I'm genuinely offended by how bad this movie is.
I'm genuinely offended by how bad this movie is
I mean it's a sequel to a bad movie starring Dave Franco and a bunch of character actors. It's like being upset by a Jim Belushi or Frank Stallone movie.
I love them. I don't understand why everyone hates these movies so much.
its pretty embarrassing how its acting like anyone gives a fuck about magicians... and then turning those magicians into superheros.
Okay. But superheroes are just as embarrassing or star wars or oceans eleven or 90% of movies.
I really don't see anything especially bad about these movies.
I liked the first one, but this was bad. Really unnecessary Chinese influence, especially with regards to ridding it of the "bro, magic is REAL" element that made the first film so watchable.
it seems weirdly inconsistent to me that they take an anti-science stance narratively and through dialogue while simultaneously going out of their way to specifically present all their magic as elaborate tricks of science
>be famous from age 10 for playing a wizard
>go and play a magician
he is retarded?
Just like star wars and superhero movies, these films are for children. If you are under the age of thirteen, then fair enough. But these movies are definitely for children.
>Sony Pictures Entertainment
You should've known better.
If you hate all of it that is fair enough.
I was just talking about the fact that this gets way more hate than all the other shit which is just as stupid.
visually uninteresting
dialogue is hammy as fuck
every character except jesse eisenberg is just a single trait stretched out for 130 minutes
doesn't actually go through the trouble of producing narrative developments that make you care about X or Y, instead opting to literally just tell the viewer what they should be thinking or feeling at any given moment
literally have no idea what that is but just looking at that image I know it's shit. jokes on you for choosing to watch it out of the thousands of films out there
>people won't give a fuck about people with actual superpowers
... uh, yea...
and oceans and star wars didn't act like the main characters were universally loved celebrities.
I agree, i didnt like this film but ts far from the worst out there.
Is Jesse jewberg in this one?
> the main characters were universally loved celebrities
who could somehow infiltrate high security without being noticed, without wearing any sort of facial disguise
yep. Hes got the vast majority of the first half hour's screentime too.
But that's as far as I made it.
I guess the hate is just a product of the
[how shitty it is] : [how much it was marketed]
ratio. like there are worse films for sure, but if they weren't marketed as strongly then not as many people will know about it to shit on it.
this one got a decent amount of marketing, and it's so obviously bad that anyone can jump on the bandwagon to shit on it at no cost
clearly playing a magician is the more Kino career move
whats wierd is i would prefer to watch him as lex luthor again than in this, hes just so stale and boring.
Oh maybe that is it. I haven't seen any marketing for it.
I didn't even know harry potter was in the second one so his reveal was fun.
Harambe on the left