people are thinking and wanting
trust me I'm in college
>they follow the law 100% to the point
no, they follow the programming. Good news, we just hired Allah Akbar to program the copbots.
This is bait. Not even going to post the fish.
let me know when you get around to automating something as simple as collecting the trash.
>proper Socialist system in place, their government is just a bunch of bandits / cronies sucking and stealing from the system
you just described every single socialist system ever. That is how they ALL work.
yeah brah like a computer can even think better than any human and beat us at Go and Chess.
computers man, they can't even learn on their own. AT ALL.
computers man, can they even drive? 2stupid they will never drive.
computers man, cab they compose music? they don't even have a heart!
>computers man, they can't even learn on their own. AT ALL.
they can't. They just optimize variables.