When will this senile old man admit his defeat

When will this senile old man admit his defeat

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He isn't wrong.
Sanders just isn't going to win againts Hillary anyways.

>If I am the Democratic nominee
>13 May 2016

Sanders would completely destroy Trump, but he won't get the chance

This is ridiculous hahahaha

It's fucking rock, paper, scissors
Trump > Hillary
Hillary > Sanders
Sanders > Trump

sound like a 12 year old arguing

>Trump: 10.8 million votes
>Sanders: 9.5 million votes

Hillary voters would all jump to Bernie
Bernie voters would split between Hillary and Trump

He's effectively using the same logic Ted and Kasich used. In a hypothetical situation where Bernie did get the nomination, the RNC machine would destroy Sanders with ads, and Trump would destroy Sanders' character and soul.

I have seen a few polls that show that Sanders would win againts Trump.

But anyways Trump has alot less shit on Bernie than Hillary, other than his cuck actions with BLM.

It's like the desperate last tweet of a handcuffed nigger being stuffed into the back of a patrol car.

Muh Dik!!!!!!!!"

let him drag out for as long as possible. The longer the drags the worse off hillary is

>A socialist beating a billionaire in America

I dunno. This tweet seems... odd. I've seen a lot of tweets from this old kike, and they always reeked of his own personal style. A lot of "THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE" and "X COUNTRY DOES Y, WHY CAN'T WE." Very tuned toward his own style of rhetoric.

This? This sounds like something Trump himself would say. Like, I read it, and I hear it in Trump's voice. I swear I've heard him say the exact phrase "very large margins" before.

Uhh, yeah, he would have the numbers since all of Hillary's voters are fucking "#NeverTrump!!!"

Daily reminder Bernie and Trump are the only respectable candidates in the race, both overshadowed by retardation and facebook level oversimplifications and untruth to misrepresent them

They even agree on many issues, obviously not on others, but both are forthcoming and more than worthy of respect. The liberal establishment wants you to think both are Hitler also

Don't fall for it either way. Just do not let Hillary in, she is pure evil.

Except all polls support his claim.

Wack job Bernie has to win like 98% of the remaining delegates.

Not happening.

Yeah Trump said he wants to run against Shillary, cause he does have fucking heaps of dirt on her

He wasn't trying to defeat hillary, just being anti Trump and convincing anti establishment dems to stay in the democratic party.

>believing pre-general polling
We've been talking about how useless this shit is for months, it applies to both sides.

No they won't are you that deluded? Why do you think Trump won in a landslide after Chicago and continues to do so?
Why do you think #CruzSexScandal and #LiterallyWho ended up dropping out of the race?
People don't want to be associated with the ooga boogas and their peepers that are draining the system and smashing things up because they simply believe it's the right way to go about protesting.

[points menacingly into space]

Your post ended in 947, I have just donated $9.47 to Bernie's campaign.

Match me to defeat the trolls.

Oh yeah, especially when it would come to 1 on 1 debates and trump would destroy his delusions about "Taxing the 1%"


Sanders has high numbers against Trump for the same reason Kasich had high numbers against Hillary. Of the last "major" candidates, they had the least name recognition among likely voters. It's essentially throwing a blank slate against two candidates people already have their minds made up about, Trump & Hillary.

>a leaf trying to understand american politics

Bernie seems normal to you, but he's highly niche here and would struggle in a general among Hillary's moderate democrats, minorities, and most indepedents. General election voters are not the same people as primary voters.

Bernie folds under pressure during debates, often takes backs things he said and deletes tweets, Trump could widdle away at him for 6 months and eat him alive. Even without a huge scandle.

Clinton is arguably harder because she understands how to fight. Any other politician would be out of the game with the amount of scandal that surrounds her right now. But she's a war machine and she's got a nomination in the bag.

Polls are hugely in favor Bernie in an election between he and Trump. It has been like that all across the board for a while now.

Yeah, Hillary has used every device at her disposal to shut out Bernie's supporters, and this is known all over. He has suffered losses from voters that were turned away, he has suffered the blow from the super delegate rigged election game, and he has been forced to deal with the petty Clinton fraud games that are played all over this country.

Anyway, Bernie would annihilate Trump, but Clinton has already bought the Democratic party.

Both parties will die the cruel death they deserve, and this will happen soon. I have seen it in my nightfires.

Pretty much this.
Bernie would burn.


Hillary people don't like Bernie. They like her because she's traditional and he's not. He's too radical, that's why they back her

>Polls are hugely in favor Bernie in an election between he and Trump.

>hypothetical polls for something that's 6 months away

Berniebros are THIS desperate.

And your tax plan would "defeat" tax revenue by very large margins.

I actually wish Bernie still had a chance just so I can bet against him in a the generals right now. I'd make so much money when Trump won.

I hope he tries to campaign even after primary season. That would be hilarious.

underrated post

Nigger you can't even defeat the wicked witch of the west.

Trump would simply demonstrate why Sanders' policies are retarded on the live debate stage, and any sane/moderately intelligent person that was simply going along with Sanders because the "like him" (but haven't scrutinized his policies) will realize that Sanders is a bad goddamn choice, and vote Trump or 3rd party.

>very large margins
This guy can't even get very large margins against Hillary, and he's clearly the lesser of those two evils. If he can't even beat a bunch of people voting for the candidate with a vagina, how the hell does he expect to beat Trump?

Hillary or Bernie, Trump will tear them a new one.

Yeah and Kasich polled better than Hilldog, only reason being is that they're unknown to most people. As soon as people figured out the Sanders positions he'd be dead in the water

Fucking hit it on the nose.

Bernie people are making the same argument Kasich made for himself. Once the general public, not primary voters, actually evaluate Sanders critically, he's toast.

Yeah but they still like him more a fuckton than Trump

>still not understanding how the votes will be split if bernie would be the candidate
why are you even allowed to vote

You don't seem to understand they hate Trump more than anything
If Bernie somehow beats Clinton he'll win the same way Trudeau won over here

>Wiccan ritual in support of Sanders asks Portlanders to 'feel the Bern, be the Bern'

>Bernie Sanders supporters hailing from various magickal sects such as Wicca and Druidism will meet together on Friday night in Portland, Oregon, to invigorate the candidate’s campaign with spiritual energy.

Clearly you're feeling the Bern. Maybe you're a Wiccan? Pagan? Goddess worshiper? Heathen? Druid? Spiritual but not religious? Secular Jew? Spiritually open minded? Unafiliated? Athiest who likes ritual? Other? And you would like to engage with a community of like minded individuals to raise the energy of the Bernie Sanders vibration to a higher frequency and ultimately change the world for our children, grandchildren, and all future generations. I hear you!




I don't think any woman finds Bernie attractive in the least.

pol vs bernie supporters..would we win? they outnumber 300:1

>Trump ascends through meme magic, the true school of magecraft that warps reality
>Bernouts try their dumb pagan cult magics that never did anything
Top nep.

tfw Trump has the indians on his side to combat this faggotry

Whoa, Donald just better hand over his delegates to Bernie.

Hillary voters are old roch liberals

Trudeau won because everyone fucking hated Harper with such a passion that a lot of the NDP voters switched to Liberal just so he had no chance of winning

>Hillary voters would all jump to Bernie
>Bernie voters would split between Hillary and Trump

I've been saying this for months. We need Hillary to take the D nomination.


Trump > Hillary
Hillary > The shit stain caked on an old boot
Trump > Bernie


Underrated post

Your post ended in 85 so I donated $85 to Bernie's campaign.
Match me to defeat the trolls.


And now your country is literally burning.

You're under the impression that every American is required to vote. Most people stay home. Even for Obama, most people stayed home. People who don't like Hillary aren't going to suddenly vote for her because she's running against Trump. People pretend to hate Trump more than they do. They will just stop caring about politics once their guy is out and they wont vote. This is how it is every four years.

Generals turn into a contest over who can convince the most people who don't give a shit to give one. These people who don't give a shit are independents. These people don't pay attention to the news that much and may vote for someone because of name recognition only. Trump has charisma, a brand, and a better understanding of the American working class.

By November Trump will have brandied Sanders as the "Crazy old Commie who never had a job." Trump would have it in the bag.

>implying hillary is batter than a shitstain

>thinking he has any room for political discussion
>likely voted Merkel in
Why are you even allowed to exist?

This is exactly how it works.

It's fucked up, but it's true.